My Dream...

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So I hate this dream last night, or this morning when I woke up and went back to sleep, I had this really weird dream with somebody in it that I haven't seen for a really long time. I don't even know what happen to him.

What I remember from my dream is that this guy, we'll call him Carson, was outside in the little waiting room of our school. I walked out there and I looked at him and I knew he looked familiar to me and then I looked at his mom. Oh my lord did I know who his mom was.

I looked back at Carson and I just couldn't believe that it was him. Him and I use to be best friends back in 4th grade and then he moved the following year. I didn't know he did till the middle of the year because he was on a different class than I was.

We talked in my dream a little bit the sad part was, I woke up soon after that. I woke up so happy because I had a dream about him. I have no way to contact him, I dot even know if he actually moved or if he just went to a different school.

I just wonder sometimes about him. I wonder if we'll ever meet again or if we're ever see each other again? He was a nice and I could see us being friends still if he hadn't left.

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