All hail the king! who's in a band?!

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AN: i was feeling pretty creative so yea XD

All hail the king!, who's in a band?!


" azumi you've cut your hair." I stated, in a quiet voice. my some what deep voice ringing through the garden. i touched a lock of her hair and let it fall out of my hand as i continued to examine her new hair style.

"i-i wanted t-to be able to protect you if you're in danger, but all my hair would get in the way." she answered. i frowned at her answer. she is still young and innocent but she is forced to kill, and fight as a part of the chiyo bloodline. the chiyo family is well respected and known for there amazing magic. the chiyo family have served my family, the royals for generation. the chiyo family makes up most of my magic knights, but to think this young girl whom was been my friend since childhood is forced to kill. when i was 11 she left with her parents for immense training on an uninhabited island only to return 4 years later, she was 8 when she left and yet she was forced to under go immense training on a uninhabited island and she did it alone her parents left her there. they forced her to survive in a harsh climate and forced her to develop her skills by releasing hundreds of yokai, yoma, and oni's . she was forced to fight with her magic and she could've died and her parents wouldn't have cared because only the one who can survive the island are allowed to have the chiyo name. i never realized that this is an ancient practice of the chiyo family, but what really shocks me is that they go through this training to see if there worthy of protecting and fighting for the king, and every chiyo has to do it. even though the chiyo's don't have to serve the royal family and can just stop whenever they want, they've made it a practice to serve the royal family , and the ones that refuse to go on the island or serve the royals are banish from there family. the royals aren't allowed to get involved in family affairs and thats what the chiyo's believe so we are forced to deal with it even if it is not our belief. even though i am only a few years apart from her she still has her innocence. ( don't get the wrong idea i mean innocence of knowledge ) i lost all my innocence to the war, she doesn't know about what goes on out there, she's never had to face the fear of war, or see so much human blood in one place, so many cold lifeless corpses. the dreadful smell of the blood stings your nose and the sight of bodies laying lifeless some cut in half on the ground.

"Asumi I will be leaving again these next few months. I wish to bring no one with me but if you must you may visit me if you'd like. I will be in Oliver city" I informed. I then handed her a cellphone.
"Use it to contact me. My number is in there already" I added.

"Wait my king you have a phone?!" Asumi asked shocked. I chuckled at her reaction.

"Haha yea"i replied brushing the hair out of my face.

"But that's from other countries." Asumi stated and I nodded knowing that fact.

" I know" I answered. I was then called by my Herald.

"My king you must be leaving now your plane has arrived." My Herald informed, standing straight up without a slouch. He was dressed quite nicely like a butler, but you expect no less from the herald of the king. I wave bye to azumi with a soft friendly smile, and she does the same. I quickly follow after my herald to my plane as I wouldn't want to hold up the plane. Eventually we reach the plane, I board the plane with all of my belongings and in no time we were in the air.

" Going to oliver city again? What have you been doing there? " The pilot asked with a chuckle. I lifted my head that was previously resting against the window and looked to the pilot. Since it's a private plane only I and the pilot were on it. The plane is modeled different from a normal plane packed with people.

"Yes sir and my business there is my secret." I replied with a chuckle. I layed my head against the window again. Though I did say I wanted to bring no one with me I wish I had someone to hangout with. I mean I have friends in oliver city, but they don't know me from the past. I wish I would've brought Azumi. Azumi only just finished her magic training on the island, I haven't seen her in 7 years. It is normal only 4 year for the private magic training on the uninhabited island, but since Azumi is the head's daughter she chose to do more training. The head of the family is the one of the next generation that is the strongest and wins the head armor and the crimson blood blade which I have to present to the winner. Soon the battle will be held and I will have to return home to present the stuff to the winner. I like to keep my kingdom friends in the kingdom I don't want them to know about my band, it would change everything.


The flight went by quickly and we were now landing at the private landing. I exited the plane and hopped into the very fancy limo waiting for me. I suggested a normal car but my herald insisted on a car fitting of my rank. My herald is the only one who knows where I go and what I do here, well him and the drive of my limo.

"Heading to your usual place your Majesty?" The driver asked looking at me through the reflection of the front mirror.

I nodded " Yes sir that is correct." I replied maintaining my manners. My Driver began to drive to the mansion I owned and assisted me with my belongings.

" Thank you for helping with my things Henry." I thanked bow slightly to show my thanks.

" No no it's fine your majesty I couldn't let a king carry all that." Henry, my driver replied then returned to his vehicle and drove off. Henry was already in my contacts, of course he is he's my driver. I hurried into my house and changed obviously a king would attracted attention.


3rd Pov

After Henry left, wolf went back into his house to change though little did he know there was someone hiding in the bushes.


Wirrin's Pov

I quickly changed and came back out of my house and hurried to my band practice studio of course I had sunglasses on too since being in a boy band meant fangirls.

"Hey guys!" I greeted running through the door of our recording building.

"Hey Wolf " Gage greeted. we both shook hands doing our band signature handshake.

" been awhile Wolf what are you always doing in this other country you visit all the time?" Rai questioned walking over to me. it's hard to fit king and band concerts in the same schedule.

" Ahh nothing of importants" I replied calmly. Yael then walked up.

" oh well we have a concert scheduled for 2 days from now I hope you were practicing wolf. So let's get to practicing guys. " Yael informed being on of the serious types in the group. We all listened to Yael and got in our spots as began our practice.


The next day came quickly and of course we practiced, we had morning practice. After practice I ran into some one that when I looked at there face shocked me.

"w-what she looks like Azumi!" I noted looking at the familiar looking girl having ran into her. This  girl wore glasses though and carried books around with her that an her hair was longer like Azumi's hair used to be.

"A-Azumi" I muttered I guess she heard me.

" Who's Azumi?" the girl asked. I regained my composure.

" Oh you just look like a friend of mine." I stated. She then completely turned towards me.

" oh sorry that I ran into you I lost my footing there." I continued. She shook her head brushing it off.

" It's of no importances. I'm Airin." The  girl who called herself Airin stated though she spoke like a member of my kingdom.

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