Pinky Promise

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My face pales.

Why am I actually so stupid?

Of course if you start feeding someone who'd starved themselves for over a freaking month their body was not going to take it.

There was even a whole damn syndrome named for just this.

I sigh heavily as I flick myself on the forehead, eyes narrowed angrily.

And now because of me, Jimin was glowing blue with his eyes tightly closed.


Two terrifying minutes pass before his lids flutter open, revealing a pair of dazed, unfocused eyes.


"Gosh, I don't even deserve that," I say hurriedly as I push back his hair from his forehead. "I'm sorry— this is all my fault. I should've known."

"It's... alright," He says dizzily as he blinks. "It's not your fault that you didn't know—"

Then the door smashes open.


Jimin jumps on me for dear life the moment I look up in shock, my horrified face splitting into an instant grin when I see who it is.


My lively cousin skirts to a stop the moment she sees Jimin tangled up with me, his own eyes wide as he looks at her.

I swallow, the same time I feel Jimin do too.



"I never heard about this," She hisses as she tugs me from Jimin's grip, giving him a murderous look. "And she's mine, by the way. We're nineteen years into marriage."

All Jimin does is stare at her with widened eyes as I let Haeun drag me into my room and slam the door shut behind her.

"First of all," She demands, voice high. Then all of a sudden it dips down into a low, sly whisper.

"That's a good option you got there."

"Option?" I yelp shrilly as I push her giggling form away. "He's not option anything!"

"I'm proud of you," She continues, laughing. "I was honestly so worried for you, you know? I never thought you'd ever get married with that attitude of yours— I would've still thought that the only person you've ever talked to that is that rich guy or something!"


"Yeah— him! Is he still annoying?" She exclaims, and I try to edge past her to leave the room. When she notices, she puts up a leg across the doorway as well as her arm.

I groan.

"So is he it or not?" She insists, and I can feel the beginning of a blush crawl up my neck. Was Jimin hearing all this?

"Secret," I say, sticking out a tongue and tickling her neck. When she crumples to the ground laughing, I quickly escape out the door and nearly run into a panicked Jimin.

"I-I swear I wasn't listening!"

I giggle, pulling him along with me before Eun could drag my dead body to a landfill.

"Of course you weren't." I say before the door crashes open for the second time for the day.

Taehyung's smiling face instantly crumples the moment they land on Eun's.

"She's here?!" He groans, and Eun snorts.

"Oh, please," She growls, clenching her fists. "I'm still not done with you for last time, Kim Taehyung. You accidentally cut off a chunk of my hair trying to make me "pretty"!"

"It really was an accident!" He protests as he nearly knocks over Jimin's precious flower scrambling away from Haeun. "I pinky-promised, remember?!"

"You know, they actually like this stuff," I inform Jimin, who's eyes are currently scanning the safest route out the door. "Trying to kill each other."

I giggle when he stares at me.

"Yah! Give me my phone back! You have any idea how much important things are in there—"

"Kim I'm so important Taehyung, come get it yourself!" Haeun laughs as she waves his sleek phone over her head. "That'll teach you not to touch my hair again!"

"Hey!" I finally yell, grabbing both of their attention. "Can you guys take this somewhere else? You're traumatizing him!"

Grumbling, Haeun finally returns Taehyung's phone as he sticks a tongue out at her in reply.

"Yeah, Taehyung. Leave Jiminie alone."

"Says you. I met him first, you know. He likes me better."

"Why would he like your sorry self better than me?!"

Jimin tugs at the back of my shirt, anxiety apparent on his face. "Uh... Minah, do you mind if we just go back to sleep? I don't think I want to be awake anymore."

"You guys sleep together?!"

Jimin's grip grows tighter as Haeun whips around, her eyes glowing.

I swallow for what seems to be the millionth time as I back into Jimin's chest.

"Not like that, obviously!" Taehyung grins, smug about knowing something that Haeun didn't. "She has insomnia, don't you see? He helps her sleep, idiot. Helps."

"Y-Yeah," I stutter, pulling on Jimin's sleeve. "Let's go back to sleep."


7:34 PM

"Drink time!" Taehyung exclaims happily as he pulls out a bag of clinking glass. The one thing Haeun and Taehyung both shared in common was that they loved a good drink.

Me and Jimin— not so much after the last time.

Ignoring Taehyung and Haeun high-five each other as they poured one another shot after shot, I carefully put a piece of meat on top of a ball of rice and hand it to Jimin.

"Try this," I say as he glances at it. "You still need to get used to food, Jimin. And I can't believe I'm telling you this."

"How can they be so outright?" Jimin mutters, chewing on the meat. "I blush even when I meet eyes with a girl I don't know."

"It's just how they're made," I shrug, before looking at him in surprise. "But remember when we first met? You weren't shy at all, Park Jimin."

He blushes.

"I'm usually shy— I acted that way because I thought you'd like it."

Now it's my turn to flush.

"And then you didn't, so I quit the act."

"You don't have to go out of your way to please me, you know," I say, putting down my chopsticks. "I don't want you doing that."

"It's my job to please you."

"Looooookkkkk ag themmm," Haeun's slurred voice suddenly rings from the other side, and I flinch around to see her arm slung around a drunk Taehyung.

She would die if she knew she'd been doing that.

"So shyyy. They'll never get anywhere if they keeeeppp actting like thisss." Taehyung agrees as he pours out another cup, which I hastily take away.

Jimin blushes harder, and I'm sure I'm doing the same.

Haeun and Taehyung giggle, clapping hands together like children as we stare at the ground in embarrassment.

I'm killing you both after this.

"Hey youuu! Yeahhh you!" Haeun suddenly says, pointing a finger at Jimin and thrusting a glass at him.

"Drink it all up— you too, muffin."

And being the sweet, innocent boy he is, Jimin obediently drinks up the entire cup before I can say another word.

Lord help me.

I'm so screwed.


10:34 AM

After a lot of hard work and a bucketload of curses, I'd managed to get both Yoon Haeun and Kim Taehyung onto the spare bed.

And now the only problem left was Park Jimin, who was currently half-passed out against the wooden table.

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