Zack's Mission

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AN: Me and Marshmellochan like to kind of like work together on our stories in a way.

zack's mission


My name is Zack; Zack Smith I have spiky dark blonde hair with a low small ponytail. I'm 20 years old and well, I travel. I'm pretty smart when it comes to cultures and histories of places, mostly because I learn it all while I'm traveling. You can say I'm the brains in my family. I've come to learn that as us humans go on about our busy lives there are actually creatures that live among us such as, demon, werewolves, vampires, stein dolls, living puppets, zombies, etc, and if your wondering why I'm not freaking right now its because i already did. I have a younger sister named Eleanor Smith she's 17 years old, she sometimes sends me letter along with my parents. you see with traveling around the world comes many advantages and connections so of course i also have some demon connections you know demons arnt really that bad some are pretty nice but on the other hand.... some are extremely violent and mean. i am currently in ferna city searching for ancient magic scrolls that i heard where here in town that taught the art of water magic. did you know we human are actually capable of magic we just need to concentrate our minds. i WILL learn magic.

i noticed an old book store with the plank for a sign hanging from one chain, it read 'frank's book store of ancient knowledge.' i walked into the door and when the book store clerk man heard the jingling of the bell he looked my way. the man was old, barely any hair on his head and the hair that was there was short and gray. he was a small fragile figure and he had tons of dusty books covering his desk.

"do you need sometime young man." i heard the man ask. i then nodded and walked over to his desk.

"i'm looking for ancient water magic scrolls. i was told they were here in this town." i stated, when the man heard this his eye grew wide.

"well son you've come to the right place but i always kept them locked a way they are truly ancient scrolls i never told anyone about 'em because they'd be of no use to us, we can't use magic. but i'll sell 'em to 'ya if you really want 'em. " the old man said as he walked to a door behind the counter.

" arigato mister." i yelled after him, bowing a little to show my thanks.

" ah no problem kid i'm just happy someone likes ancient things too and maybe you can put good use to these old things." the old man answered from inside the rooms. the man soon reappeared in the door way and walked back to the counter.

" how much sir?" i asked taking out my wallet. the old mans hand then covered my hand that was holding the wallet and pushed it down.

" no charge these thinks are so old they aren't worth anything." he stated shaking his head.

"b-but sir i insist its no trouble really." i urged, but the old man just shook his head and handed me the old strange looking dusty box and pushed me out the door i turned to say thank you again but he had already disappeared back into the store.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

After i returned to my hotel room i was staying in i sat on my blue comforter and opened the dusty box, in it revealed 10 old scrolls. my eye wondered to the seal on the scrolls they seemed to be blue with some sort of wave on it. i then grabbed a scroll and removed the seal, once i opened the scroll i blew on the surface releaving it of the dust. i looked at the content on the scroll it read 'first to learn yee magic one must go to yee place in which yee element is. one must feel yee element in thyself, yee must see thyself as if they were apart of yee element. one must understand yee element, be one with it.' after i read it i got up and left the house i then jumped into my car and drove to the river. after I pulled up at the edge of the forest outside of town I parked the car got out put my towel over my shoulder and walked through the woods to the river. After a few minutes of walking I stripped my white T-shirt and layed it on the large bolder like rock. I then pulled out a pen and a folded piece of paper out of my pants pocket and sat down. leaning against the large rock i began to write. 'dear little sister I managed to find what I've been looking for, for so long I've been searching for them and I have finally found them. I found the water magic scrolls and I'll finally be able to study the art of water. and once I've master the art of water I'll come home and visit you, mom, and dad and I'll show you all what I've learned from the water scrolls then I'll seek out old practicers of the art and become an apprentice under them. After i master water I'll learn the other elements too. maybe I'll convince mom and dad to let you go on a small adventure with me. anyways I'm going to start studying the scrolls I'll be waiting to hear from you. After I concluded the letter I folded it up and wrapped it in my T-shirt and threw the pen on the shirt. I ran and dived into the river the cold water covering my body as I swam up to the surface. I then stopped moving and just stood there still in the water. the words on the scroll flashed in my mind 'one must feel yee element in thyself, yee must see thyself as if they were apart of yee element. one must understand yee element, be one with it.' I then noticed the water become calm again and I slowly lifted my hands till I was holding them just barely on the surface of the water. I then closed my eye and allowed my mind to only focus on the feeling of the water on the palm of my hand. and I focused on how the feeling of the water on my palm was different from the feeling of the air blowing against the top of my hand. I then layed back in the water. I visualized I was melting into the water as if I was a small portion of a large body. I stood back up and focused on the water dripping from my hair and I slowly began to understand the nature of the water, then suddenly the waves form and travel along the river. My eye shot open at this and I looked around, shocked. "did I do that?!" I wondered slightly freaking out.

"Master your male?!"


AN: ok so hope you guys like it!!!

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