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                        Flame's POV

      I just stared at them with an angry expression on my face.My eye was in flames and my small fangs showed.I know what your thinking 'oh she's a demon' well no I'm not a demon I was born with fangs and I'll tell all of you people why my eye is in blue flames.I clutched my sword tight so that they know I'm not joking around today.I notice there were staring at me with wide eyes and I swear I thought I just heard hearts drop to the ground!?!. Anyways I'm gonna make them answer me weather they like it or not.


      I clutched my hip tight and all of a sudden I felt bandages wrapped around it.I looked at it and back at them.Did they do this? I walk towards them and stopped ignoring the pain even though I wanted to cry cause it stings like hell.I looked at them and asked who wrapped the bandage around my hip in a serious tone in my voice.They all pointed at a small girl with short blonde hair wearing a beautiful pink dress with flower designs over a white short sleeved sweater and a little tree-flower creature on her shoulder.I walked towards her and grabbed her hands.

        "Thank you for treating my wound," I gave her a sincere smile after I said that and she looked shocked and smiled back at me.I let go of her hands and asked who found me and she pointed to a girl with purple pigtails and weird eyebrows who was wearing a yellow tank top and white shorts that stopped at mid thigh.I turned towards her and said thank you that without her I would've died.And she said your welcome.But I wondered who carried me all the way here? So I asked them while I stared at the boys cause the girls did so much for me so if the boys didn't do shit I'm gonna kick all their asses.I glared at them knowing that they better not mess with me or else.They all pointed at a boy with dark blue hair who was wearing a light blue shirt and blue shorts.I walked up to him and told him thank you.I looked up at him and into his blue ocean eyes.They were so entrancing I couldn't look away from him.It took all my guts to look away and I turned away from him and walked to the table and faced all of them.

        "I don't know you guys so what are your names?", I asked them in a calm voice cause I'm not mad at them.They all helped me so I am grateful for that.So I leaned on one of the chairs that I had my hands on waiting for one of them to tell me their names.The little blonde hair girl came up to me.

       "My names Shiemi and these are all my friends and this is ni-chan my familiar. Can we be friends?",Shiemi asked me and I smiled at her and said of course we can.She gave me a huge smiled and walked over to wear she was standing and as she did I was thinking.'She reminds me of Natalia.'

     "I'm Izumo and I don't care if you want to be friends cause my best friend is Paku so I'm not saying if you want be my friends so good luck thinking that I would be your friend", I looked at her confused.'Is she trying to be my friend.' "Hey Izumo wanna be friends", I asked her while she had her arms crossed while her eyes were closed."Well since you asked then fine I'll be your friend." I smiled knowing that she wanted to be friends but didn't have the guts to say it.

        Well I met everyone here.I know that they guy with black and blonde hair with metal piercings is Suguro but he said I can call him Bon.Then the one who had a shaven bald head with red glasses was Konekomaru.And the guy with the pink hair who flirted with me was called Shima.I felt bad for what I did to him




     Let's just say that the end of my sword was pointing at his neck.I sighed knowing that everywhere there are some perverts out there.All of a sudden two boys were standing in front of me.I guess they're the last people cause their were 7 people here and I only met 5.

      "Hi I'm Yukio Okumura and this is my twin brother Rin.He's the oldest one", Yukio said with a smile.Wow I thought he was the oldest and his brother was the youngest.AND WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE REALLY TWINS?!?!?HOW!?!?One has brown hair with three moles and glasses while the other has dark blue hair that was messy with no moles and they're telling me that they're twins?? I guess that's why they say never judge a book by its cover.

     "Hey I'm Rin.Its nice to meet you and I think your sword is cool", he smiled at me showing his teeth that showed his canines which were really pointy.I smiled back knowing that I was gonna get along with all of them.'I guess its my turn to introduce myself.'

     "Its nice to meet you all my name's  Flame Shizuma and I hope we get along just fine", I smiled knowing that they are okay and that one day I'm gonna protect them against her.

      "Hey Flame-chan I have a question to ask you", Shiemi asked me with full of concern.

     "Well ask away",I smiled but I felt like I had to explain myself and its gonna take awhile for me to answer her question.

   "How did you end up in the alley way?"

   I stand corrected."I really don't know my memory is kinda blurry from what happened", I answered her question.I remembered what happened I just lied to her knowing that I'll tell them someday.Then Rin looked like he wanted to ask me something so I asked what did he want to asked me.He looked at me with a face that was telling me 'you-better-tell-me-the-truth'.I looked at him with a blank expression on the outside but in the inside I was nervous about what was he gonna ask me.But I realized he might ask me a stupid question like 'how old I am' or 'when's my birthday'.

"Why did your eye turn into blue flames?"

      All of a sudden I felt my eyes open wide,my heart stopped and my brain stopped working.My whole body frozed knowing I never could lie about this.I can't lie about my eye.I can't lie about my mentor.I can't lie about her.That someday is today.And today is the day I disappeared


Wow that was scary huh? Sorry for the cliff hanger but stay in toon for my special flame.Bye minna.



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