Stay Alive for All of Us!

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Lacie "Lala"
The Triple Ls (Ludwig, Larry, and Lemmy)

This is based on Stay Alive (Reprise) from Hamilton and a little bit of a story/comic in DeviantArt called Iggy's Loss by Glitched-Irken (which I think it's a future AU).
Hope you enjoy.


After hearing the news of Aii, her younger cousin Cyan rushed to Bower's castle to see her. As she arrived, Cyan look for Bower or the koopalings. When she saw Ludwig, she shouted in panic, "Where's my cousin Ludwig?!" When Ludwig heard, he replied, "Cyan. Come with me. They brought her in an hour ago. But she lost a lot of blood in her way—" "Is she alive?!" Cyan interrupted in a panic as tears started to water up to her eyes.

"Yes. But please understand that the bully we enter through her right hip—" "Can I please see her?" Cyan again interrupted. Ludwig nodded, "Yes. But please do understand that the wound had infected her when she arrived." Ludwig said as he quickly leads Cyan to the room where Aii was resting.

He opens the door for Cyan as Cyan eyes widen and tears started running down her cheeks. She quickly went up to Aii as Ludwig left them in the room, didn't want to interrupt the moment.

"Aii...." Cyan said as Aii open her eyes and said very weakly, " I did it... I finally did...." "Shhh... I know Ai, I know... Shhh....." Cyan shush as Aii continue. "I was.... aiming for the sky..... before we... touch....." Aii said as Cyan shush, "Shhh... I know... I know, but save your strength and please stay alive." "NOOO!!!!" Cyan turn and saw Eliza at the door with tears streaming down her eyes.

Eliza quickly ran up next to Cyan and asks, "Is Ai breathing?! Is Ai going to live?!? WHO DID THIS CYAN?!?! IF YOU DO, TELL ME!!!" Before Eliza can ask more, she felt a hand holding her's.

"Liz... I'm so sorry for forgetting what we had before...." Aii said with tears streaming down her eyes. "We played a lot of turf wars and play a lot of music..... and you were always by my side....." "You would always improve and never give up Aii..." Eliza nodded. "Heh... I... would always improve....." Aii said weakly as life started slowly fade away. "I know I know shhh...." as Eliza hug her tightly. "Liz... do me a favor..... if Lemmy asks where I am.... tell him I in a better place... and I said goodbye...." Eliza nodded.

They then pull away and started singing. But as they were about the finish, Aii started to slowly take her last breath. As Eliza didn't hear Aii, she repeats.

Then started screaming in tears as she started to see no life in Aii anymore. Eliza put her head down and sob as Cyan hug Eliza tightly as she cried silently.

At the doorframe was Ludwig, Larry, and Lala. They saw Aii's death and slowly started having tears in their eyes as they started running down their cheeks like a waterfall. Lala covers her mouth to keep herself from crying, Larry hugged Ludwig as Ludwig hug back.

Worst of all was... Lemmy wasn't there.

Extended Ending

Lemmy was walking around the hallways of the castle, angry at Roy for hurting Eliza and Iggy. As he was in thought, Lemmy heard sobbing. He saw Ludwig, Lala, and Larry at the doorframe.

"Luddy, Lala, Larry! What happen?!" Lemmy ask. All turn and motion him to go into the room. As Lemmy looks through the door, his eyes widen as he felt tears in his eyes. Eliza was hugging Cyan, crying. On the bed was Aii. Lemmy went up and stare down at Aii.

"Aii wake up.... this is not funny....." Lemmy said as he shook Aii. He went on the bed and put his head on Aii's chest to hear her heartbeat. But all he heard was nothing. Lemmy shot back up and started crying.

"AII!!! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME WITHOUT TELLING ME?!?!?! WHY!!!!" Lemmy shouted as he cries.

As Lemmy continued crying, a spirit hugs him from behind. "I'm sorry Lemmy... I promise to make it up to you when we see each other again.

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