chapter two

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The church was crowded, and I was beginning to wonder how many people Stanford knew. I found a seat near the middle of it, not wanting to sit in the front with all the relatives, and not wanting to sit in the back where I couldn't see a thing.

All around me, people chatted mindlessly away about two things; Stanford and his family, or business. Not wanting to be in either of the conversations, I kept to myself and fiddled with the hem of my dress.

Finally, everyone was in a seat and waiting for the bride to walk down the aisle. I quickly took a look to see Stanford waiting at the end of the aisle, for his bride. The music cued, and I saw the maid of honor and the best man walk down the aisle.

When it was time for the bride to walk down the aisle with her father, new music played and everyone stood up. I couldn't help but smile when Maxine and her father walked down the aisle together. 

Maxine caught my eye and sent a quick smile my way before continuing her walk down the aisle.

~ ~ ~

"Pacifica!" I heard a voice squeal. I turn to face Maxine and Stanford each of them smiling brightly. "I'm so glad you could come!" She practically shouts. "You look fantastic!"

"I can't compare to you!" I laugh, "you look better than everyone in the room,"

"I couldn't agree more," Stanford replies to my comment with his own and I laugh with him. "Want anything to drink?" He asks his wife.

Maxine nods happily and then turns to me, "you want anything?"

"I can't drink legally!" I exclaim, looking around.

"Oh come on," Maxine rolls her eyes, "it's a wedding!"

Stanford looks at me and nods before Maxine hands me a glass with red color inside. "Red wine." She  informs me when I take a whiff of it. "It's good."

I take a small sip before wrinkling my nose, "it doesn't taste the best." I admit, but I take another sip anyway.

"You'll get used to it," she winks and takes her husband's arm. "Let's go dance before we say hello to your relatives." She tells him.

"Again, I couldn't agree more." They stroll through the crowd and to the dance floor.

I sigh and move away from the crowd. I didn't need to be on the dance floor, and I also didn't want to meet any of my boss's relatives.

Luckily, another co-worker of mine walks up from behind me. "Hey," he says.

"Oh, hey Cody," I send him a small smile, "some party, right?"

"Yeah," he agrees with a nod, "you look like you're about to leave, you're not leaving are you?"

"In a couple minutes," I admit, "but I need to at least tell Stanford and Maxine,"

"If you want to leave now, I'll tell them for you," Cody offers.

"That's sweet of you, but I'll do it." I thank him, "thanks for the offer though."

"You're most welcome," he says quietly before disappearing in the crowd of people.

Cody Chiu is nice enough on his own and a wonderful co-worker. He helps anyone who needs it and is extremely polite. I put my glass on a nearby table and go off to find Maxine.

When I find Maxine, she is talking with a bunch of people who are congratulating her on her marriage. When she spots me, she waves me over. "Everyone, this is Pacifica, I work with her at Tech G!" She states proudly like I'm a celebrity.

"Hi," I say weakly and immediately frown at myself in my head. "It's nice to meet all of you,"

"So," a brunette beauty who has flawless skin says, "you work for my great uncle?"

I nod, "yes I do, I'm very fortunate to work there it's quite amazing-"

"Yeah yeah," she waves off the rest of my sentence and picks up her drink. Then she turns her electric blue gaze to Maxine. "So, when are we going shopping?" She asks, and I can instantly tell that she's the type of girl who'll try to make other jealous and feel that they don't belong.

Maxine takes a sip of her drink and looks at the brunette, "um, I'm not quite sure, because Stanford and I are leaving for our honeymoon in the tropics tomorrow morning so it'll have to be at least a week from Monday." She explains in the sweetest voice I've ever heard. "So let's aim for Tuesday or Wednesday."

The brunette nods and smiles at Maxine, "I love your dress." She says, "I can't wait till I can wear something like that."

"You seeing anyone yet?" Maxine asks, "tell me everything!" She squeals.

"No, no one yet, all the guys I meet are God awful!" The brunette rolls her eyes, "what about you, Penelope?"

I try to keep a smile on my face for Maxine's sake. "Pacifica," I correct, "and no, I'm not with anyone and I'm completely fine being single-"

"Don't need your whole life story," she holds up her hands to stop me from talking any further. "So Maxine, where would you go to meet someone if you weren't married to my great uncle?" She asks.

"Um, probably a coffee shop, definitely not a bar or a club!" She laughs and puts her drink on the table. "It's my ideal place."

I let their voices fade out as I walk away, and out of the building holding the wedding reception. One thing I was certain about; I didn't like that brunette.

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