My Stolen Kiss Part - 7

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Let's start it...

~At Hospital~

Y/n : Good morning doctor.

Doctor : Good morning Y/n...please come in.

You and Silas walked over to doctor's desk and sat in front of him.

Doctor : So, Y/n...what brought you here ?

Y/n : Doctor...I want to know is it possible or not to do DNA test to find out who is the father of the baby because my sister is just 3 weeks pregnant...I want to get her DNA test without her knowing because she is not willing to test.

Doctor : It's completely non-invasive and safe Y/ doesn't pose any kind of risk to both the mother and the unborn baby but DNA test is possible only after 9 weeks of conception.

Silas : So, it's not possible right now ?

Doctor : Yes...we have to wait till she is 9 weeks pregnant.

You sighed sadly and started to think.

Y/n mind : Everything will be settled down only when I talk to Shu...I have to talk to him privately.

Silas : Y/n...what should we do now ?

Y/n : Just go home for now...there's nothing we can do right now.

Silas : Hmmm...

He stood up and walked out of the doctor's cabin.

Silas mind : I thought the truth would come out today but ugh!

He stopped on his track when he saw Sasha entering inside the hospital and started to look around for you.

Sasha mind : Why oneesan hasn't come yet ? She should be here by now.

She was looking for you when her gaze fell on Silas and she froze on her spot.

Sasha mind : What he is doing here ? He really need to stop following me everywhere.

Silas walked towards her and she glared at him.

Sasha : Why are you here ?

Silas looked at her little baby bump and was about to touch her belly but she backed off.

Silas : How is the baby doing ?

Her eyes widened.

Sasha : How do you know I am pregnant ? Oneesan told you ?

Silas : Yes...she told me everything but tell me why are you trying to separate me from my baby ?

Sasha : It's not your baby.

Silas : Liar...I will soon reveal your true colour in front of everyone.

Sasha : In your dreams...

His eyes darkened.

Silas : You will see...maybe not right now but one day, one day the truth will come in front of everyone and you can't hide the truth forever.

She gulped seeing his dark eyes.

Sasha : Silas...why can't you leave me alone ? Get a girl for yourself and live happily with her.

Silas : I don't want anyone...I just want my baby.

You come out of the doctor's cabin and saw Sasha and Silas talking in the corridor and you quickly hide behind a wall to hear their conversation.

Sasha : Please...If you want money then I'll give you as much as you want but never bother me again.

You quickly took out your phone and started to recording them.


He stopped yelling when he saw you recording them and he smirked as an idea popped in his mind.

Silas : Okay fine...I've changed my mind, If you give me money as much as I want then I'll never show you my face again.

She was shocked.

Sasha mind : Wow!! It actually worked, I can't believe money can change a person in a second...whatever now no one can stop me from marrying Shu.

Sasha : Okay then I'll arrange money soon.

Silas : But before that at least can you please tell the truth ?

Sasha : What truth ?

Silas : I need to know If the baby is mine or not so, please be honest.

Sasha : I won't tell you anything.

Silas : Please believe me...I'll keep it a secret because soon I am leaving this country.

She just stayed silent.

Silas : Please tell me...I promise I'll never ever bother you again.

Sasha : Fine...yes, it's your baby Silas...I am pregnant with your baby.

Your eyes widened and Silas face lit up due to happiness.

Silas : Okay but why did you lie to everyone that it's Shu's baby ?

Sasha : To make him mine...I love him and want him.

Silas : But why did Shu take the responsibilities when the baby is not his ?

Sasha : Enough!! Stop asking me so many questions and leave now.

He quickly kneeled down and touch her little baby bump and gently caressed it and kiss on it.

Sasha mind : Hurry up baby...daddy wants to see you and tell you how much daddy loves you.

Sasha : Silas please...oneesan will come here anytime for my checkup so, leave already before she saw you here.

He stood up and started to walk away making her sigh in relief and you stopped recovering and saw Sasha took out her phone and called you and you immediately picked up her call.

Sasha : Oneesan...where are you ? I reached at the hospital when will you come ?

Y/n : Sorry Sasha...I am not feeling well so, I can't come can do your checkup...I can't come.

Sasha : Oh! Okay oneesan...take care---

You quickly hangup the call.

Sasha : Aww! What was that ?

She put her phone inside her purse and went towards the doctor's cabin.

Y/n mind : Sasha ready because you are gonna pay for what you did...Shu didn't come with her means he is at home alone and it's a good opportunity to talk to him.

~After 20 Minutes~

You reached Shu's home and slowly entered inside to saw him sitting on directly went in front of him and he was shocked to see you out of nowhere and stood up.

Shu : Y/n...

You hugged him tightly making him even more shocked.

Y/n : I-I know the truth are innocent.

Shu : What ?

Y/n : I know you are not the father of Sasha's baby.

His eyes started to shinning with happiness.

Shu : My love...

He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you as tight as he could.

Y/n : Ahh! I c-can't breathe Shu.

He laughed and broke the hug and kissed your forehead.

Shu : I missed you love...every cell in my body missed you.

Y/n : I missed you more.

Shu : But love...are you mad at me ?

You didn't said anything.

Shu : Wait here...don't go anywhere...I will come soon.

He ran towards his bedroom and you sighed.

Y/n mind : I will definitely solved everything Shu but I won't take you back in my life because you left me without even thinking of showed me that you didn't care for me.

After awhile he come back to you with bunch of your favourite flowers and kneeled down in front of you and take your hand gently.

Shu : I am sorry love for everything, I know my one mistake has changed has broke our relationship I am sorry for that I promise I won't do that again.

You glared at him and take your hand off aggressively.

Y/n : Don't touch me...your sorry can't fix broke me inside so deep.

Shu : Love...I am truly sorry...let's start over again hmmm ? Let's make up for everything there's still a lifetime waiting for us...let's start over again.

You snatched the flowers from his hand and throw it away in anger.


Thanks for reading 😊
Next part will be out soon 😉
Love you sugars ❤️
Have a great day 👍

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