chapter 16

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Chapter by lalalandecember


"Get your bag, baby." I told him as I tried to put my hair in a bun. I looked myself in the mirror and saw a slight same features of me years ago.

"Ready, Mommy." Leo come to me with his backpack.

"Let's go then." I grabbed his shoulder and lead him to the door. I turn back to lock the door, but what I missed is that I didn't see a car in front of my apartment.

"Buddy!" Leo yelled excitedly.

I turned my body almost cracking my backbone. I saw Marcel getting out of his car and walked to us.

What does he want this time? I ask myself mentally.

"Good morning, buddy." Marcel scoop Leo in his arms. He look at me briefly before shifted back his attention to Leo. "You looked handsome. You are going to school?"

"Yes." Leo nodded his head.

"Then I'm going to ride you."

"No." I rejected right away. He look up at me, giving me a questioning look. "It's no one decision but me." I cut him off before he could protest.

"Mommy, buddy ride me to school with car." I give him a stern look and he cowered.

"Put him down, please. I need to take him to school." I said nicely to him.

He stare at me for a while, before putting him down on his own will. Leo come to me and we walk away from my apartment right away. Leaving him there by himself.

"Why you mad at buddy, Mommy?" Asked Leo.

"I'm not mad, baby." I don't want to confuse Leo more. I don't want him to understand my situation. My problem is not his problem. I'll bring heaven to him in every way possible.

"Okay." He agreed. He don't have a choice anyway.

I drop him off to his kindergarten. I dropped him right in front of his class. I don't want him to go missing or something happen to him.

"Be a good boy, okay?"

"Okay, Mummy." He nods his head.

"I love you." I kiss both of his cheeks, then his forehead.

"Too." He kiss my lips and a smile spread on my lips. He could bring my world up, higher than I could imagine. But he could bring my world down just by a second. I love it and hate it at the same time.

I wave at him as he walk in to his class. I watch him as he gets to his seat. When I know he's safely inside, I decided to face my real world.

You know what I guessed and right? Marcel is waiting on his car in from of Leo's school.

I act like I don't see him or his car. O walk straight up passed his car.

"Ella." He calls.

"Ella, stop." But I didn't.

Until I felt a hand grab my arm. He turn me to face him. "Get in the car, Ella." He demands.

"Let me go." I pull my hand hard from his grip and I got freed. But not for long until I felt his hand again. But this time, he dare to touch me.

He wrapped his hand to my waist. My back to his front. My breath hitched.

"Don't make me do the hard way, Ella. Talk, Ella. It's the only way we could communicate." He pressed his head to mine.

My heart beat faster and I think it might leap out of it place.

I felt lips pressed to the back of my neck. "Ella." He whispers. Did he wants to break record by saying name so much? I think he says my name a lot just by this morning.

"Please." His voice crack. It's somehow making me feel bad about him.

"Let's go." He manoeuvred me, so that we are going to his car. He open the car passenger seat for.

I didn't just go straight in, but then I saw the pleading in his eyes. How could he do this? Especially to me.

I just hop in and he close the door. He walked over to the driver seat and start the engine. The is no sound as he drives just for a few minutes.

I observing the road he takes and for months I have been using the bus to the work place, but this is definitely not the right way I've been taking. Please tell me he didn't brought me to anywhere else.

"Where are we?" I decided to ask. But I didn't get an answer.

"Where are we going, Mr-" I was abruptly cut off by him.

"Don't fucking call me Mr. Marcel." He snaps. I jumped a bit of his outburst. "I'm sick of you calling me Mr. Marcel. I don't fucking need you to call me that."

"You are my boss."

"I don't want you to call me boss or Mr. Marcel. I am Marcel." He said with emphasis in every word.

The rest of the ride only silence, no words exchange. I don't know where he is taking me, but he never stop driving. I believe we are is out of town already.

All my life I live in Spain, but this side I never see or know.

"Let's go." Marcel killed the engine and hop out of the car. I looked around a big land with one big house that is seems an old fashioned.

Marcel opened the door at my side. I reluctantly stepped out of the car.

He take my hand in his and lead me to the house. I still don't understand where are we and Marcel being silent isn't helping either.

I watched him as he rings the bell. We waited, I was nervous. Something is going to happened which I won't like it.

A very looked older lady open the door. I look at her in confusion.

"Mother." My body freeze when I heard him say that. I turn my head to look at him and he just casually greeted her mother.

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