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"Claire, wake up.", mummy says shaking Claire to wake up. Claire opens her eyes, looks at her mummy, and gives a sad smile.

"Mummy, are you here?" Claire asks, "Are you here with me?"

Mummy doesn't reply. Instead, she drags Claire to herself, and hugs her warmly. She gently rubs her hand around Claire's body. At a point, she raises Claire's head, and kisses Claire gently on her forehead. That alone passes enough information that mummy will always be there for Claire. Claire is satisfied with mummy's gesture for an answer and hugs mummy back.

"I love you, mummy.", Claire says.

"I love you too.", mummy replies. And the both of them remain close to each other.

* * *

"Claire, bring your school uniform, okay?", mummy shouts from the back of the house.

"Okay, mummy.", Claire says, and rushes out of the living room, and into the bedroom. She brings out her dirty school uniform from the wardrobe, and runs out of the bedroom, and out to the back of the house. Outside, her mummy is washing some dirty clothes by hand.

"Here it is, mummy.", Claire says and shows mummy the uniform.

"Drop it on the floor, and get me some soap flakes from the kitchen.", her mummy says.

"Okay.", Claire agrees, and goes to the kitchen. She opens a little drawer, and brings out a box. She then goes to the back of the house, and hands it over to her mummy.

"Good girl," her mummy says, "Now tell me about Princess Clara."

"Okay," Claire says happily, "Princess Clara is a beautiful princess. Her daddy loved her dearly. But her mummy loved Princess Séa, the elder daughter, more."

"Séa? That's a weird name.", her mummy interrupts.

"Yes, mummy, it is a weird name," Clara continues, "Princess Séa was far more beautiful than Princess Clara."

"Really?", mummy asks.

"Yes, mummy. But Princess Séa lacks this.", Claire says, and touches her heart

"On the other hand, Princess Clara is kind and caring. She loves her friends, and she loves her enemies too. One day, Princess Séa approached her daddy, and said to him, 'This house is no longer good enough for me. I want a new one, and I want it now.' Her daddy was surprised. 'Séa, this is the biggest house in the kindgom.', he said. 'It may be, daddy, but it is not big enough. I need to see a new house opposite this one. And I need to see it tomorrow.', Princess Seá complained.", Claire stops, and looks at mummy, to make sure mummy understood everything she had said. Her mummy looks at her, and nods in confirmation. Claire continues.

"Princess Clara wasn't so happy with Princess Séa's demanding attitude so she said, 'Don't talk to your daddy that way. This house is by far big, and it's not the house that matters, it's the occupants of the house.", Claire says.

"Occupants?", mummy asks.

"Yes, occupants. They are people who live in a particular place. That's a new word I learnt from my teacher yesterday. You and I are occupants of this house.", Claire explains.

"That's very good. Continue.", mummy says.

"Mummy, I'm thirsty.", Claire complains. Mummy gets up, and walks to the kitchen. She comes back later with a glass of water, and hands it over to Claire.

"Thank you." she says. "... God.", she adds almost immediately. Mummy resumes her washing, and Claire drinks her water, little by little, as if it were a glass of juice. She finishes the water, goes to the kitchen, and drops the glass on the worktop. She forgets she is supposed to be telling her mummy a story, and goes to the bedroom. She lays down on the bed and closes her eye.

Claire is at the castle again. But this time, she is outside the castle alone. She walks over to the entrance door, and opens it. She enters inside. No one is in the living room, and the white amazing furniture are back. She walks towards the door that leads to the big hall.

"I have to enter, and know what is there, and maybe see those people who are looking for me.", Claire says. As she is about to open it, someone drags her by the hand, and forces her out of the castle. She raises her head to see the face, but the person draws her closer to his/herself, and hugs her tightly.

"I made a promise to be here all the time," the voice says, "all the time. I won't leave you, Claire. I won't. I promise." Claire quickly recognizes the female voice.

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