chapter sixteen

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For the millionth time, I come around and feel strong arms wrapped around me. I strain open my eyes and look at the clock. I've slept the day away. I turn over and my eyes widen when I see Dipper's sleeping face. He looks too peaceful in his sleep, almost like he isn't really alive.

I wriggle out of his grasp, careful not to wake him, and realize what had happened earlier. I quickly find a shirt on the floor, not caring who's it is, and slide it over my underdressed body.

I step from the room and walk across the hall to the empty bathroom to take a quick shower before he woke up and found out what mood he would be in today.

The shower water is hot and relaxing, it makes me forget everything that happened in my life just for a moment. I can just let all the stress roll of my shoulders and circle the drain.

~ ~ ~

After the nice relaxing shower, I dried my hair and wrapped a towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom and to my actual room down the hall. There, I put on a Seafoam green shirt with black leggings. I look out the window and get surprised when I see Mr Stanford's car in the driveway of the Manor. My eyes widen and I can't figure out what to do.

"Oh my god, what if Maxine sees me here?" I whisper. "What will I say?"

My phone rings and I nearly jump. I grab it off my bed and see that the call is from Gideon. I answer it, "hey Gideon." I say quietly. "How are you?"

"Hey Paz! I heard the good news!" He exclaims and my eardrum nearly explodes. "Who's the unlucky man?" He teases.

"Hey Gids," I say, avoiding his question. "How's things in California?"

"Oh it's amazing!" Gideon forgets all about the question he asked me and continues to endorse me on all the wonderful things about California. "How's work?" He finally asks me.

"Oh things at work are fine," I say, not completely lying. "Mr Gleeful got engaged to Maxine," I tell him.

"I knew it!" Gideon gushes, "I knew that they had something! But how about you, Whatcha doing?"

"Just spending the rest of the day relaxing," I yawn. "I'm tired."

I can see him rolling his eyes, "did you miss work today?"

"How can you tell?" I counter.

"Well I called you at work but the receptionist told me you were off today," he explains. "It's not like you to take a sick day. Are you feeling alright?"

"Oh Gideon, I am completely fine." I tell him. "I really feel fine."

"You don't sound fine, maybe I should come over and visit sometime." He offers. "When's okay for you?"

"Uh. . . .I dunno Gids, I really don't know." I tell him honestly. "But I don't think this weekend is okay, I'm going to be busy."

He sighs, "alright. Well, I gotta go, bye Paz!"

I bid him goodbye and hang up. I heave a sigh and drop my phone onto my bed. "How is this going to work? How am I going to tell Maxine and Stanford? This'll be so awkward."

I can't bring myself to go downstairs and talk to them, knowing how awkward the conversation will be. I can imagine the look of shock on their faces, and Maxine will be telling me not to get married this early.

I feel sick now, and I close my eyes. "This can't be happening." I groan into my pillow. "How am I going to tell them?"

I really don't feel like handling that type of conversation today, before my parents left, my mother gave me the same talk and I really don't want to hear again from a friend.

I get up from my bed and look outside to see if the car is still there. Unfortunately for me, it is and I feel even worse than before.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I instantly still and shut my mouth. I'd rather go down there myself than be discovered up here. I hold my breath and think about the conversation that would happen if either Maxine or Stanford found me up here.

Hopefully they won't.

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