*Chapter Seven*

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New Sith-Old Sith

Pain erupted in my left shoulder, burning and numbness mixed together was not a pleasant feeling.

I tried to back away, away from my master to escape the pain escape this hell.

I was in a cold sweat, as I stumbled to my room, wanting to rest, hoping to escape the pain of today's failure.

I entered the pass code to my door 6881209 the door slid open with a hiss and I stepped inside. I looked longingly at my bed, wanting to sleep, but I needed to clean myself up.

Staggering to the bathroom I pulled my torn up shirt over my head and dropped it onto the floor. I opened a cabinet and pulled out ointment, bandages, peroxide, and a sewing needle.

I applied the ointment to the smaller less deep cuts and wounds, then placing the tube of ointment in the cabinet were it belonged.

I then grabbed the peroxide and added a small bit to the deeper cuts and wounds, and dipped the sewing needle in the proxide cleaning it. I pressed the wound on my face together, making the first stitch, I'm glad my mother taught me how to do this.

" Remember son keep the stitches close together for less scaring " her hand pressed against my back comforting me.

It stung for only a minute, then it faded into oblivion. I finished the first stitch and then the rest.

I put everything away neatly where it was suppose to go. I was putting on a fresh shirt as I walked back into my room.

" so your the bounty.... Such... Pity "

A slow aged voice spoke from my doorway. I turned to face the woman. Not expecting what I saw.

A mid-twenty looking woman with curling brown hair, blank cobalt eyes, painted lips that read stories that horrified young lings. She wore a black mid thigh length dress with sleeves that caressed her shoulders nicely, and features that said she's been through war... Many wars.

I could sence she was power full, not in just ranking in the empire. Also as a dark sider, a warrior, a ruler.

" your words are pleasant to my ears... I am scarlet... "

" I must apologize for my staring it's just-"

" its just I'm such a thing to marvel at aren't I? "

I nodded my head, in a lieing sin. She motioned my to follower her, I wish to sit but I must listen.
After walking for sometime now we stopped in a abandoned hall. I wonder why she is in need of me.

" you speak quiet loudly you know, you should at least attempt to hide your words "

" yes scar- "

" I command you to call me lord "

Her hand was out stretched, out towards me, I felt no pain only a slight dizziness. The air looked like it was heated ( like during summer days and the air looks like it's wavering) looked disturb, but only from the path fe her hand.

" yes my lord "

She could control me, with the force, that shouldn't be.

" oh that, that was not the force but something ten times more powerful "

A evil grin found it's way to her lips,

' who is she? '

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