Chapter 45

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Chapter by syaminhazam

“Loretta” her name came out from my lip like a whisper as she ran and hugged me. I can still feel the warmth of her love seeping through her embrace.

Loretta is actually the oldest housekeeper in Gio’s mansion. She is like a second mother to me. Her love and caring words what makes staying here less like hell. Loretta is plump lady in her mid fifties when i left here. Nothing changes about her. Her  rosy cheek is still the same.

Whenever Gio hit or hurt me, she will come rushing to me with her soothing and comforting words. I can’t count how many times i have used her shoulder to cry or even sleep at her lap when my mum memories came haunting my dream.

“That’s all you can say, calling my name?” she asked staring right into my eyes. Her hand at her hip.  I chuckled.

“I missed you mama Loretta,” indeed i do.

“Why are you so skinny and pale” she asked, looking at me and checking my body.

I smiled. This is so her, she always look at me as a skinny woman before i left. She do remember me well.

“What are you doing here?” i asked as she is not the type who always out for shopping.

“There is a new grocery shop opened and i want to buy groceries to welcome you back. The house is like celebrating once we know that you are coming back” she blabbered showing bags of groceries in her hand.

“How are you going back?” i enquired her as she have tons of bags and its impossible for her to use the bus to get back to Gio mansion.

“came join us, put the bag in the trunk, we go back together” i told her, not waiting for her answer. Her gaze darted between me and Gio. Clearly, she is scared of Gio reaction.

“Get in Loretta, that’s the new Madam order.” He said smirking.

The ride home was filled with Loretta telling me stories about her family and also the event happened in the last four years.

As the car entered the long parkway, i know instantly that the freedom that i have will be cut. Gio will follow me like a shadow he was.

“I will cook nice food and you my lady, you must eat” Loretta said as shee keeps the groceries in the kitchen

“ Ok mama Loretta,” i called her the usual name i used with her. She first asked me to call her Loretta but seeing her motherly nature i wanted to call her mama Loretta, which she happily accepts.

“I have a meeting, please don’t try to run away or anything as foolish as that,” Gio whispered. I followed his gaze which falls on a man in black suit. “He will be staying here, keeping an eye on you,” he said kissing my forehead as he paced the kitchen and walked outside closing yhe door behind him.

I give Loretta a small smile before ascending the stairs the second floor. Nothing has changed since the last four years. The house still stood magnificently just like a palace. A palace which for me look like a

I was standing at the door. The door to my old bedroom. Taking a deep breath i pushed thee door open slowly. The image came rushing to my mind. The image of my happy time with Gio when i was not aware of his business.

Softly my fingers brushes the wall and also the vanity table. I gasped. He still keep my old perfume here. There is not a single dust here. It look like this room is well kept.

I paced the bedroom towards the window pane, pushing the thick curtain aside. A streak of sunshine flooded inside the room and the view of a beautiful garden greeted me.

Walling away from there, i saw the picture of me and Gio during pur wedding hung on the wall.

“Nothing changes here,” i whispered to myself.

“Master Gio wants it to be like the day you left, val. He asked us to clean this room with extra care since last week,” Loretta voice startled me.

“Mama Loretta,  My heart almost stopped” i joked.

“I know the truth Val. No need to hide from me” she said walking near me.

“food will be ready in an hour, why don’t you refresh yourself, your clothes are in the closet as usual” she said before closing the room door.

Standing here alone, leaving me with the memories of old and new. Old ones are with Gio and the new one’s are with Marcel and Leo. Their laughter ringing in my ear just like it is from downstairs. However the truth is, they are far, far away from me.

I want to see Leo smile and eyes. I want to see Marcel lovely gaze. I want to see them. Blindly, i look for my phone. Their photo were in the photo. At least i can see that. Suddenly, i remembered, Gio took it from me.
Suddenly the huge room feels like it is closing on me. My chest tightened and breath laboured. My vision blurred with my tears.

“Leo, mummy so sorry.. Marcel, i’m so sorry”
The heaviness i felt suddenly feel so light. There is no use for me to cry. This is the path that i choose.

After changing into a yellow knee length dress, i had my lunch with Loretta. She used to accompany me during those old days when Gio went out for meeting.

I was sitting at the library when i heard Gio voice calling out for me.

“is it true that you didn’t finish your food” he asked tapping my shoulder. His eyes bored into mine. Worry laced in his voice.

“I’m tired that’s all” I said.

“It’s better for you to eat more. You look pale.” He said grabbing my hand in his. His finger traced along my lip.

“your betrayal hurt me like a punch into my heart. However,” his finger brushes the side of my cheek, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“However, i can’t forget that i loved you the most.” He lowered his head.
His kiss falls on my cheek as i turned my head away.

“The pretty boy still stand between us i see” he mumbled.

“There is nothing left between us Gio, nothing. My heart doesn’t” i couldn’t finish my word as his large hand closed on my mouth. My eyes widen.

“Don’t ever say that” his eyes narrowed on me. Dark and steely. I know this gaze too well. It is hia warning. Ignoring this means i will have bruises on my again and right now i don’t want that to happen. Slowly i nodded.

“Good,” he said smirking.

“I want you down for dinner later and make sure you eat,” he said and walk out leaving me alone in the library.

Gio is back to his normal behaviour. For time being, i must submit to his order, gain his trust then maybe i can be free. Maybe.

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