Winter's theme(Demons)

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I don't
Have magic
But for the record
Aren't magic
There lost sprits
That feed on blood
And they took over me

I cut myself
Just to keep
Everyone safe
But my
Are growing
At an alarming rate
It's like my
Are duplicating
Or more are taking
Over my mind

I don't know
Who I am anymore
Fire only brings
Them out
But my
Come out anyways
I can no longer
Be graceful
Be like a diamond
Or be me
They're tearing
Me apart

I wish
I could
Be free
But my
Treat me
Like I'm
Their cell
I swear with my
In me its like
A cave
You can hear
Blood chilling
Evil echoes

I wish
I was
More like
Flora who
Shows no
Fear while
She is
Fighting her

I'm trapped
In a conner
Help me
My evil
Are coming
Help me
There is
No escape
Help me
Before its
To late
For me
To be
Free of my

Winterfeather sorry if it's bad, hope you liked it

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