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"Amethyst you got any fives?" I ask her
"Nope." She says bored
"I do Steven." Pearl says handing me her fives.
"That's not how it goes Pearl." I say
"You have to wait until I ask yo..."
Suddenly there is a boom and a crash and a splash on to the beach.
"Is it Jasper and Lapis?" I ask standing up next to Garnet.
"I am not sure Steven." She says
"We'll wait are we waiting for?!" Amethyst cheers running out the door.
"Amethyst wait!" Pearl runs after her.
Garnet and I look at each other shrug our shoulders and run after them. Once on the beach I see this big blue ball on both the beach and in the sea. We walk closer to it when the door opens and out come two girls.
"This is all your fault Amber." I white-ish blue one yells at a brown one.
"My fault!" The one named Amber yells back. "Your the one who didn't charge the homogeneic generator before we left." She says standing up.
I look at them the brown one is actually kind of yellow wearing a brown tank top and brownish yellow short shorts. Her hair in pig tails and one pig tail holds a gem. They're gems. I look at the other one and see one in the middle of her stomach. She wears a light blue shirt that ends mid rib cage and she wears a skirt that skirts her knees.
"Your the one who didn't fill up the tank before we left." The light blue one takes out a long stick.
Amber one pulls out two fork like things out of her gem and they fight. Next another one comes out.
"Will both of you cut it out?" This dark green one asks. She wear and two piece like Amethyst but her's falls shorter. She also wear green boots. The other two wear dress shoes. Anyway the green one is taller than these two and has a gem on her right shoulder. But it has a small crack in it. Amber and the other one fight.
"Amber Diamond both of you cut it out." She demands.
Diamond must be the other one. I look at diamond and her hair is like in a high ponytail.
"Shut it Jade" Diamond yells
"Excuse me" Jade says
Jades hair is short and spiky.
"CRYSTAL" Jade yells
Next a bluish purple girl walks out. She stays silent and holds a calm mellow expression on her face.
"Help me out here!" Jade calls to her holding Diamond and Amber apart.
Crystal wears a long sleeve shirt that is rolled up to her shoulders. And pants the fall all the way down to her ankles. And she wears dress shoes like the other two. Her hair lays flat. Not a single hair out of place. She looks perfect well put together. She has a single headband in her hair. She silently nods her head and walks over to the two fighting girls and places to fingers on each of the foreheads and down they go. The gems and I gasp and pull out our weapons. Has her hands drift down I notice that on the back of her left hand there is a gem that is bluish purple.
"Crystal" Says a new girl kind of joking and scolding like.
She is taller than the rest. A lot taller. She is light green and has a green gem on both of her cheeks on her face. She wears a green dress that ends mid thigh and it has straps that stop at the beginning of her shoulder. Her hair is wild and frizzy flying everywhere. It comes down to her mid back like Crystals. And she has on boots like Amethyst's.
"What have I told you about knocking out the twins?!" She ask
Crystal simply shrugs her shoulders in response. The new girl shakes her head and rubs the bridge of her nose. The gems now put there weapons away and so do I. The new girl notices us.
"Pearl, Amethyst, Ruby and Sapphire." She says with glee. "You do you prefers Garner your fusion name?"
"I prefer Garnet." Garnet replies the words flowing off her tongue.
"Good then we'll allow me to show you to:" she point to each one and recites a name. "Jade" she gestures to the dark green one.
Jade nods her head at us. "Sup'"
The new girl shakes her head.
Crystal simply waves at us nothing else is done.
"And theses two:" she gestures to the two girls how were knocked out and are now regaining their balance.
"Are the twins: Amber" point to brown one.
"Hi" Amber says taking her glare off the other to us waves and then continues to glare.
"And Diamond."
"Hello" Diamond said doing the same as Amber.
"I am Emerald. a fusion of green and yellow. And yes I do prefer my fusion name." She smile and waves.
"Em-" and Jade falls to the ground.
"My goodness Jade." Emerald exclaims
"I would love to catch up but Jade's gem is cracked." She says pointing at Jade whom is now in Crystals arms still unconscious. "We desperately need to find Rose." She pleads
I go to speak up Garnet cuts me off.
"Sorry but Rose is gone."
"Oh I see" Emerald sighs.
"But..." Garnet continues "we do have her son." She nudges me forward.
"What's your name?" Emerald asks getting down to my height.
"Steven" I say
"Steven hello. If you wouldn't mind crying on Jade's shoulder literally I would much appreciate it." She smiles.
"Sorry but I don't have healing tears." I say to her.
Her smile disappears. "Oh I see" she hangs her head.
"But I have something else." I say "warning this will look weird."
I walk over to Jade and Crystal. I then lick my hand and places it on Jade's cracked gem. Her bodies shudders and she stays asleep.
"Is she ok Crystal?"
Crystal nods.
"Thank you Steven" she hugs me.
"Your welcome" I laugh
"Now Emerald" Garnet says "mind telling us what you are doing here?"
Oh yes you probably would like to know?" She smiles and we all head to the house. This sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship and exciting adventures soon to come.
I don't know Steven universe that right belongs to Rebecca Sugar. I don't own Garnet Amethyst Pearl Steven Jasper Lapis and/or Peridot. I only own Emerald Jade Crystal Amber and Diamond. My Ocs.
I hope all you enjoy it let me know what you think. Should I continue or nah. Let me know. Chap 2 coming soon. Back stories for all. Alright see you later Kooie Kitties. :P

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