Like Old Times

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So this story kinda explains Cynthia's relationship with Juzo. Keep in mind that they're childhood friends.


Outside was a beautiful night. The sky was dark and sprinkle with many stars. Not a single cloud to be seen. On the rooftop, Cynthia, a shy ghost-loving girl watching the stars twinkle.

"I figured you'd be here." Cynthia look up (since she was laying down) and saw Juzo standing on the doorframe to the rooftop.

"I mean... it's a beautiful night... right?" Juzo walked over to her side and layer down next to her, viewing the stars in Cynthia's eyes.

It was silent. Nothing to be heard expect the wind brushing through the tree, the crickets cricketing. There was nothing to be said.

"When was the last time we saw the stars like this?" Juzo randomly asked. Cynthia thought about it without changing her expressing, still amazed at the stars above her.

"A long time ago... I'm surprised the stars haven't changed it a bit." Cynthia softly said without looking away.

"I bet the stars shine brighter now... since your dad is within the stars. I'm pretty sure you miss him." Juzo said, despite knowing talking about Cynthia's dad was a sensitive topic.

"Yea... I miss him... a lot..." Cynthia whispers, and for once she didn't cry whenever talking about her father. Probably because she's slowly starting to get used to it.

"But hey, you got Tetsutetsu. Me. Your mom. The whole class... everyone, to look over you." Juzo smiles softly, making Cynthia chuckle a little.

"Let's just continue watching the stars, like the old times." Juzo nodded and continued to watch the stars with Cynthia for the rest of the night.


Pretty short but oh well. Hope you enjoy and PLS GIVE JUZO SOME LOVE (T w T)

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