Death Boy ~ Chapter 9

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I sit on my bed, still thinking who that girl?

Is she their friends? Cousin? Sister?

"How could she is their sister. If she is their sister, I would be meet her already. Think! Yuna, think!" I ran my hair hard as I thinking who is she.

"If she is their sister, where is she?" I ask myself. "Ugh! I give up!" I stand up and walk toward study desk.

"Enough of thinking, it would better do homework." I grab my bag and take out korean book. We have Korean, English and Math homework so I had to finish it today. I take out my books and suddenly a paper fell down from my Math book.

"Mm?" I tilted my head and bend down to take a paper from the ground. I examine the paper.

"PBG? Who gave me this?" I open it and read it.

You're only mine. Nobody can have you, my doll.


Again? Are this a prank or something? Whoever wrote this, I really really Hate he/she. I sigh. I throw it into trash bin.

That more I like it. Am I too mean? Mean is good anyway. For who make a fun to me. I look toward my desk. I open Korean activity book and pen, I have to finish the homework.

"Mmm~" I hummed as I doing the howework. Why the teaches give a lot of homework.

Ting Ting~

"Huh?" I heard my phone vibrate. I drop my pen and take my phone and open it.


Donseang ~ are you want to watch our practice?

Practice? They have practice today? Ah~ now I remembered. Wait. Are they tired of school all day and they dance on Saturday and Sunday. How they can still energetic.

Maybe I watch them after I finish my homework.

I will. But I had to finish my homework.

Awww. Okay then. Be fast!


I put down my phone and focusing my homework. "Ugh!" I groan. "Why soooo many homework I had to do!!!! Can I leave in peace already?"


"Done! I done! I done with it!" I drop my pen and close activity book. I sigh in relief. I look to my phone. "4:23..." I mumble as I read the time. I finish my homework in 20 minutes. I thought I doing in 2 hours. But I finished it in 20 minutes?! But I glad I still finished it.

I stand up and walk toward to the door and close behind me. I can heard the music from here. I walk to downstair and go to practice room. The music getting louder and louder. I open the door and spot them dance as the music play.


I sneaky walk to the side and careful sit on the ground watching they dance.

Clap! Clap!

I clap my hand after they finished their dance. They snap their head toward me.

"That's cool." I praise them while I still clapping.

They scratch their back of his head awkwardly.

"Hehehe. Yuna- ah, we didn't realize you come in..." Namjoon walk toward to laptop that on the floor and stop the music.

"I really good by sneaking." I say in tease way. "Oh! And I can heard the music from upstairs." Hoseok walk toward me and sit beside me and drink cool water to cool himself down.

"HAH?! Jinjia?!" Namjoon quickly snap his head toward me stop he doing whatever it is his laptop.

"Y-yeah... I think you put high speaker by the way." After heard my words, Namjoon curse under his breath.

"Aish, jinjia." He look back at his laptop and typing something. "Thanks, yun for told me." He said without leaving his eyes on his laptop.

"Welcome." I take out my phone and scroll the social media. As I scroll the social media, I caught the article and have our school name on it. My eyes terror when I saw the title

The Boy Student From Chuang Han High School Founded Death

"Umm...guys...." I call them, but my eyes still on the phone. What is happened.

"What's wrong, yun?" Taehyung ask me who finished his water.

"I-I think you guys should take a look at this." They stop what they doing and sit beside me. They look at my phone.

"The boy student from Chuang Han High School founded death yesterday. The name is Park Lee Shing. The death body were founded at the boy restroom laying on the ground and full of the blood. His left arm are missing from his body and founded in the restroom bin. Police says, he been stab 18 times over and over. Police also says his were murdered and no weapon found. Chuang Han High School had to close for 4 days because of the tragic death." Namjoon read the article slowly from my phone.

"Park Lee Shing?" Jungkook said in confuse tone while tilted his head to the side.

I sroll down and my eyes were terror when I saw his picture.

"!!!" I gasp as I clasp my mouth. I drop my phone as I look that boy picture.
I-I know him...


"Hey, beautiful ~"

Who is dare call me that. I can tell that by hearing he call me, already make's me want to punch on his face. Relax, yun. Relax... Not for long.

I close my locker after I put things inside my bag. I look to my right, tall man leaning his head to Jimin's locker as he stare at me.

"Are you want to join me at the lunch, beautiful?" He ask me. I guess I have to turn on my cold.

"No. I don't want to join with a pervert." I crossed my arm as I look at him.

He whistle. "Uuuu, so hard to get, huh. But, babygirl I will made you fall to me. " He smirk.

I really want to punch this guy. But I try myself to hold it. "Oh, really? I think you should fall from the building instead from me if you want to die." I glare at him. This guy is really want some trouble.

"You shouldn't talk like that. That was so mean, babygirl." His hand reach for my cheek. But a hand grab his hand, I look to my right, Yoongi's hand grab his hand hard.

"Yah! Don't ever touch her. GET YOUR ASS OUT FROM HERE!" That man hiss in pain as Yoongi release him. Then, that man run away from us.

I sigh in relief. "Thank, Yoongi."

He look at me. His hand reach my head and slowly pat my head. "You welcome. What wrong that man. He is so crazy and pervert. I glad that you're okay. Let's go to our class." He take my hand and walk through the hallway.


"Yuna -ah, gwenchana? (Are you okay?) " Jin ask me and he grab my both shoulders made me facing him.

"Yoongi-ah, a-are t-this g-guy...h-he th-the one ca-came" I shutter my words as I look down on the ground.

"Y-yeah. That's him." Yoongi sigh. I can heard him curse under his breath. I still look down not have a energy to look up.

I remove my hand from my mouth and put on the ground for support me. Jin's hands still on the ground. I still can move my body after heard the article.

"W-wait, wait, wait. What do you mean? Yoongi?" Jin ask in confusion but his hand still on me.

Yoongi sigh. He rest his head on the wall. "Yesterday, that guy trying to flirt Yuna. Then, I chase him away but I don't know this will happened." Yoongi close his eyes after explain to them.

"BWO!?" They said in together except Yoongi and me. I just remain silent and staring on the floor. I don't ever move from my place. What is happening? That guy who trying to flirt on me and he been founded death yesterday. On the same day. Who killed him?

"Yun, look at me..." Jin shaking my shoulders slowly. Even he shaking my shoulders, I still not bare to look at him. I don't have a energy.

"Yuna..." He call my name softly. He lift my chin up to look at his face. I look at him with no emotions. My eyes turn dark like that's no have a emotions. "Come here..." He began hug me.

He's arms wrap around my waist and he rest his head on my head. "Everything gonna be alright." He keep whispers to me making me clam. I don't know his words finally made me clam. I slowly wrap my arms around his waist. I don't even care they stare at us. I'm just need someone to help me.

I hide my face on his chest. His hug so warm. I can feel his breath on my hair. Why I feel weak now? I'm not often weak after heard someone death after appa die.


I feel my energy were drain out from my body. I can't move my hands. I loose my grip from Jin's waist. "J-jin-ah..." I call him name weakly.

"Y-yuna?" He call my name worry after heard my voice weak call his name.

I put my hand on his chest weakly. "I-I ti-tired..." I said in weakly. I can't hold it anymore.

"Yuna?" He call my name as he take my face. My hand getting weak and my hand were on the ground from Jin's chest. My eyes getting heavy. All I can see is the darkness.


??? P.O.V

"Hahaha!" I laugh as I stabbing Lee Shing photo over and over. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY GIRL!!!" I keep stabbing his picture with my knife that were full of blood on it.

"Your blood on my knife is so dirty. But It will be nice if your picture is full of blood."

I stop stabbing the picture and drop the knife off from my hand. I stand up and walk toward the board that were full of Yuna's picture. I caress her face on the picture.

"Too bad, I don't have you right now." I take my picture and cut it. And paste it on the picture beside Yuna. "Soon, I will take you. Wait for me, my honey."



I sit on the chair beside Yuna's bed. She collapse in my arms. Earlier I really worry about Yuna. She can't believe what happened.

Imagine that someone news greet or whatever, to you yesterday and the next day you find out that person are death. You will be shocked even though you don't like that person.

I take her hand gently and caress it. I can't see her weak like this. It make me hurt see her in this condition. I gently kiss her hand as I admire her beautiful face.

"I hope you feel well when you wake up..." I mumble my words hoping she wake up. I rest my head on her head without release her hand from my grip.

Suddenly I can feel her fingers moving from my grip. I quickly look up and see her eyes start to open. When she open her eyes, she look around her room until her eyes lands on me.

I smile sweetly to her. "Are you feel better?" I ask her still not take her hand away from me.

"Umm, I guess?" Her voice still weak. "Errr, what time right now?" She ask me.

"8:37 PM." I answer to her. She nod in understand. I look at her who trying to sit. I release her hand and help her to sit. I put the pillow behind her back to made her comfortable. "You didn't have your dinner yet so I made porridge for you. Wait for me, okay?" I said in sweet tone. I had to take care of her. She look at me and nod her head.

Maybe she too tired...

I stand up from my seat and walk toward the door. I twist the door knob. I peek to look at her before I close the door. She look down at her hands. I sigh and close the door gently.

I walk to downstair, I can heard the television was play. When I step to living room, all head look at me waiting for an answer.

"She awake and she's fine."

"Fuh..." They sigh in relief after I tell them about Yuna condition.

"I want to see her." Jimin stand up from his seat. He about to walk pass to me, but I grab his back of his shirt to made he stop.

"No. You can't. I'm sorry, Jiminie." He turn around and look at me.

"Wae~" (Why) He whine as he pout. He clingy around my arm.

"You can't. You guys can't. Because she still weak. Right now I had to take a porridge for her. And Jiminie can you release my arm now?" I glare at Jimin who smile like a idiot.

"Hehehe. I'm sorry, hyung." He loose his arm from mine.

"Alright, hyung. We will not come to her room for now." Taehyung said like a kid. He always like a little boy. Still.

"Good." I said one word before I walk toward to the kitchen. I take a porridge from the table and glass of water. I put it on the tray and walk toward to upstairs.

Before I open Yuna's room, I sigh in nervous. I open the door seeing she still her position. I place the tray on the table that beside her bed.

"Yuna-ah." I take the porridge. She look at me with her brown eyes. "Here I feed you."

"Ah. No. It's okay. I can eat by myself." Her hands try to reach the porridge from my hands but I put it away so she can't reach it.

"No. You don't have a strength right now. Let me feed you. Mmm?" I tilted my head. I stare at her until she gave up. She nod to me, she let me feed her.

I smile. "Here." I place the spoon in front her mouth waiting her to open her mouth. She open her mouth a little. I feed her gently. "How was it?" I ask her as I take away the spoon from her mouth.

"It's good..." I smile as I heard her praise my cooking. I can cook, you know. Who says worldwide handsome can't cook. Huh? (😂)

As I feed her, it remind me of Min Ji. My little sister who always tease me. I miss her jokes. She always get sick but she keep tell us she's strong. I'm the one who take care of her. Of course I'm not alone. The other take care of her too. She and Jimin was so close.

I'm not realize a shed of tear fall on my cheek. I quickly wipe off before Yuna see.

I done feed the porridge to Yuna. I place the bowl on the tray and take a glass of the water. "Here, drink this." I place the glass in front her. She place her hands on mine and guide the glass to touch her lip. I watch her drink the water.

I hope you feel better for tomorrow. I glad that we don't have to attend the school Monday until Wednesday.

She finished her drink. I take away the glass from her and put it on the tray.

"Jin-ah..." She call me weakly.

"Yes, Yuna?"

"I'm tired..."

"You should go to sleep now." I help her to laid down on the bed. When I about to take the tray, her hand stop my right hand.

"Can you stay..." I can feel her hand are trembling. She still scare.

"Sure." I sit on the seat but Yuna said something I didn't expect.

"Can you sl-sleep bes-beside me?"
(〇_o)Wh-whaaaaatttt. I can tell that she shutter her words.

And I can feel my both cheeks are burning right now. "S-sure..." I sit on her bed and slowly get under the bed.

"I'm still scared..." She said to me softly. I facing my body toward her. I warp around her waist slowly and pull her closer to me.

"Shh, just go to sleep. I'm here. Don't be afraid." I rest my head on her head. I can feel her arms are around my waist.

I kiss on her forehead gently before close my eyes.

I hope I can love you, Yuna.

To Be Continue ~

Author Note (⌒▽⌒)

Hi guys, sorry for late update. Are you guys already watch BTS Epiphany. Jin voice made me soft. I even cried as I read the meaning of the song. The video kind of similar the Highlight Reel. When Jin about to go out for meet the girl.

At the school, me and my friends start to gossip about the Epiphany. 😂 For who still don't watch the the new MV yet. You guys should watch it!

Thank you for your vote and thank you for add my book at your reading list. Thank you very much!❤


Chapter 10 Coming Soon~

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