Need To Go

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Before anybody starts freaking out, I don't mean on here.

I need to leave for spring break like now. If I don't then somebody's gonna get punched in the fucking throat. If that doesn't tell you how much I'm annoyed with everybody around where I live then I don't know how else I can explain it.

I need to leave the town so I don't see anybody, I need to leave the state so I'm not reminded of the town and I just need a fucking break.

The reason why I haven't been on much this week is because I am so stressed it's not even funny. This week is such a mess I want to cry, like actually cry. I'm checked out mentally in school. I can barely think anymore and I can barely do the study guides.

I have/had 5 tests this week. I have two yesterday, I have one today and then I have two tomorrow. And on top of all of that I've had to clean and pack all week because my mom wants everything in our truck tonight because my brother has a talent show tonight and then tomorrow night, when my parents get home, they have to go bowl with their bowling league and they don't usually get don't till kind of late and Saturday I have to get up at 5:00am possibly 4:30am because my mother would like to leave out house at 6:00am. I get up at 6 every school day.

And! I just remembered I have Jazz band tonight and I had it on Tuesday and my band test is today and I need to move up a chair! Guys, kill me now! I'm gonna die! 😭😫

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