Sleep Amnesia?

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Have any of you woke up from a dream and just forgot everything?

Like EVERYTHING..... You have no idea who you are, where you are, who is talking.... You get the jist..... Right?

Alright, so, I fell asleep and 'round about 12:00 aka the middle of the day, I had a pack of peanuts on my bedside table, (the scent calms me) that was probably why I dreamed about The Greatest Showman, but when I woke up, I had my mind was just blank.....

It wasn't until I heard my little brother say "goodnight, love you mum" as he was walking to bed for his 2 hours in his devices before sleeping that my memories came back to me.....

I've been deep in thought ever since that happened......

It was kinda cool, not having memories to try and distract myself from, I could just lay there and think about anything and not have to worry about bad memories.....

At the same time though, it was scary, I had no idea who or where I was and the thought that I could forget everything at anytime is terrifying.....

I don't want to tell my mum about it but maybe I should tell my lil brother about it......

He was the only person I told about my self harm in early 2018, he's the most trustful even though he's a literal monster......

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