Are You Fucking Kidding Me!

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I'm so pissed off right now.

One of my best guy friends has been texting me for the last few weeks and every time he does he's basically saying 'oh I'm going to end my life because so and so never talks to me anymore'. OR he goes off and gets fucking drunk, well he says he does.

That pisses me off because he's doing all of this for attention. It's annoying as all hell too because he won't even go and talk to my other friend about what's going on.

2 weeks. That's how long it's been going on and he's text me about killing himself and getting drunk a couple of times.

You are 16, you barely have a fucking reason to do shit! I'm sorry that our other friend isn't talking to you much but she has shit going on in her life too and you can't always be the main focus 24/7.

And PPLLEAASEE don't not do under age drinking and then post it everywhere you can. That's a dumb move right there.

I don't care who you are but unless you parents think it's okay, don't do it.

I'm tired of hearing about how so and so got drunk last night of the other day. I don't want to hear it because I know somebody that drank and then got so drunk that they ended up dying because they ended up doing something stupid.

I don't what that happening to anybody else, so please please please PLEASE do not do it.

Sorry about my little rant but I've just really had enough and I can't talk to anybody around where I live about my problems because all I'll hear is suck it up or oh well, don't worry about it.

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