My Rejection Story

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This happened on Valentine's Day. I would've told you in My Life book, but I was a bit of a mental breakdown at the time. But I'm ready to tell the story... of my rejection.

February 14, 2018

It was was lunchtime on Valentine's Day at my school, I felt my heart beating as fast as a lighting. My friends push and encouraged me to confess to my crush. When my crush saw me, he started to run away as his friends (including my older brother) chase after him. After a couple of minutes of the great chase, my crush gave in and let me do my confession. After that, he just said 'okay.' I calmed down when my friends and I went back to our lunch spot. After 2-3 minutes later, my crush went my our spot and politely rejected me (I tried it like 2-3 times before). I was effected at the heart like an arrow shot throw the heart and made a small hole that it pain my heart a lot. I just nodded and my crush left. For the rest of the day, I didn't say a word, emotionless. When I got home, I went to my room and cry my tears out. Later that evening, my mom came to my room and I talked my mom about what happened at lunch. She understands and I felt better. The next day, I got over him. 

I thought he was the one, but it turns out I was wrong. But it's okay, my mom said this to me after I told her my story,

"It's okay. There are a lot of boys out there who wants a girl like you. They maybe are too shy to come up to you~"

Okay, the last sentence is not so important, but I wanted to add it.

So this is the story of my rejection. I no longer have a crush anymore. But that's okay, I'll find another sooner or later.

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