Going to Work

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"Yay! Hyung is here again!"

A big smile blooms on my face when I see a boy exclaim happily, pointing a finger at Jimin. He can't be more than seven or eight as he runs toward a stunned robot.

"When I grow up, I want to be like you!"

"You have a fan." I grin as people from yesterday begin to crowd around us. They must have really liked his street dancing— I could see a lot of familiar faces.


"Someone you dance for." I say, a prideful look entering my eyes as I squeeze his cheeks. "Aw— I can't believe my Jiminie already has fans!"

"S-Stop." He says shyly as he glances shockingly at the people cheering around him. "Are all of these people supporting me?"

"Yeah, obviously!" I exclaim, and Jimin picks up the squealing boy in one arm. "So what do you say? You will dance for them, right?"


Jimin looks happy.

He hadn't shown any stage fright at all today, and I'm really thinking that maybe he'd already gotten over it. And without stage fright holding him back, it was obvious who the winner of the Competitions would be.

"Minah!" Jimin shouts excitedly as he falls into step, waving at his exposed tattoo. "None of them cared about this! I totally forgot about hiding it, but none of them cared!"

I smile.

"People are going to accept you as who you are," I say, patting his fluffy hair. "And if they don't, then you can just walk right past them."


Jimin whips around with widened eyes when a man shoves past him, his eyes slitted angrily as he looks him up and down.

"What are you looking at? @&$&&—"

Anger reddens my cheeks when I glare right back at him. Judging how he'd come out of a gambling casino with a furious look on his face, he'd undoubtedly lost money.

But how was that Jimin's fault?

"Watch where you're going!" I hiss, ignoring Jimin when he looks back and forth from me to the man. "Geez, just because you lost some money doesn't mean you have to blame him!"

When he raises a fist, Jimin instantly tries to pull me back, staring daggers at the man as he tries to put himself in front of me.

"I got this."

With that sentence, I nail my foot straight into the man's face before he has a chance to even breathe.

I can feel Jimin's hand fall back from the back of my shirt as he stares incredulously at the man rolling on the floor, wailing in pain as he grips his nose.

It's probably broken.

"This is assault!" He yells, and I cross my arms together when people began to shoot us looks. "This girl assaulted me! Arr—"

"Police Crime Analysis Unit Handbook, Chapter 5, Column 6," Jimin lists, face serious as he looks down at the man.

"Assault is considered as self-defense when the victim first shows signs of threat or violence."

"Yeah— um, what he said." I say when Jimin pulls on my arm, his face turned away so that I can't guess what he's feeling. "And I suggest you don't do gambling anymore!"

Jimin tugs on me until I can't see the man, and to my surprise, he doesn't give me a single glance when I ask where he was going.

It's kind of worrying me.

Was he mad? I know he doesn't like violence— and I also know I'd used plenty of that today.

My face slowly ashens.


"That was—" He shakes his head, and I slowly feel myself shrinking into the wall as I fix my stare on the ground.



"That was awesome!" He exclaims, pumping a fist as a relieved smile finds my face. "It's taekwondo, isn't it?"

"And you," I laugh, recalling the seriousness in his face. "You have an entire police handbook in your database and you don't know how to cook waffles?"

He stops.

"Oh— it was bad, wasn't it?"


Did I say that out loud?

"It was good, but I can teach you to make it better!" I excuse, mentally slapping myself when he gets that lost doe look in his eyes again.

"And your stage fright is completely okay now, right? Or am I wrong?"

"It's better— I feel more comfortable." He looks at me expectantly. "I think I can do it, Minah. Dancing in front of that many students."

"And it's all thanks to you."


"Aish— now you're back?" Taehyung complains when Jimin and I walk through the front door. "How do you deal with her? She's so annoying!"

"Speak for yourself!" Haeun snaps back as she crosses her arms. "See if I ever make anything for you again, complainer! You should be thankful!"

"How am I supposed to deal with you two?" I sigh, blowing out a breath as I set down heavy bags of groceries. "And at this rate, you're going to run me out of my own house!"

Jimin looks at me with widened eyes.

"We're going to get kicked out of this house?" He asks shockingly. "Then where are we going to live?"

"Out there, if this keeps up."

"The streets?!" He gasps, and I nod seriously. His reactions were so cute I couldn't stop myself.

Besides, who needed money when you were the Kim Taehyung's friend? He practically had money growing out of trees.

"Geez, don't tease him like that," Haeun says when Jimin disappears into our room. "You don't need money when you have this idiot as your friend."

"Hey! Are you saying you're just friends with me just to make me your personal ATM?"

"Obviously, what else?" Haeun giggles, and Taehyung picks at the sleeve of his Gucci sweatshirt. "One of these could probably feed us for a year!"

"Hey! No touching!"

Then all of a sudden, I hear the sound of a door swinging open. I see Jimin walk out with a relieved expression on his face, and he looks excited as he grips my wrist.

"Minah, we don't have to get kicked out anymore!"

"Wait— what?"

"I just realized that I was leaving it all up to you to handle everything." He explains to my dumbfounded face as he grabs for his jacket. "And I've never given anything back to you."

"Wait— What are you saying? And where do you think you're going, huh?"

He taps at the side of his head, and I stand there confused as he glances lightly at Haeun and Taehyung, who's obviously fighting over something again.

When he looks back, he almost looks ecstatic as he smiles widely.

"I'm going to work!"

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