Happiness: Ending

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"Noona, wake up."

A soft prodding on my shoulder stirs me awake, and I quickly sit up realizing I'd fallen asleep in the train car. Jungkook peers at me, his dark eyes flickering with worry.

"Are you sleepy?"

"N-no." I mutter, rubbing at my eyes. I hadn't even noticed that I'd fallen asleep. "Are we here?"

Jungkook nods, and we get off the train. I can't wait to see Jimin— it'd only been days, but I missed him so much already.

Do I love him?

I'd been uncertain before, but now I'm sure of it. I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life before.

"That's the building, right?" I say, before my excitement crumples into ashes. My eyes lower helplessly to the ground, and Jungkook looks at me curiously.


"We'll never make it in there." I sigh, scuffing the ground. "We don't even know where Jimin is— and there must be like a few thousand rooms in that building."

Jungkook smiles.

"I can literally sense him right there." He points at a curtained window, the room at first level. "It's Jimin hyung's mind, I'm sure of it. He's still awake."

My heart bubbles in excitement as I nod, waiting patiently as Jungkook slowly tugs open the window. He has a smile on his face too, and I can tell he's excited.

"Shh, Noona."

I nod rapidly, carefully swinging one leg over the sill. I'm as quiet as I can be, practically silent as I climb inside the room.

My eyes fix on the large bed in the middle, and my head tilts in confusion. It's so dark I can hardly tell Jimin's figure on top of the sheets.

But when I pad closer on the carpet, I see it's him. Surprise flits across my features when I see his eyes forced tightly shut, white earbuds pushed into both ears. Now I can hear the soft music slipping from the buds.

He's not asleep, to this hour?

But pushing that down, I smile devilishly and practically jump on him. An excited squeal leaves my lips when he gasps, his eyes snapping open in shock as I wrap my arms tightly around his body.

"Who— Minah!"

He quickly tugs his earphones off, his eyes widening in wonder. My lips are curved into a smile before I even know it, and he presses a kiss over them.

"I missed you so much." He whispers, and I giggle.

"It's been just a few days."

"Says you." I hear Jungkook mutter under his breath from the corner of the room, and I glare at him. He avoids my eyes. "She can't sleep, hyung."

Jimin's eyes go wide.

"I was so worried about this." He murmurs, clasping my hand. Then he suddenly looks at the ground, shaking his head to himself. "I'm sorry. I haven't been a good AI at all."

"I'll come back with you."

"What?" I hiss in shock, pushing him back down to the bed when he tries to get up. "No. Jimin— no. I'm not letting you come back with me. You worked so hard for this!"


He closes his hands over mine, and I blink stupidly as he looks up at me.

"I don't know if I really want to do this anymore."

And I can't even talk, because I'm so taken aback.

His arms wrap around my frozen shoulders, and I can feel him breathe softly as he rests his head against the crook of my neck.

"Yeah." He whispers more firmly. "I want to be with you. It's so alone out here, and I don't like it. And it's not worth it. I have to be there for you, every night."


He cuts me off quietly. "This really made me realize. Nothing's more important than you, Minah."

And I'd rather be by your side."


I'm stunned.

Because the very next day, I find myself exactly back at home, with Jungkook and Jimin arguing over whether plants needed watering twice or thrice every single day.

"Of course they have to drink like us! We have to drink water several times a day, which means so should they!"

"Hyung, I swear— if you think plants and humans are the same, then you actually have a problem."

"Just search it up." I suggest, and both of them instantly go still. I burst out in laughter when Jungkook wakes up first, having finished searching his database.

"See? It's a week! It says weekly watering is enough!"

Then light comes to Jimin's eyes as well, and he starts pulling up evidence in Jungkook's face about conditions and temperature. It's honestly so nice, watching both of them banter at each other so carelessly.

After that night, Jimin had withdrawn and had come back down to Busan with me and Jungkook. And he didn't even seem like he regretted a single bit with his decision.

When I grip my jacket and push an arm in it, Jimin suddenly looks up.

"Minah? Where are you going?"

"I— um." I say with a half-embarrassed smile. "I decided to start up taekwondo again, remember? The academy instructor was really happy about that, so he told me to come practice."

Then Jimin shouts in surprise when Jungkook manages to pour some water into the flower pot he was holding.

"There." He says, shaking his hands free. "Now you leave it alone for a week, and it'll be nice and prett—"

Then he yelps when Jimin smashes a pillow straight at the side of his head.

"Jeon Jungkook." Jimin huffs, and they both seem like cute kindergarteners in my eyes. Then he turns to me, the devilish look on his face turning into an angelic smile.

"Minah~ when will you be back?"

I laugh when he kisses my forehead, blushing a bit when he looks at me with those eyes full of warmth. Jungkook makes a choking noise from the back, making Jimin shoot him a glare.

Without really thinking much about it, I casually brush my fingers through his silver-tinged hair.

"Probably two or three hours later." I say, smiling as he whines in protest. "Jimin, I promise I'll be back before bedtime."

"You're going to leave me alone with that coconut for three hours?"

"What?!" Jungkook yells, but Jimin just ignores him, pressing his lips against mine. "Says the silver rice cake with mochi cheeks!"

"Take good care of each other, alright?" I quickly say, sensing another argument brewing as Jimin looks up sharply. "There's ice cream in the fridge if you want a snack, and call me if anything goes wrong. Okey?"


He says, and I catch both of them going at each other again right before I close the door.

I smile, tucking the jacket tighter over my shoulders.

So this is how it felt like to be truly happy.

A/n: Sorry if this seems like such a rough ending— I just kind of lost motivation to continue this story. Sorry again!!

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