Band Stuff

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So I'll probably be on for the next two hours but then I have to go to my high school at 5:30 because I have to practice.

Tonight is also my band concert so I probably won't be home till around 8-8:30.

Also, tomorrow I have a band festival during school so I'll be on when I'm on my way to the other high school.

I'll be going to my 1-3 hour and then I have to take A lunch and then I have to go back to the band room (after I change into my stupid ugly band dress) to leave.

We're taking Charter busses because it was less expensive to take those instead of our own school busses. But I'll be stuck on that bus for about an hour and 20 minutes so I may or may not be on the whole way there.

I also won't be getting home to around 7pm tomorrow night because my instructor pretty much wants us to be there the whole day to watch all the bands perform.

Just thought I'd let you guys know so you didn't think I died!

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