your dating my sister. you killed my father.

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AN: again the title is self explanatory so this chapter will definitely be fun to write because there will be a bit of drama between 2 important boys in cody's life. late warning more mature stuff probably gonna continue through the rest of the story. not anything super mature though.

your dating my sister. you killed my father.


after the whole event that went down yesterday , cody decided to move with her family in wood falls and since i'm a demon and don't care where i live and i'm her boyfriend i'm gonna go with her. (raven: ^w^ )

"why don't we have cars?" i shouted to cody who was in front of me jumping from tree to tree.

"because jumping from branch to branch in flash step its faster then a car, and you also get exercise." cody pointed out. her maroon braid was flapping in my face, i smirked and let out a low growl. as a reaction cody jumped a little, which made me laugh i then stopped and gently tugged her braid causing her to fall back into my arm because of uneasy footing. she blushed like a mad man and i simply held her there for a few second in an hug with my arms wrapped around her waist, her back was against my chest, thanks to my crazy balance i managed to hold us both on the branch.

"w-what are you doing?" a flustered cody asked looking awkwardly up at my chin. i simply chuckled.

" am i not allowed to love my girlfriend?" i teased smirking, her face turned even redder ( if even possible )

" don't use that term as a reason it doesn't give you freebies, plus..... i've never had a boyfriend before." cody lectured the last part she said quietly admitting she had never dated anyone.

" does that mean your a virgin?" i teased setting my chin on her should and now leaning against the tree bark still holding her.

"... well d-duh baka!!" cody squealed hiding her face in her hands.

"that's the most girly and flustered i've ever seen her be... hehe its cute." i said in my head smirking.

" don't worry i'll have to show you how to do things then" i began to tease," even though i'm a virgin too" i continued to admit.

"e-eh raven you hentai!!" cody freaked raising her voice a little, i chuckled a little at her reaction and quickly kissed her cheek then let go of her and ran off. it took her a while to process what just happened but once she did she began to run behind me.

" you know your enjoying the attention and love." i teased yelling back to her sticking my tongue out at her and making a goofy face before i ran into a tree because i wasn't looking. cody pointed to me and busted out laughing, there was a tree frog on my nose. i crossed my eyes to try and see it but it jumped off kicking me in the face. that's when i felt a shifting in my body, it felt as if i was change and i know right then.. i was going to change in front of her. and i couldn't run and hide or she'd be worried and i know she's super good at tracking and i have no excuse now, not to mention she's still looking at me.

" oh god robin's coming out now?!" i freaked in my head, i then noticed, cody give me a strange look she must have noticed my bangs changing color and my hair growing longer not to mention my body was...well turning girl. my eyes turned a dull gray, and my hair grew into a long braid the braid being a light pink and my bang's moving out of my face and turning purple, with 2 little pink braid hanging down by my ears. tiger- like light blue marks replaced my red assassin tattoos, my t-shirt becoming a female pink shirt, and my black vest turning a light blue, my belt choaker became thinner, and a kind of like eleven crown thing formed on my forehead. i was now a female, how did this happen well i really don't know i was just born with a female half not like and alter ego but me just female, my male form which is my true gender, is my standard form, but then there's a sub form which is the female half; Robin. they say you can't conceal your feelings forever they'll eventually show, and that's similar to this matter i have to turn female everyone in a while. don't get me wrong though being females fun, but not when my female half is having her time of the month, or when i have to go into the girls restroom, or when i can't lift thing i normally can because i'm weaker ( not saying female are weak.) , or even when i have a group of guys gang up on me and try to hit on me and shiz, and the thing i hate most about going female is when my girlfriend sees. but you see robin still has a slight part of her personality that's not shared with me and she prefers to be called robin.

"R-RAVEN. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!" i heard cody shout it didn't seem like her so i ended up going wide eyed.

" AND WHY THE HECK ARE YOU FEMALE?... YOU CROSS-DRESSING IDIOT!" cody continued to say. i couldn't help but laugh at what she called me.

" 1. the names robin as a female and 2. not cross-dressing if you don't believe me i'll prove it." i said with my shirt pulled up a little revealing my stomach were my abs used to be, that wasn't gonna be my proof though if you know what i mean.

"e-eh you don't have to prove it your missing abs its p-proof enough, just pull your shirt back down." cody squealed pulling my shirt down for me. for it just being a girl with another girl she still acted like it was a guy stripping his pants and under garments.

"heh heh ok." i chuckled, walking up to her and backing her up into the tree bark of the tree we were on.

" so how do you feel about your boyfriend having a girl half?" i teased, she simply glared at me.

" what would you do if i kissed you as a girl?" i continued to tease, she seemed to have suddenly turn bold because after i said that she replied with an.

" i wouldn't care as long as i knew that's its still you" then she slammed her lips onto mind in a rough kiss, i smirked against her lips.

" i forgot how much i loved cody, and her different ways then ordinary girls." i thought. cody and i then separated and i looked at her, one eyebrow raised.

" when you act bold it really turns me on." i teased, chuckling at her sudden change, from bold to flustered.

" d-don't joke like that i don't care if you female at the moment or not no excuses" cody lectured pointing her feminine finger in my face. i simply replied by licking her finger,. she shook a little probably as a reaction to my haha wet tongue, i then bit her finger where i licked, almost like avampire. my demon teeth barely piercing her skin. she jumped a little when my fangs (^w^) pierced her skin. i then pinned her to the bark and turned back to male and bit right below her left collar bone, again piercing her skin and drawing blood which i licked up.

" haha think of it as a sign to show your mine." i smirked, letting a little growl escape my lips. she was dumb-struck see seemed to have just processed what just happened because she finally stopped staring at me and busted into a flustered turtle mode. it was cute she slide to a sitting position her knees against her chest and her hand which were in here sleeves covering her face.

" w-what w-was that?!" she shouted, her shout muffled by her sleeves.

" it was a sign of showing my love thats all." i whispered leaning down and saying it into her ear making her shiver a little.

" god i've become a big teaser and a perv. the things a girl can do to you." i noted.

"anyways let get to woodfalls shall we?" i suggested as if completely forgetting all that just went down and just remembering our plan to go to wood falls.

"you make be able to recover quickly from jokes but not me. ( cody: >//////< )


once we got to the cody's families home in wood falls, which i've never been to, they introduced me to her family and a friend of her brothers named elle. both the elle girl and her brother looked at me wide-eyed they also took note of our holding hands. and once there parents left so go do there own thing the to ran up to me and pulled me away from cody.

" we know you, your satan's son we heard about you from some demons, they say your may be just as evil as your father. so what do you want with my sister? and why were you holding her hand?!" robbie mentioned sounding a bit protective toward the end. i hated to be mean or blunt or sassy or whatever with her family and friends but if mean was the only way to get my side across that's what i would do.

" ok look , 1. i'm not evil i hate my father i ran away like 7,000 years ago be cause he beat me and ask kage. cause i know you know him, I'm a good guy. and 2. i've been best friends with cody since she was 9, and 3. i was holding her hand because i'm her BOYFRIEND!" i said sort of shouting the 3 part, saying boyfriend loud and emphasized.

"now if you'll excuse me i'd hate to make cody think somethings up she know i'm satan's son by the way, tsk maybe you should tell her about your selves to before she finds out herself and you lose the trust your just now beginning to gain." i stated, shaking the collar of my flannel and dress shirt. ( he's wearing a red flannel shirt over a plain white dress shirt both are opened so you can see his gray gamer shirt.) i then walked back into the other room were cody was.

" sorry they had to ask me why i was with you. your brother really cares about you. you know? he's worried about you and your safety." i informed, she nodded.

" so does he... know about what you are?" (sorry don't mean to sound rude raven :C ) cody asked I simply nodded, and looked over to find robbie and elle poking there head around the door seem were i was just talking to them at. when they noticed us looking they ducked there head back behind the wall, like 2 kid trying to eavesdrop on there parents.

" why are you guys hiding?" i questioned them, calling them out, they then slowly came out from behind the door seem.

"i don't know, we just wanted to know if you'd ly to cody about what er talked about with you or not, apparently you supported what you said by telling her the truth." elle stated.

"....cody you see me and elle here are.... the new masters of hell because we killed satan." robbie just came out and informed, cody grew wide eyed.

" is everyone i'm close to some how creature related?" cody yelled not to loud enough to disturb the parents though.

"heh heh pretty much, but i can be an angel in armor to protect my koibito-chan" ( koibito= lover / my love in japanese.) i stated, cody chuckled and pretended to faint and fall to the floor.

" oh geez of all the time in the world the time crow decides to show up is now ,..." i thought before beginning to change once again, but this time my mind and personality and thought process switching to. this time it was my multi-personality not my female half, so this time it actually is as if 2 people in one. my once pink bangs turned black and a long braid once again grew from my once short hair but this time it was black instead. my side burns turned pink, being the only part of my hair remaining its original pink color.

" hey look at the treasure here, heh your cute. stick with me baby i'll protect ya...ait don't tell me you like that silly raven? he's a child he can't get a girl, and he's to nice and loyal. man a girl needs to be with a bad boy like me." i stated circling the maroon haired girl.

" hey your cute too little miss." i added stopping and looking at the blonde girl then walking over to her and lifting her chin up and bringing my face closer to hers and giving her a quick kiss. i noticed the maroon haired girl's face went red along with the maroon haired boy. the blonde girl then kneed me in my area which caused me to stumble back in pain and grab where it hurt.

"hmpf" i heard the blonde sound, turning her head away from me and crossing her arms, with her eyes closed and a serious expression on her face.

"pft.. dick." i then heard the maroon haired girl breathe under her breath. her arms were crossed and her eyes were closed an i-don't-give-a-shit expression on her face. she hung her head resting her chin on her collar bone.

" how about we go to the beach." the nerdy boy then suggested the 2 girls opened there yes and nodded at him running to the blonde's room and the nerdy boy to him. i slowly dragged myself of the floor when i had fallen onto in pain from being kneed before, and went the direction the nerdy bo went and knocked on his door.

" yo can i barrow something to go swimming in?" i asked through the crack of the door, the door then opened and swim trunks smacked me in the face. i took the pants off my face and headed to the restroom to change after i was done i came out only to find the others already with towels and swimming stuff waiting for me.


after we made it to the beach we all ran into the water dropping our towel and other swim objects we wren't gonna uses at the moment onto the sand. and that's when i felt myself turn back to raven.

"...uh woah we're at the beach when did we get here?" i said stopping in the water it coming up to my knees. cody then turned and looked at me along with robbie and elle.

"so your back to normal you pervert." elle stated, anger and irritation could be heard in her voice as she glared at me. which made me reply with a confused look.

"why is she glaring at me?" (raven: 0.o) i questioned before noticing cody too was glaring at me, while robbie looked away like nothing was happening.

" oh shit im about to get murdered arn't i? lord save me!" i wondered, then pleaded. before being snapped out of my thoughts by a a simultaneous pair of slams on both of my cheeks, i found that cody was the one to slap my left cheek and elle the right.

"OW! OK WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" i shouted, my eyebrow furrowing with irritation.

"don't act like you don' remember" elle snapped, continuing to glare at me.

" act like i don't remember what?!" i continued to shout, they both then gave each other a confused look.

" when you went all transformy on us you kissed elle." cody answered, which caused me to go wide-eyed.

" oh shit what did crow do?!" i mentally screamed. before sighing.

"...ok look i have a female half which is actually still me, and then i have a second personality which is crow, when he surfaces i can't control my action i become someone else so i don't remember anything he does." i informed the trio, robbie now looking at me with interest.

" well your still a dick... because he apart of you that make you a dick too but just that part of you is" cody said, more like murmured quietly, an expressionless face before kissing me randomly, again making me go wide-eyed. thats when i noticed elles turn and drag a infuriated robbie who's face was red with steam coming out of his ears away.

" he must really not like the fact that i'm with his sister." i noted in my head letting a little chuckle escape my lips, i mean i wouldn't want my sister dating satan's son either after knowing how evil satan is. after we parted we went and met up with robbie and elle.

" hey robbie do you hate me?" i asked, i was curious to know the answer.

" yes, your dating my sister." he replied nodding.

" well, you killed my father." i added, chuckling alittle, that's when i notice a sad look on his face as he stared at the ground.

" hey now don't feel bad about it, my dad what a big dick, he deserved it. just wish i was there to see it when it happened." i comforted, letting out yet another chuckle. i then noticed a sign by what seemed to be a stage say 'karaoke starting at 4" and then there was an arrow pointing to the stage where you could see a microphone. i ran to someone on the shore and asked for the time and they told me it was 3:30 so i decided to do some karaoke when its time. i then ran back to the others.

" hey raven your back we just decided to go eat at platae over there, its a fairly average restaurant so yea." cody told me pointing to a building on the beach. i then took her hand in mine and began to walk in the direction of the building elle and robbie behind up i could feel holes burning in the back of my head and i could tell it was robbie giving me his icy glare. as we entered the restaurant i could tell robbie was no longer glaring at me, i assume he was looking around. i walked up to the front desk thing and the lady asked how many, as in how many people and i simply told her 4 and then she let us to a table in by the window, which had a perfect view of the beach. cody sat next to me ( of course ) and robbie next to elle, cody was sitting by the window across from elle and me by the walk way next to her across from robbie. i noticed cody was staring out the window which brought a smile to my face, i was glad she was enjoying the view.

" what would you love birds like to eat." i then heard a waitress say looking at me and cody, it took me awhile to process that she had called us love bird, my face then went red along with cody's, the waitress chuckled.

"u-uh i'll have the fajita's for 2 me and her are sharing and i'll have a root beer." i said, pointing to cody when i said 'sharing with her'. everyone else then ordered and cody ordered her drink then the waitress left. soon returning with our food and drinks, we thanked her and then she ran off to serve another group.


after we ate it was 4:15 and i could see people already at the stage and singing karaoke, i then dragged cody over to the karaoke table with elle and robbie running behind, and signed the sheet and wrote the song i wished to sing and walked off i then turned to see cody setting down the pen and smiled. once it was my time to sing i onto he stage and turned to the actually band playing and told them what i was gonna sing and they nodded and began playing and me singing. ( the songs called desperate measure by marianas trench)

♪ Gonna make a heart-throb out of me
Just a bit of minor surgery
These desperate times call for desperate measures
I'll give you something to cry about
Show some skin, and would be, caché
How could you let this get to desperate measures now?

For a first effort this,
Feels kinda last ditch
I guess this just
Got kinda drastic
Trust us you just fell off the bus, baby

I can't let this, I can't let this, I can't let this go
I can't let this, I can't let this go
(Desperate measures)
I can't let this, I can't let this go

When I got you right where I want you
I been pushing for this for so long
Kiss me, just once, for luck
These are desperate measures now

I can't let this, I can't let this go

Have a piece of American dream
Open up, and swallow, on your knees
And say "Thank you"
I'd like some desperate measures, please
For a first effort this,
Feels kinda last ditch
I guess this just
Got kinda drastic
Trust us, you just fell off the bus, suckers
Yeah, well, payback is a mother fucker

I can't let this, I can't let this go
(Desperate measures)
I can't let this, I can't let this go

When I got you right where I want you
I been pushing for this for so long
Kiss me, just once, for luck
These are desperate measures now

I can't let this, I can't let this go

Forever, for worse or better
My poor heart will only surrender
Go forever, for worse or better
My poor heart will only surrender, now

(Desperate measures)
I can't let this, I can't let this go

When I got you right where I want you
I been pushing for this for so long
Kiss me, just once, for luck
These are desperate measures now
(Desperate measure now)

I can't let this, I can't let this go

When I got you right where I want you
I been pushing for this for so long
Kiss me, just once, for luck
These are desperate measures now
(Desperate measure now)

I can't let this, I can't let this go ♪

then cody came up onto the stage after i walked off and turned to tell the band the song shes gonna sing and they nodded again the music then began to play and she began to sing. ( sorry i didn't like the other one this ones heres to never growing up by avril lavigne )

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up

Call up all our friends, go hard this weekend
For no damn reason, I don't think we'll ever change
Meet you at the spot, half past ten o'clock
We don't ever stop, and we're never gonna change

Say, won't you stay forever stay
If you stay forever hey
We can stay forever young

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

We live like rock stars, dance on every bar
This is who we are, I don't think we'll ever change (hell no!)
They say just grow up, but they don't know us
We don't give a fuck, and we're never gonna change

Say, won't you stay forever stay
If you stay forever hey
We can stay forever young

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

Say, won't you stay forever stay
If you stay forever hey
We can stay forever young

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, (yeah raise your glass and say) here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, (da de da de da) here's to never growing up (no we're never growing up)
Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

then she got off the stage and everyone was cheering and i quickly ran back to the table and signed her and me up for a duet song and i looked to notice no one else was below when cody had signed it so i grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto the stage. and turned to tell the band the song we were gonna sing as someone brought out another mic, i noticed she over heard the song request because she smiled and turned to the second mic that was now infront of her.


Take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know
How did this

night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

Calm your nerves now
Don't worry

Just breathe

Are you sure now?
Don't bother packing, let's just leave
Said they wanted change
I hope that you remain the same
To show that this is not a game
Let's end this tragedy today

Now take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know
(raven: Place that I know)
How did this night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

Lay down with me
Let me hold you

Baby just breathe

This is ending
We will get through eventually
Said they wanted change
I hope that you remain the same
To show that this is not a game
We'll end this tragedy today

Now take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know
(raven: Place that I know)
How did this night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

Now take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know
(raven: Place that I know)
How did this night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

It's over
It's over
It's over
It's over

whole band:
Take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know (it's over)
How did this night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

band with cody:
Take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know
How did this night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

Now take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know
How did this night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

Now take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that I know
(Place that I)
How did this night become the enemy?
It's over, it's over, it's over

(We won't)
We won't be a part of
We won't be a part of this
We won't be a part of (We won't)
We won't, we won't

after we finished singing i shall cody give me a look, that said, do- your-different or dude-your-insain thats when i felt my red hair fall onto my face and turn pink, at this i grew wide-eyed.

"damn i forgot i change to hawk form when i sing." i flipped in my head. (hawk is technically raven but another look, and robin is the female half of raven. crow is the only actual change in personality at all.)

"Hey I'm sorry I never mentioned all the .... well different 'forms' of myself. do you still love me?" I said as I pulled Cody aside. her face flushed when I asked if she still loved me, and that made me chuckle alittle.

"o-o-o-of course.....i'll always love you." cody stuttered constantly looking around her face was 20 different shades of red. she looks cute when she's flustered, its definitly a rare sight to see. i decide i wanted to see if her face could get any redder so i stole a kiss while she wasn't paying attention. she grew wide-eyed and like i assumed her face when redder.

" now that i think about i always seem to be the teaser not the teased. haha thats pretty obvious though." i noted, before feeling like 2 holes were being burned in the back of my head. after me and cody parted i turned to see it was robbie glaring the hole in my head.

" heh heh geez such a protective brother... wait which one of them is older anyways?" i wondered.

"even though he's 20 minutes younger then me he still protective of me like a mom. haha" cody stated as if to have read my mind. we both began laughing at the though of robbie worrying like a mother. we then ran over to him, elle was now with him.

" hey robbie don't worry about me to much, raven's a good boyfriend. heh if he's bad i'll flick him on the nose and put him on a leash." cody said jokingly. i pretended to puppy dog frown which made everyone laugh.

" you know i think my life isn't totally bad. these are the first real friends i've ever had and I'm am determined to protect each one of them."


AN: so I hope you all liked it, I think it had a bit of a twist. it was a bit different from what you would normally do that the beach.

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