Actually Crying

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I'm beyond upset and I fucking hate it. I'm done with life, I don't know what I did to deserve this...

My best friend (irl) is moving for no fucking reason. Her mum was like 'oh we want to move and I basically don't care about you wanting to stay so you can go to school with your friends and be able to see them'.

She's my mother fucking best friend and she's moving almost 2 hours away from me. She's the only person I trust around this stupid fucking place and now she's moving.

I literally have been crying for an hour now because I'm upset and pissed off about all of this.

Band is going to shit, my 'friends' won't stop making fun of me, I have maybe three friends on here that actually like talking to me and still talk to me and act like they actually care, my best friend is moving, my other friend is just pushing me the fuck away.

I'm done, I feel like I have nobody anymore. Everybody is just leaving me. I literally feel like I have no more purpose.

Sometimes, I just wish I would have never came on here. Sometimes I wish I would've never came back.

I'm probably just going to leave because what the fuck is the point anymore? It's not like anybody's going to miss me anyways. First time I left it seemed like nobody gave two shits.

Whatever... I really am just done with life. Bye.

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