Don't Want To Be Alone

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He hadn't said a single word during the entire duration when he'd washed, eaten dinner, and got into bed— and it was starting to worry me more than I wanted to admit.

"Yes, Minah?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," He says casually, although I can clearly hear the quiver in his voice. And the fact that he's currently speaking to me with his face turned away has my heart breaking.

"Then why are you talking to me like this?"

A heavy silence passes before his soft voice fills my ears, sending a pleasant chill down my spine.

"Because I don't want you to look at me."

And the moment he says that, I fling the blankets off my body. His eyes grow wide when I swing one leg over his figure, my voice deadly as I point a finger at his face.

"What did I say earlier?"

He swallows, and the anxiety grows in his eyes when he meets my firm, unmoving gaze. The moonlight lights up his burns as he gulps again.

"That you'd mess me up harder than—"

"That's correct," I interrupt, tapping at the burnt side of his face. And then I proceed to touch the side that is still intact.

"So one more chance, Park Jimin— if you say anything about you being ugly or any of that stuff, I'm kicking you out of my house."

At that, he swallows for the third time.


"Good," I grin at him, settling back into my position. "You're not ugly, Jimin. Besides, that'll heal soon, right? So you don't have to worry about it any longer."

The smile grows wider on my lips when he slowly shifts, turning around on the bed to face me. But I squeeze my lips together when I see his eyes still avoiding mine.

This won't work.

So while his eyes are still fixed downwards, I slowly reach up and pull on his silver-shaded locks. It's amazing
how it's so soft— it felt like a cloud on his head.

I'm so focused on his hair that I don't realize that he's staring at me, his eyes wide and stunned.

It takes all of my courage to not flinch away at his startled gaze.

"What? I need to touch you to go to sleep, remember?"


My eyes flutter open when Jimin's warmth suddenly leaves me. When I look up in the darkness, I see the door closing with no Jimin by my side.

Jimin? Where are you going?

Sleep vanishes without a trace when I suddenly hear a painful gasp, and I swing myself off the bed in one clumsy motion. Then I silently open the door, peeking my head to see Jimin seated on the floor of the living room.

His eyes are closed as a silvery blue aura lights up his hand, his features twisted in pain. My lips part in surprise when he draws his hand over his face.

When he pulls away, his burns have disappeared.

Blowing out a shaky breath, he then pulls up the side of his shirt to reveal a spiral of black burns that I want to slap myself for not noticing earlier. It reaches up all the way up his side, a series of red scars and dark marks.


How exactly did I not see that earlier?

Jimin's eyes slit in concentration as he presses his glowing hand to his wounds, but I don't miss the slight groan that escapes his lips.

And when he pulls his hand away, the burns have also been restored to clear, pale skin.

Then a short scream bursts from my lips when he collapses to his side.

I abandon my hiding place and rush to his side, my eyes wide and breath fast as I hurriedly press my ear to his chest. I hear the barest beats of his metallic heart— soft, but still there.


He'd fainted.

The last of the mysterious blue glow disappears as I glance at his hand. His face is whole again, the moonlight reflecting off of the skin that's as pale and perfect as the rest of him.

Then his hand tightens around mine, and I realize he'd been awake.

"Minah...? What are you doing out here..." A cough breaks his words, and concern fills my eyes as I stare at his hand.

"Jimin— what the heck is going on?"


"So you have an ability," I specify, and he nods in assertion. "And if this gets discovered, then they're going to take you away from me?!"

"They'll probably tear me apart for scientific advancement," He says bitterly, looking at his hand blankly. "It's what they did to the last AI that was discovered that had something like this."

"But why would you faint?"

"It drains my strength," He mutters as he rubs at his eyes. "But it's fine now."

"Didn't look fine to me," I doubt, recalling how he'd slumped to the side like a rag doll. "It actually looked really bad. Are you sure you're alright now?"

"Yes, Master."

I'm too distracted to even notice the lack of informality when he grips my hand, eyes looking worried as he pulls me up.

"Come on, Minah. You need to get your sleep— I'm sorry I woke you up."

All this has happened and he's worrying about my sleep?


"No excuses," He says, giving me a warm smile. I'm still uncertain as I let him lead me back to the bed, one hand pressed to my back.

This time, he's the one who latches onto me. As soon as I lie down in my usual spot on the right of the bed, I'm surprised that he does— I'd been expecting him to be shy.

But instead, he tucks his arm around my head, pulling me to his chest. Even though he'd reassured me he was fine, I can still feel the rapid pulse of his heart under my palm.

He was so precious.

"I'm sorry," He whispers as he tightens his hold. Heat slowly spreads from my neck to my face as I realize his face is buried in my hair.

"But I don't want to feel alone tonight."


The sound of a familiar giggle wakes me.

With the morning sunlight warm on my cheeks, I glance up to see Taehyung, his eyes shaped into amused crescents and lips taut with the pressed urge not to laugh.

"Oh, hey."

Mindlessly, I sink back into the warmth surrounding my body, hugging it tighter as I bury my face into something featherlike soft.


I instantly shoot up from the bed, throwing the blankets off of my tangled limbs as fast as I can. Besides me, Jimin groans in sleep— eyes still thankfully closed.


Kim freaking Taehyung in my doorway, his boxy smile boxier than ever.

And he'd just seen me cuddle with the AI he'd bought for me.

"Hey, Minah. How was last night?"

That's when I hurl a pillow at his smirking face, my cheeks flushed with heat as he easily catches the projectile. Next time, I'd throw something more harder— the clock next to me sounded nice.

"Shut up!" I hiss, my eyes nervously flickering to Jimin as he remains asleep. "Can't you see he's sleeping, Kim Taehyung?"

"Wow," Taehyung whispers, planting a large hand on his chest. "I can't believe I'm already over ranked by an AI I bought you what— two days ago?"

He pretends to be hurt, his wide eyes blinking innocently as he mimics tears. But then I growl as I catch a devilish smirk on his lips.

"But it's okay, I understand. Get back to straddling your—"

"Shut up!"

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