Staying in his house

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Recap- Ramya asking Jwala to stay with her for two days- her parents agreeing her .

Jwala was very happy as her parents agreed to stay with her principal.On the way to the college , she met Abhiram and talked something with him.

In the staff room

'Why are you so happy today ?Tell me ' Rithika enquired her.

Jwala narrated the whole incident , how principal asked her the help from her, how her parents gave the permission in staying with her.........

' you are going to stay with her ....' Rithika said.

Jwala nodded.

'Do you know about her son ? Rithika enquired.

Jwala shook her head in no.

' I saw him once with his mother. He is a businessman, very handsome ' Rithika dreamed about him.

' dream here about him....i have to take the class.' saying this she went towards the classroom.


'Ma'am, may i come in ?' Jwala knocked at the principal's room.

'Yes...' she replied from inside.

Jwala entered .

'Sit down' Ramya said.

'What is the decision of your parents ,Jwala?' 

'Iam very happy madam.They agreed ' She said  excitedly.

'Thank you Jwala . Iam really grateful to you.' 

'No madam....don't be so formal with me . I can understand you ' she said.'

' Tomorrow is friday right ?'Ramya asked her.

She nodded.

'He will go tomorrow and will be back after two days. ' Ramya smiled at her.

Jwala too reciprocated the same towards her.

Vihaan woke up early in the morning as he had to attend the meeting in abroad.After taking a shower , he went downstairs to his mother. Ramya was in the kitchen , busy preparing the breakfast. Vihaan saw her and entered the kitchen.

'Amma...are you ok with it ?'Vihaan enquired.

'ok with what?'Ramya questioned him

'Why are you so serious amma ?'

'Iam not serious ' she replied.

'Are you sure that you dont want a maid to stay with you ?' he enquired again

'Who want a staff has agreed to stay with me '

' As you wish amma .'He smiled.

Vihaan ate the breakfast.Before going he took the blessings from his mother.

'Don't worry .I will come back in two days.Now please smile.'Vihaan said with a kid's voice.

Ramya smiled at him . He waved a bye a his mother and went.

Jwala was waiting for her principal in the evening .After five minutes, Ramya came there .She called a cab for going to the house .Soon they reached home.They got down from the car.
Jwala was stunned by the exterior of the house.Yes , it was a big house , simple yet elegant in its looks.She didnot move an inch instead stood there looking at the house and the beautiful garden.The garden had different types of flowers in which she glued her eyes to the red roses.She loved it since she was a small child.

Jwala came back form her thoughts when Ramya called her .

'Jwala..come inside ..why are you standing there ?' She welcomed her inside .

Jwala nodded and entered the house.Again she was taken aback by the interior of the house .The wall was being decorated with beautiful paintings and antiques.

'Jwala..come i'll show your room' Ramya said.

Jwala followed Ramya upstairs .She opened the room.

'Come inside. You can use this room .If you feel uncomfortable, i'll give you another room.'

'No's ok.I loved this room .' Jwala said.

'Jwala this is my house .Consider this as your home too and you can call me amma.Donot call me madam.Is it clear?' Ramya warned her.

'Yes madam...sorry am...amma '

Meanwhile Ramya was preparing the dinner.
Jwala, after taking a bath , went towards the kitchen to see her principal preparing the dough for chapathis.

'Madam...i'll do this .You can take rest.' She said.

Ramya glared at her.She didnot understand the reason behind this glare.

'I'd told you not to call me madam.'

'Ayyo...sorry amma..I'll prepare this .You please go and take rest.'

'No ...Jwala it'll be finished now '

'Then...I'll prepare the curry ..please..' Jwala pleaded.

Ramya nodded .Jwala became very happy and started to chop the vegetables .She was very fast .Within 10 minutes she prepared the curry .

'Hmm....Jwala , you're very fast and to say my mouth is watering by the smell of your curry.'

Jwala chuckled.

They prepared the dinner and took it to the table.

' sit there. ' Jwala said by making Ramya sit on the chair .

She served dinner for both of them .
Ramya dipped a piece of chapathi in the curry and had it.

'Jwala...your curry is amazing. I have never had such a tasty curry except that of my mother's ' She said.

Jwala smiled at her.

'Who taught you all this? Usually girls of your age doesnot know anything about the kitchen. 'Ramya enquired.

'I love cooking .My mother taught this to me.'

'So your mother must be an expert.' Ramya commented.

Jwala smiled .They chatted about the college for a little time.

'Jwala you tell me about your family .'

'My family consists of me , my father and my mother.'

'What're they doing ?'

'Appa is the manager of our company 'Jwala technolgies ' and amma is a home maker.' She said.

' you've a company of your own! That's great. I have heard about your company a lot . Such a hardworking company.'

'Wait...I'll show you something..' Ramya excused herself and went to her room.

Jwala sat there. After 2 minutes , she came with an album in her hand.
She gave it to Jwala. Jwala took it and opened it.The album had the photos of their  wedding. Ramya introduced all of the family members to her.
They turned the pages and stopped at a page.

'This is my son.' She pointed at the picture of a baby.

'Aww...he is very cute.' Jwala commented.

'His father passed away in an accident when he was only ten years old.' Her eyes welled up with tears.

Jwala sensed that she might be crying soon.So, she diverted the topic .

''s he looking now ? Show me .' Jwala asked.

Ramya smiled and turned the page to show a manly figure.

'Here...this is how he looks now.'

'Amma...your son is very handsome.You'll not have to search for a bride for him.Girls will come yo you asking for him for the marriage.'

Ramya laughed.

'I'm talking about this matter to him always. But whenever i introduce this topic , he'll escape from me saying stupid reasons.' Ramya said.

Both of them laughed together.

' might be feeling sleepy now.Go and take rest. ' Ramya said for which Jwala nodded and went.

Sorry for this boring update.

Made it very fast.

Hadnot cross checked .

Dedicating this update to Sunshine_876 as she was the  one who pleaded me to write the update .Shazu this is for you.

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Your's lovingly,

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