Depth of an Ocean

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It was monday morning and Jwala got ready in a skyblue cotton saree. Absolutely gorgeous as always. Pasting a small red bindi between her eyebrows, she checked herself once again in the mirror and smiled to herself.

Her right hand was adorned with a light weighted gold bracelet with some charms and left hand had a simple watch. Her long hair was kept open , just two strands taken from either sides and fastened with a clip.

"Amma, appa going .."

"Okay sweetheart. Take care. You're going by our car right ?"

"Yes ..for today"

"Better decision.." her father said.

She giggled and hugged both her parents.

"Take your medicine before going to office, appa.."

"Fine fine.." he patted her back and both of them waved at Jwala while she drove off.

"Good morning Jwala.."

"Good morning Rithika.."

"Hey yaar...why do you call me Rithika ? It feels awkward. Now that we are friends, just call me Rithu ok ?"

"Okay" Jwala smiled.

They arranged their tables as they got into the department.

Other staffs didnt come yet as they were a little early.

"Hey.. how was your stay at our princy's home?"

"It was good. She is really good. We just went for some shopping as she insisted. And they have a beautiful garden at their home. Uff!! I'd go there again just to watch those flowers"

"Seems like you got accustomed to there real quick" Rithika joked.

"Haha..nothing like that. One of my anklet got missing there. It was my birthday gift my parents had gifted me few years back"

"You will get it. Dont worry yaar. And hey, did you see her son ? Is he hot ??"

"Rithu ??" She widened her eyes.

"C'mon tell me girl.."

"We didn't expect him to come early. He came a day before actually suprising his mom"

"Aahan.. i havent seen him yet. But outside talks are that he is so handsome and stylish"

That he is... Jwala thought briefly and chided off her thoughts.

"He dropped me back home in evening as it was raining heavily"

"Whoa !!! Dropped back home at the first meeting? Not bad"

"Rithu...its not the way you think. We both are focused on our career. Thats all"

"Hmm hmm.. i was just kidding yaar"

Just then other faculties started coming in and they dropped the conversation.

"Vihaan, didnt you get ready ?"

"Two minutes mom..."

"You are taking more time than me. I'll be late today it seems. We are not going for a match making"

"We dont know, mom. What if i get the privilege to meet one of your college girls. Have to make an impression right ?"

"Seems like I've to get you married off very soon. My son can think of these stuffs apart from being a workaholic ? I'm impressed"

"Haha..." he dabbed some perfume on his collar, neck and set his hair.

"Done.. come lets go"

He was wearing a white linen shirt complemented with dark blue jeans.

"You're looking good, Vihu.."

"I know that already, amma.."

"Self possessed fella" Ramya shook her head smiling joined by Vihaan who gave a loud chuckle.

" me when the college is over"

"Okay. Have your food on time"

"Yes mom. Bye .."

"Bye, Vihu..."

He smiled and shifted his eyes to the college premises. His eyes scanned for someone unusually.

Many students were going to their respective classes. And the first bell also rang.

"What happened ? You are looking as if you are seeing the college for the very first time ?" She raised her eyebrows.

" seems different today. Painted ?"

"Painted two years back. What's with you ?" Ramya chuckled knocking his head lightly.

"Uhummm... im going then"

He started the car to office.

His mind was behaving weird since yesterday. He didnt get the answer. He took the anklets n number of times yesterday.

I dont know why, something is happening with me...

"Sir ?"

He was typing something random on the computer.

It read as " There is a depth of ocean in her eyes.."

"Sir ?"

That was when he acknowledged someone else's presence in the room.

"Yes Aanandhi, tell me ?"

"Sir, we have a meeting in afternoon with the Italian company. They will reach here by noon"

"Okay. Make arrangements for that and check this report for once"

He moved the laptop towards her side as she sat down opposite to him.

He checked some files meanwhile.

As she kept reading , she found something different at the end of the report.

She looked back at him and back at the screen.

"Uh...sir... i think this is a typo here"

She showed him.

His eyes widened seeing " there is depth of ocean in her eyes, and in her flawless hair that falls like cascades of waterfall reminds an eternity to love...and "

He couldnt write any further because Aanandhi had intruded his thoughts.

"Uh...ohh i see..." he squinted his eyes at the screen putting up an act.

"Shucks ! This was the novel i read yesterday. The female character was described this way. Such a nice story you know ? I couldn't get it off my head... hehe.. you carry on with your works"

"Ohh..hmm..okay sir" His P.A gave a light smile and went away.

Once she was away, he facepalmed himself and erased what all the unnecessary stuffs he wrote.
After cross checking once more, he continued typing the report.

This wont do any good for me. He thought in his mind.

Ramya saw Jwala entering to the nearby cabin to sign the log in register.

When she briefly looked inside the Ramya's cabin, she gestured Jwala to come inside.

"Good morning ma'am"

"Good morning Jwala...
I had checked your anklet in the whole house"

Jwala eyes turned hopeful.

"But i didnt find it anywhere. Sorry dear"

Her happy eyes turned sad.

"Don't worry dear. I'll buy a new one for you"

"No no. Its okay ma'am. Don't bother" She faked a smile and excused.

"Are you coming for a movie this weekend ?" Rithika asked chirpily.

"This week...? there are no programmes yet for me.. I'll tell you later"

"Come on..i expect that as a yes from you"

"I'll tell you Rithu" Jwala smiled.

It was lunch time and they were having their food together.

"Try this.. Amma invented it recently"

Jwala said while passing a mixed vegetable stir fry.

"It's so tasty. How can everything be so tasty ? Your mother has magic in her fingers"

"I'll convey that to her" Jwala smiled.

"I'll have to come to your home just to taste her food"

"Haha.. you are always welcome. How about today ? "

"Umm.. today ? I've been taking tuition to higher secondary kids in the evening. Their exams are coming, so its a tight schedule Jwala. I'll come some other day"

"Thats fine. Come whenever you are free"

The meeting had started and Vihaan was called to explain his idea on the upcoming project.

"Good afternoon everyone. I'll just brief about what i intend to do in the future. We are planning for an innovative assistive technology device which aims to create a portable device that can assist the people who a physically disabled. For example, like hearing or visual impairments combined with todays AI, use of sensors to provide real time assistance to them and can also be customized according to people's demand"

"So if you like this plan, then we can discuss on it. And we would like to assist you by taking charge of the software and hardware department and can engage in designing the plans as well"

Vihaan showed some PowerPoint presentations. From their faces, he clearly understood that they were somehow impressed.

They had discussed among their team for 5 minutes.

"So, Mr. Vihaan. When can we start working on it ?"

"Very soon, sir"

"Looking forward to this great idea"

They shook hands with each other and he assisted in showing his office and infrastructure to them.

"Did you design this office ?"

"One of my friend designed the major portions. I just gave few ideas thats all"

"I'll mail you the details soon" Vihaan said.

"That would be great"

After having food, they returned.

It was 4.45 PM already.
Vihaan came in his Black Mercedes Benz and parked it in the college premises, waiting for his mom.

He saw that college was almost empty as students had gone earlier. Only few students were walking here and there.

Feeling suffocating sitting in the car, Vihaan got out of it to get some fresh air.

He leaned towards the car cross armed and checked his watch.

Some of the students watched an unfamiliar handsome man in their college. His 6 feet 2 inches complementing his muscular physique.

After 5 minutes, he saw Jwala coming out.

He straightened up his body and scanned her. She looked ethereal in that simple cotton saree. She was a natural. Jwala had a bunch of papers in her hand.

She didnt see him at first. Tucking in the few hair strands that came loose with the gentle breeze, she saw him.

Her eyes turned surprised.

"Hi Jwala" He walked two steps more to reach her.

"Uh..hi.." she smiled.

"You ? Here ?"

"I had asked amma to call me in the evening once she is done. Thats why waiting for her"

"Ohh.. ma'am is packing things. She will come soon"

"Hmm.. how are you going ?"

"Oh I've brought my car today"

"Thats great"

He was thinking what to ask her in those 2 minutes.

"So how are the classes going ?"

"Everything is going good with ma'ams support and hardwork. College day is coming soon so more planning is required"

"Dont worry about that. Everything will happen in a good way"

She smiled.

"How about your office ?"

"We striked a deal today. Collaborating with an Italian company. I'm coming after that meeting"

"That's cool. All the best"


Suddenly, a strong wind embraced them and took away the papers she held in her arms.

"Oh no..." she panicked and started picking up the papers.

The breeze was again disturbing her hair. Constantly tucking it behind her ears, she continued what she was doing. On the other side, Vihaan was also helping her.

At a point, both turned together at the same time and hit their foreheads.

"Ouch!" Jwala took her palm inorder to rub his forehead, while Vihaan did the same. They looked into each others eyes and it was Jwala first who came out of the trance.

She rubbed her forehead and got up followed by him.

"I'm sorry" Said both at the same time.

"Haha..its okay. Here are your papers"

He handed over the paper he collected in her arms.

"Thanks a lot"

"What are these ?"

"These are the papers of class test. I've to check it and give tomorrow"

"Ohh okay"

"I'll go now. Bye.."

She is going ?..


"Yes ?" She turned around.

"Ummm...nothing.. bye.."

She smiled and went. Vihaan saw her going in the car.

He sighed and touched his forehead smiling.

"Someone is so happy today, it seems"

"Amma ! I've been waiting for you since 15 minutes. Where were you ?"

"I've asked you to come at 5 only no. I had some works to finish"

She said getting in the car. He also got in and started.

"How was your day?"

"It was great, amma ! We got a big deal. Collaboration with an Italian company"

"I'm proud of you Vihu. You can do it"

He smiled.

"How was your day amma ?"

"Good and tiring also"


"So ?"

"Didn't you tell her about that missing anklet ?"

"Yeah i did tell. Poor thing. She was disappointed. Even though i told that we can buy a new one, she politely rejected it"


While checking the answer sheets, Jwala reminisced their small encounter and smiled.

He is actually a nice guy .... not rough and tough as he seems outside.

She continued checking the paper.

After freshening up and drinking a hot cup of coffee, Vihaan resumed his works. He was designing the device.

Time flew fast and he didnt realise that it was 8 pm even.

"Come lets have dinner"

"Okay mom"

He paused the works for sometime and they had dinner chatting lightly.

"So there are a lot of programmes on college day ?"

"Yes. This time i have an interest to do something ?"

Vihaan stopped having food and looked at her curiously.

"What's that, amma ?"

"Classical dance. But im thinking won't it be awkward..."

His eyes glittered.

"That's awesome, amma. You're the best in classical dance. You should do it. There is nothing awkward in it. You dont know how talented you are. Actually it will be a surprise to the students"

Hearing support from Vihaan's side, Ramya felt confident.

"Thanks Vihu. Let me see if things go well, I'll do"

He nodded smiling. Vihaan watched news in tv for sometime and later retired back to his room.

After sometime, he came downstairs. His mother was doing something on laptop.

"Amma, I'll send you to college tomorrow"

Ramya looked surprised. Rarely he sends her to office. Mostly, Ramya drives her own car. She looked at him keenly seeing this change of behaviour in him.

"Alright.. I'll be ready"

"Good night mom. Sleep early"
He kissed her cheeks.

"Good night Vihu.. you too sleep early. Dont stay awake for long"

"I'm going to bed early, amma. Bye"

Saying he went upstairs while his mother resumed her works.

How was the update ?

Did you like their small conversation ?

Comment which part made you love more. 

Do you think Vihaan is falling for her ?

Also, i just wanted to request for making a new cover to the story. I'm not very good at editing cover pages. So if anyone can make it , it would be of a great help.

Thank you all for your support towards this story.


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