Cousin Times ~ Chapter 17

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"You and me."

I raise one of my eyebrows, look at him weird. "What about you and me, Jae?" I take a sip of my latte.

He put down the mug and lean his back, comfortable. "Is just that, we don't have any time to spent together. You know?"

He right. We barely spent time together. Since my dad passed away, mom been work lately. And I just went to school and stay at home. Every night I waited my mom return I don't care that she late or early. When weekend, I noted to myself that I should stay home so I can spent with with mom. Sometimes she tell me that she have to go somewhere and I feel weird. Then I realized, she go out with my stepfather. But I don't blame her though. I'm just blame myself for being idiot and weak. Youngjae and I are really close until my dad passed away. Since then we barely meet each other, face to face. We just text each other since then.

I nod. "Yeah, you're right." I look up to meet his eyes dart on me, worries about me. "Is just that," I sigh. I shook my head slowly. "you know life is unfair to me."

Imagine that you lose your father and you have to be brave that you are not weak. But you are. And you have to stop seeing you friends, to focus your life. Even you have to forget the sadness and sorrow about the death. I even lose my hope to live.

I snap out from my thought as I feel someone hand on my head, patting my hair slowly. I look up, Youngjae give me a soft smile while his hand still on my head, patting.

"If your life is unfair for you, then you should prove that you can make it right." Youngjae give me a last pat and give me his sweet smile.

I didn't realize that my lip curve a smile and a tears slip out from my eyes.

Youngjae's hand reach my cheek and wipe my tears, gently. "Don't cry, you should cry on my shoulder." He joke.

I let out giggles. "Don't be so cheesy, jae."

"I can't."


'What!' Jungkook look at the couple that sit far away from him. He watch Youngjae wipe off the tears from Yuna cheeks.

"Why suddenly noona crying?" Jungkook quickly push his cap down and look at his phone as Youngjae turn around see the surrounding. Then Youngjae focus back at Yuna who finish wipe off her tears.

'Phew. I glad that he didn't see me.' Jungkook sigh in relief. He take a sip of his banana milkshake, his eyes still watch the couple.

Youngjae take a sip of his white coffee. "Do you want to go to park?" Youngjae know that she love to go to sea but they don't have any transport. Besides, he want to give her a drive at there if he have a car or motorcycle. Other than that, he know park is Yuna second favorite place.

Yuna's eyes lights up. "Sure." They finish their coffee and cake before leave the place.

Jungkook who drift to Instagram world, he look up see the empty table. He gasp in panic. "Aish, jinjia." He take off his cap and ruffles his hair in frustration.

The waitress stare at him with awe. Some of them try to lift their skirt up, expose their hips hoping he will see it. But their wish just disappear when the waiter who beside them, pull down their skirt with digust. And give what-the-hell-you're-thinking look. They just give a glare at their friend who take a order from the customers.

Jungkook put back his cap on. He finish his banana milkshakes and leave fhe café. 'Where are they go?'

Jungkook turn his head go left, two familiar figure walk ahead. He sigh in relief that he not lose sight of them. He push down his cap make sure that his bang cover his eyes. He take a step foward, following them.

'I'm seriously like a stalker already!!!' Jungkook shove his hands inside his jeans pocket. He avoid the eyes that look at him with weird.

Youngjae walk with Yuna with hand intertwine, no want to get lose of her. Yuna don't care about it because they always walk together with hand intertwine since little.

Youngjae know the 'real' Yuna, but he just shrug it off. Since he don't want Yuna stress about it. The real Yuna is, cheerful, bubbly and friendly person. One day, suddenly she 'shut' down her true self. So, he make a decision that he want to protect her from any harm. She is his life. And he don't want to lose her.

"Jang~ We're arrive!" Both of them walk to the nearest beach and sit silently. Yuna look at the kids playing around the playground happily. She smile as watch the scene in front of her. Youngjae who beside her, admiring her face silence.

'You should know that you are precious to me.' Youngjae thought. He smile as she giggles watching the kids joking around.

Jungkook who still watching them far from them. He lean his back against the building that across the park. His cap pull down so nobody can see his face.

'I'm really want to know what are they doing.' Jungkook whine in his thought.

But three of them doesn't know that someone watching them from the start. His hand turn to a fist when see Youngjae poke his love cheek. He poke his cheek with his tongue, annoying how Youngjae is.

"It alright. One day she will be mine. ONLY MINE."



After our 'date', Youngjae walked me home. He said it dangerous for letting me walk alone and it's getting dark. I close the gate and wave him. He wave me back before disappear from my sight.

I close the front door behind me as I got in. "I'm home!" I take off my sandal and put it inside shoe place. (A/N : I don't what it call) I go to living room and see all of them sit on the sofa.

"Oh? You're back." Namjoon the first one realize my appearance. I look at the clock hanging on the wall.

"Yeah, beside I make a promise that I should get home before 10 right?" The clock showed 9:43 PM. Yoongi look at me with relieved.

"I glad that you got home safely. But Jungkook not return yet though." Yoongi look at his phone and put it close to his mouth.

"Yah, Jungkookie where are you?" Yoongi send the voice message to him.


Then I realize Jungkook is the only one who not here. Before I can ask where he go, the front door open reveal Jungkook who wear a black cap.

That cap is familiar to me. Did I see those cap somewhere?

I think I saw a men with that cap today though. But I just shrug it off. Knowing that a lot of people have that kind of cap.

"Where are you went Jungkook?" Jimin ask him with raise one of his eyebrows.

"Walking around the neighborhood, what else?" Jungkook say while take off his shoe aside. "I want to take a shower now, peace yo!" Then he run behind me, straight to the upstairs and we can hear his door close.

"That odd." Taehyung answer. Then he turn his attention to television back, watching the 'I Can See Your Voice' show.

Before I go to the upstairs, my eyes caught Jin stare and he quickly look away. I sigh and go to my room.

I close the door behind me and put down my bag on ghe make up table. "How long that we can still be like this?" I shook my head disappointed. I grab my towel and take a shower.

I wrap my hair with my towel after I donw showered. I look at my phone and I got a messages from Youngjae.

53% 10:28PM


Hey, are you feel good after the date?😉

Yeah, it good tho.

I miss our hang out a lot.

I kind of want to reverse the time when we have a happy time.

I wish that too.😥

I hope we can hang out sometimes too.

Oh, I have to go now.

My mom is calling me.

Okay, bye.


Goodnight, buttercup🌠

I close my phone and charge it on the night stand. I comb my hair gently and put the towel aside. I take the cream medicine that Jin gave me and gently put it on my neck.

I wish I could know who the one who made this. Then, I lock the windows tightly make sure no one can break in. I hope.

I pull the curtain to close the window but little did I know someone staring at me from the outside.

To Be Continue~


Author Note (。・ω・。)

Hey, it been long that I publish the last chapter. I'm sorry that I' late. Last week I just finish the big exam. You don't know how much happy I'am when it over.

And I glad that I success publish this chapter because I make it this chapter before the exam. Every times I open the draff, my mind suddenly get blank. So that's why.😁

I wanna say thank you who still reading this book. Thank you for your vote and add my book at your reading list! It really mean a lot to me!❤


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