My Stolen Kiss Part - 5

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I know some of you might be shocked as I published two parts in one day because I quickly want to finish it so, that I can start new book 'Vampire's Bride' 😉

Let's start it...

~Next Day~

Mr.Guten : Here is my are you son ?

Shu : I am fine dad...

After greeting his in-laws they all sat down on couch.

Mrs.Guten :'s your parents ?

Shu : They are---

Sasha : SHU!!!

She walked over to him and sat down beside him then hugged him tightly and he took it as a friendly hug and tried to pull away but she didn't let him.

Shu : Ummm...Sasha...

He felt uncomfortable and pushed her slightly from him and she smiled awkwardly.

Sasha : I just missed you so much.

Shu : Me too...

Sasha : Well tell me...what do you want to eat ?

She said while wrapping her arm around his arm and you come downstairs with a smile on your face as you are feeling so happy after confessing your love to Shu but your smile faded away after seeing Shu and Sasha are sitting like a couple and you got jealous.

Y/n mind : I know they are friends but still...ugh!

Sasha : You know Shu...I am very good at cooking unlike oneesan...she doesn't know how to cook.

She laughed and you crossed your arms over your chest.

Shu : It doesn't matter, I am very good at cooking too...I will be there in the kitchen with her all the time after marriage and I will teach her.

Sasha stop laughing and you smiled widely.

Shu : And it's fine If she don't wanna learn cooking I will hire a maid for her.

Y/n mind : He is so understanding and caring.

Y/n : Sasha!!! Get your damn hands off my man!!!

Sasha smirked and hugged him.

Sasha : No...what will you do ?

Mrs.Guten : Sasha...stop it...

Sasha : Ohh! Mom...I am just teasing oneesan...I like to tease her so much.

Y/n : I don't like it when someone tease me...from now on don't you dare to touch my man.

Sasha : You are over possessive oneesan.

Y/n : Yeah! I admit that...

You looked at Shu.

Y/n : Shu...come out with me.

You walked over to him and grabbed his arm and pulled him up and dragged him out of the house.

Shu : Y/

Y/n : First tell me do you love me ?

Shu : Yes...I love you so much.

Y/n : Then you won't leave me...right ?

He understood that you are jealous so, he decided to tease you.

Shu : What If I say...I will ?

You looked at him in disbelief.

Y/n : I hate you...

You turned around to leave but he held your wrist and pulled you back making you fall on his hard chest.

Shu : Love...I will never leave you neither in this life nor in the next life.

He turned you around and cupped your face.

Shu : I can't help but to think how beautiful you would look in your wedding dress is killing me.

You blushed but hide it.

Y/n : Yahh! Stop teasing me or---


You both flinched.

Shu : What happened ?

Y/n : Let's go inside and check.

You both immediately rushed inside and saw Sasha was laying on floor unconsciously and your parents tried to wake her up but she didn't responded.

Y/n : SASHA!!!

You ran to her.

Y/n : your eyes.

Your mom started crying.

Y/n : Mom...please calm down...what happened to her suddenly ?

Mrs.Guten : She suddenly fainted.

Shu : Let's take her to the hospital...maybe she is sick.

Mr.Guten carried her and quickly rushed out to his car.

~At Hospital~

Doctor come out of the checking room and you all immediately went towards him.

Y/n : is she ? What happened to her ?

Mr.Guten : Is my daughter is okay ?

Doctor : Calm down...she is completely fine.

You all let out a sigh of relief.

Doctor : Congratulations...she is pregnant.

Everyone gasped and your eyes widened in shock.

Mrs.Guten : W-What ?

She stepped back with a heavy breathe.

Doctor : Yes...she is pregnant.

Your mom covered her mouth in shock.

Doctor : She is fine and you can meet her.

He left from there and your dad sat on the nearby chair and let out a sigh of disappointment.

Y/n :'s meet her.

Mr.Guten : No Y/n...I don't wanna see her face now because I couldn't control my anger.

Y/n : Mom---

Mrs.Guten : I didn't want to see her too.

You looked down and Shu come towards you and wrapped his arm around your waist.

Shu : Love...let's go and meet her.

You smile and went inside the room and saw her sitting on bed while hugging her knees and you slowly went towards her and sat in front of her.

Y/n : Do you know why are you here ?

She slowly nodded and looked at you while her eyes filled with tears.

Sasha : Nurse...told me that I am p-pregnant.

She burst into tears and you hugged her.

Y/n : Shhh!! Don't cry...

You broke the hug and wipe her tears.

Y/n : Who's the father of your baby ?

You cupped her face and she looked at you nervously.

Sasha mind : I don't wanna hurt you by telling you the father of my baby's name oneesan but now I am helpless.

Y/n : Sasha...tell me...don't be scared.

She took a deep breathe and wipe her tears and raised her hand and point her finger at Shu.

Shu : M-Me ?

Your eyes widened.

Sasha : are the father of my's your baby Shu.

Your mind went completely blank.

Shu : What the hell ? Have you lost your mind ?

She started crying hard.

Sasha : P-Please oneesan believe m-me...he is the f-father of my baby, 1 month ago he took me out for i-icecream and after an hour he took me to the r-restroom and make l-love with me.

Your heart broke into million pieces and Shu's eyes widened.

Y/n : I-Is that t-true Shu ?

He shook his head continuously.

Shu : Love...please believe me...I am not the father of her baby, yes 1 month ago I took her out for icecream but nothing had happened between---

Your dad aggressively come towards him and grabbed him by his collar in anger.

Shu : D-Dad---

Mr.Guten : SHUT UP!!! Don't call me dad.

Shu : U-Uncle...please listen---

Mr.Guten punched him so hard on his face.


Shu : U-Uncle...believe me I---

Mr.Guten : But it's not too late to fix your mistake so, take the responsibilities of Sasha and your bab---

Shu : Why ? Why would I take the responsibilities when the baby is not even mine ? No...I won't take any responsibilities that's not my baby!!! I AM NOT THE FATHER OF HER BABY!!!

Your dad looked at him in disbelief.

Mr.Guten : Don't be a got her pregnant so, you need to take care of both of them!!!

Shu : You can beat me or even kill me but I am not going to take any responsibilities.

Mr.Guten : YOU BASTARD!!!


You stood up and went towards them.

Y/n : We shouldn't make any's a hospital not home.

Shu : L-Love...

He hugged you tightly but you didn't hug him back.

Shu : You believe me...right ?

You broke the hug and looked away.

Y/n : I-I don't mind is so messed up right now...I d-don't know what else to say or do a-anymore.

Couple of tears left his eyes and his heart ached.

Shu : Y-Y/n...look at me into my eyes...every drop of my tear will explain how much I love you.

Y/n : Please...I-I need some alone time.

Shu : Y-Y/n---


You glared at him like you were about to slap him and he looked down and you walked out of the room while your dad follow you behind and your mom take Sasha with her.

~At Night~

You were sitting on couch with your parents while Sasha is in her room.

Y/n mind : Shu loves me to death but Sasha won't lie...she always want my good so, she is not lying but Shu promise me that he won't disappoint me then he is lying or Sasha ?

Mrs.Guten : Honey...

Mr.Guten : Hmmm ?

Mrs.Guten : Do you really think he got her pregnant ?

Mr.Guten : And do you think Sasha is lying ?

She looked down.

Mr.Guten : Why would she lied about such things huh ?

Mrs.Guten : But what are you going to do now ?

Mr.Guten : First I'll talk to his parents about it cause Shu need to be there for Sasha during her pregnancy...he need to be there for them when the baby arrives.

You heard their conversation and couple of tears left your eyes and you got up with a heavy heart and went to your room.

~Next Day~

Now you are sitting on couch with your dad while Sasha and your mom making breakfast in the kitchen that's when the doorbell rings and you stood up and went towards the door and open it but got shocked seeing the person.

Shu : Love...

You glared at him.

Y/n : Why are you here now ?

You said in a harsh tone but deep down you are dying to hug him.

Shu : Y/n...I come here to tell you---

Y/n : You are here to tell me that you are not the father of Sasha's baby...right ?

He nodded continuously while tears rolled down from his cheek.

Shu : P-Please believe me love...I---

Y/n : If you are really not the father of Sasha's baby then I will take you both hospital for DNA test.

He didn't panicked but smile through the tears.

Shu : I-I am ready for the DNA test.

You had a blank expression on your face until you heard what he said and couldn't control it anymore and pulled him into a tight hug.

Y/n : I-I believe you...I believe you Shu.

You broke the hug and cupped your face then wipe his tears.

Y/n : Stay strong...I'll be by your side...we will go through this together.

His eyes started to shinning brighter than the stars.

Y/n : your parents know about it ?

Shu : No...they don't know anything about it because I didn't tell them...I decide to solve this matter by my own.

You smiled.

Mr.Guten : Y/n...who's at the door ?

Your eyes widened.

Shu : Oh no...

Y/n : Shu...go home now and come tomorrow for the DNA test cause If he saw you here then he will kill you.

He nodded and immediately left and your dad come towards you.

Mr.Guten : Who was at the door Y/n ?

Y/n : N-No one dad...maybe someone just pranked on us.

He nodded and left and you let out a sigh of relief.

~After Breakfast~

You come to Sasha's room and saw her sitting on bed while thinking something.

Y/n mind : Who is the father of her baby ? Is she really lying ?

Sasha : Oneesan...

You walked over to her and sat on bed in front of her.

Sasha : What are you doing here ?

Y/n : I come here to check you...If you need anything then tell me.

She smiled and nodded.

Sasha : Oneesan...can I ask you something ?

Y/n : Yeah! Sure...go ahead.

Sasha : Do you believe me ?

Y/n : Of course I believe you.

Sasha : Then promise me that you'll get me married to Shu.

You stayed silent for sometimes.

Y/n : Okay...I promise you'll get marry to the person who got you pregnant.

She smiled widely.

Y/n : But I'll get you both hospital tomorrow for the DNA test so, that everyone will know that it's his baby.

Her eyes widened in shock but she calmed herself and said in a normal tone.

Sasha : Okay...I am ready for the DNA test.


Thanks for reading 😊
Next part will be out soon 😉
Love you sugars ❤️
Have a great day 👍

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