chapter 52

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Chapter bylalalandecember

"Can you tie this?" Gio is preparing to go to his birthday party. Vincent throw a party at one of the finest hotel in Italy. As much as I look forward of this night, I also dreaded them. Giovanni has been nothing but nice to me. One of those night, while we were just sitting on the balcony. He almost slipped asking about Leo.

He missed him as much as I missed Leo. Gio haven't know Leo that long, in fact, he just met him once. But I can feel him missing Leo, now that he knows his existence.

"Sure." I walk up to him and take the tie from his hand. I linger the tie around his neck and adjust the collar.

I can feel his breath on top of my head. But I focus on tying to perform the perfect knot. I don't want to embarrass him in front of his colleagues and businesses partner.


"Thank you." He said, standing in front of the body mirror, to checked himself out. I do think he looks good with the black suit, white shirt and black tie. His hair held back with a gel. He looked manly.

"Come on." He turn around and facing me. He wrapped his arm behind my back and lead us out of our room.

Gio, I'm sorry.

I can't keep calm all the way to the ballroom. My heart hammered in my chest, beating so fast.

"You stay by my side, okay?" Gio is giving me a glare. Which I know not to disobey him.

I just not my head. Staying calm by his side. My mouth feel like someone is sealing them so tight.

We make it to the entrance. Vincent himself escorting us to the ballroom, smiling here and there. He have feel it, his victory without even getting it yet, I'm sure he felt that way. From the way he smile, walk and talk.

The ballroom entrance wide open, people scattering everywhere in the room. They stop what they are doing and looking at the entrance, at us. We kinda make a grand entry.

Men and women is looking at us in surprise. I would do too. After five years we separated, we come back as one. Everyone would expect that, because they never knew  about our divorce and no one will. They just see us as a perfect little family, behind these smiles.

Is Gio that blind to see it?

He should have known that his cousin acting suspicious, but I can see it. I want to tell him to be careful with his cousin, Vincent. But I'm sure he's not gonna believe me. They are cousins, they believe in each other. Vincent have been helpful for Gio and that got Gio's trust.

Even if I want to give him caution, I don't know any of his moves or what he will do.

"Everyone, Mr and Mrs. Salvatore." Vincent presenting us to the crowd. Some of them clapping and some of them just giving us a look, smile, etcetera.

I clutch on Gio's arm, I didn't like the attention. Maybe I was, once upon a time. Now, I feel like they are prying on me. Those dangerous eyes glancing at me now and then. Where's Marcel?

"It's okay, sweetheart. Just smile." Gio tried to assure me. They aren't assuring to me, they are a command instead. "Let's go greet some people." He said, dragging me with him.

I feel so uncomfortable right now. This is not my place anymore.

I do as he told. Smiles, greeting and all that just to pleased him and them.

"Can you excused me to the rest room?" I ask Gio. Looking at him pleadingly. I need to breathe some fresh air.

"I will ask someone to accompany you to the rest room." He turns, looking for someone. But I stop him.

"No need, I know where the rest room here. I've seen earlier." I said calmly, trying to keep my eyes focus on him.

"Okay." He seem hesitant.

"I will be back."

With that, I literally sprint out of the ballroom. Gosh, that was intense. As I walk to the rest room, which I don't know where it is. I just pretend that I know the location so Gio won't ask someone to tailing me. I really don't need that right now.

On my way, a waiter is holding an empty tray with a suspicious look. "Excuse me, can you tell me where the restroom is?" I look at him expectantly. He didn't meet my eyes, in fact he look other way.

"Yes, let me escort you." I furrow, confused. His voice weirdly familiar. I would have know if I really can say.

Before I can reject, he walk away. I just need a direction, I don't need him to escort me to the restroom. I don't want to waste his time, I know for sure who he work for. They aren't really nice.

I just follow him, not making any voice just the clicking of my heels and his shoes that is far away. I didn't notice any sign of restroom in the hallway.

"Excuse me, are this the right way?" I finally ask. I can't be gone for long or Gio will be wondering.

As he take the turn, I stops. I doubly thinking to follow him. But something telling me to go for him. So I take my step again and slowly making my way to take the turn.

"You are so slow, Love." I gasp at I see now the different man, but still with the same clothes or uniform.

"Marcel, I've been waiting for you. I though you didn't make it here." I said.

"I won't leave you alone. I just need to bring you here out of the cctv sight. I know what will Vincent do and we need to prevent them fast. You need to go back as fast as you can to Giovanni. Don't let him drink any alcohol." He look at me in seriousness.

"Why?" I was wondering. He haven't give me the explanation of Vincent's plan.

"No time. Go!" He urged me. Slightly pushing me to go. I was just seeing him now, I still miss him. But Gio's situation is more urgent. This is between life and death.

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