chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (edited)

I awoke and reached out for my baby boy, I open my eyes. Cute three year old boy. My fingers tracing his lovely face. My Leonard. The light of my dull life. Leonard stirred lightly in his sleeping form. His lovely pink lips turned into a pout. Wrapping his small arm around my waist, he opens his eyes. A single look from his eyes, all my sorrow melts away.

"Morwning mummy" he said.

Slowly, my finger tickled his arm, gaining a hard laugh from him. He climbed on top of me, trying to do the same. His little fingers tickled my neck. He smiled triumphantly, showing his pearl white teeth when I squealed. Carrying him behind my back, I dance my way towards the bathroom, bathing him first and changing him to a new fresh set of clothes. Pinching his nose, I asked him to play with his toy while I take my shower.

The bathroom is small. There is only a shower head and a small sink and the toilet at the end. Barely 2 people can enter. Brushing my teeth, I made a mental note on my grocery list and added Leonard's milk too. Sighing, I let the cold water wash over my body. The water droplet falls from my face with my tears. Money is the problem.

Closing the shower door behind me, I make my way to the small cupboard, changing into a white blouse and an A-line black skirt. Braiding my long wavy red hair, I looked into the mirror. A pair of blue eyes looking back at me. My eyes look bad, I thought to myself. Dabbing some eyeshadow and powder on and finishing with a pink lipstick, I smiled back to the mirror.

Picking up Leonard, I scurried to the kitchen. I made a vanilla pancake and coffee for me and milk for little Leonard. Sipping my coffee, I hear attentively to his story about his new friend. That new friend is living next door. After finishing our breakfast, I tucked my file under my arm and held Leonard's hand tightly.

Today, I have to take Leonard with me to the interview as nobody is there to take care of him and I don't have the resources to pay them. Locking the door of our small apartment, my eyes took in my surroundings. Leonard looks cute with his Mickey Mouse backpack.

Walking down the street, I waited for bus no. A12 to take me uptown. To the city where my dream job is waiting.

"Leonard," I looked down to my son.

"Yes, mummy" he said humming his favorite song.

Squatting down, I held both his hand, trying to get his attention. When I finally did, I told him about my interview today.

"God pwease help mummy" he prayed joining his hand together.

The bus arrived and both of us hopped into it. Leonard took the seat beside the window. A few minutes later, we reached our destination.

Standing in front of the building, I looked up. Taking a deep breath, I opened the glass door. Leonard tightens his grip on my hand. The cold air-con greeted us. The word "Sky" in gold adorned the white wall. A smiling blonde woman stands behind the reception counter. Pulling Leonard with me, I step forwards toward the reception counter.

"I'm Ella Maria. I came for the open interview," I said introducing myself.

The blonde-haired woman passes a form and asks me to fill it up and pass it back it back to her once completed. Looking across the lobby, my gaze falls on the other women chattering and filling up the form. They look young, I thought to myself. Sitting down on one of the empty couch, taking out the pen from the bag, I filled up the form answering the question one by one.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Leonard smiling while coloring an image of a bird on the coloring book I bought for him last month. The chattering sound and the shushing after that bothers me. It is a sign that the women standing near the pillar has turned Leonard and me into a juicy gossip topic. Their feet are not in my shoe, they couldn't feel the tightness or the holes in the sole, so they are not the best judge. I know that, but it's so hard to ignore it.

"Be strong, do it for Leo," I told myself.

I was so deep in my thought and focused on filling up the form, I forgot to check on Leonard. "Leo, finished coloring?" I asked while looking at the form, checking that every questionnaire answered.

My eyes widened in horror, when I turned my gaze to the spot where I last saw my baby. He is not there, only his book on the floor with the colors scattered on the floor. tears welled in my eyes, as I realized that Leonard is missing.

He couldn't be far right? He should be somewhere inside the building, but where?

Questions swarmed my head. Craning my neck, I looked around, but he is nowhere to be found. The sound of my thundering heart almost audible to my ear. Standing up instantly, I rushed towards the reception desk with a hope that the receptionist saw Leonard.

"Have you seen my son? He was with me," I asked her, stammering.

She shakes her head.

My heart pounding, hammering behind my chest. I almost choked on my tears as I couldn't find him even after calling out his name slowly.

"Mummy" A faint sound came from a distance. Turning around, Leonard runs towards me. His tiny fingers wrapped around my calf as he clings to me. Relief washed over me. Finally, I can take a calm breath. Squatting down, I hugged him, tight, "Where did you go?"

"Toilet" he whispered to me.

There is a man trailing behind Leonard. His round grey eyes fixed on me. He looks handsome with his diamond shape face, sharp nose and curly hair. Standing up, I can make that he is at least standing at 6' 2". A powerful aura of authority emits from him. His three piece grey suite covered his perfectly moulded body.

His hand tucked neatly inside his pocket, "I saw him running along the hallway near the toilet." he explains.

"Thank you, sir," I said smiling at him.

Nodding his head as he walks passing by me towards the elevator. He waved at Leonard as the door closes on him.

Pulling Leonard with me, I sit down and rest him on my lap. Waiting for my name to be called.


don't forget to vote lovely reader...

It has come to my attention that some reader thinks Ella written by lalalandecember copied this story or I copied her story.

Firstly thanks for your attention to detail and care. It shows your love for your beloved author.

Some of you have even reported it to the watpadd HQ. It shows that you guys are awesome and don't take nonsense when it comes to plagiarism. Bravo.

However, that's not the issue here. This story was written by both of us. 1 chapter each and you guys can see the name first up there. It shows that which chapter written by which author.

Nobody copied anybody story. It just that we decided to upload it to our own profile.

Hope this clarify this issue.

Thank you guys.


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