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Present Day...

Today's the day Taekwoon finally starts high school. He's done well in his studies through elementary and middle school. I'm sure he will also do very well in his high school studies!

"Taekwoon! Try to make some friends on the first day okay? And try not to get lost!" His parent instructed him.

Taekwoon just nodded, grabbed his bag, waved goodbye and walked out of the house. I followed him, wherever he went, and whenever he went. I'd also used to follow around Youngbae, but I don't see him anymore, since I 'no longer need his assistance' anymore. We probably will never see each other again, and he probably already has another person who he's guarding now.

On Taekwoon's way to school, I'd try talking to him, but I knew he wouldn't be able to hear my voice anymore. He's grown too old and can no longer hear or see me.

"Hey Taekwoon. Don't be afraid okay? I'll be helping you the whole way! On your whole journey of high school! And even beyond that..." I said to him, but as usual, no response.

"Hmm... I wonder what school's going to be like today... I wonder if I'll meet any new people or if I'll make any friends. How I wish I had someone, like a friend, to talk to." He said to himself, unaware I could hear everything he was saying.

"Thanks Taekwoon... You still don't know you have me as a guardian, do you? You probably never will... Gah.." I said to him again.

He continued walking and walking to his high school, then finally reached the entrance. When he got there, he looked around and tried to look for someone to talk with and maybe become friends with them. However, that's not how Jung Taekwoon rolls. He's a very quiet person and likes to keep to himself most of the time. If he doesn't approach someone, then someone else will most likely approach him, because who wouldn't want to be friends with him? He's a great guy!

He found a place to settle down and sit for now. It was on a bench, which was beside a grand, oak tree. He sat down on the bench and pulled out a book to read, just to pass time. I don't blame him for keeping to himself on the first day of school, that's what I remember I did! The first day was tough for me...

Suddenly, these three boys came up to Taekwoon, trying to look for some trouble maybe. I could see their guardians, only to see that their guardians were not a good influence and guided them on the wrong path. They are guardians who may sooner or later, turn into demons.

"Yah! What's your name?" The leader asked Taekwoon.

"Jung Taekwoon! And yours?"

"Bang Seong Kyeo, and my buddies here are; Nan Jong Soo and Ban Gab Soo. That's our bench." He said.

"Well, we can share the bench, can't we?" He suggested as he scooted to one side of the bench so that the other boys could sit on it.

"Um... How about no?" Jong Soo said cockily.

"Yeah! That's out bench! Get off!" Gab Soo said after.

"Shut up the both of you! Did your Umma teach you that only the leader should talk, unless otherwise? Anyways, we want that bench." Seong Kyeo demanded.

"Holy shiz Taekwoon! Just give them the dang bench so you don't get hurt!!" I tried saying to him.

"It's no use protecting him. My person will end up beating him to a pulp anyways." One of the demons said.

"Shush you insolent demon!" I hissed.

"Why do you want THIS bench? There are plenty of other benches, so why do you want this one in particular?" Taekwoon asked them.

"THATS IT! JONG SOO! GAB SOO! Hold him." Seong Kyeo said.

The two boys, who seemed like twins, walked over to Taekwoon and held him by his wrists. They made him drop his book, and he looked like he was uncomfortable. This is bad!!!

"Hey! Let go of me!!" Taekwoon struggled, trying to loosen the grip of the twins.

"You'll learn, not to speak back to me." Seong Kyeo said, then started punching Taekwoon in the gut.

"Ouch... That must hurt." I said.

"Yep. It probably does, wouldn't it?" One of the other demons said.

"Stop them from hurting Taekwoon! What's he ever done to them?" I asked the three demons.

"He spoke back to my person, which is very rude you know? And he's just on their spot of the bench. It's not our fault that he can't protect himself. Oh wait! Isn't that your job?" The blasted demon answered to me.

"Oh go to hell again, demon!" I yelled at him.

Then I swooped down close to Taekwoon and tried my best to pulled off the arms of the twins, who did have tight grip. However, it was no use, since I couldn't even move their hands.

After a few punches to his stomach, the guys left Taekwoon alone. I feel so bad though. I mean, I'm always here for him and I try to protect him, but nothing happens.

"What jerks." He said to himself... Then he sat up and picked up his book again, and started reading it, pretending like nothing happened. He's a great guy....

When I use the italics with "quotation marks", when people are speaking, it means they are not alive. (Meaning they're dead; a spirit, a demon, you get what I mean?)

So please try to remember that, just in case you get confused later on in the story. I will be using it A LOT, so please be aware and all that good stuff.

***please comment if you understand or not. I know I can be very confusing sometimes***

And one last thing...*face palms*

I've started another story (yes, I'm crazy...) and it's called "Broken". If you ever want to read it, it's a pretty coolio story. Try checking it out if you get the chance!

Kay... Sorry for that.... I'll just be going now.....


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