My Strict Boyfriend Part - 4

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Let's start it...

Y/n : Wow!!! It's so beautiful forest!!!

You said cheerfully and Zac chuckled.

Zac : You are so adorable Y/n...haven't you seen a forest before ?

You shook your head.

Zac : Why ?

Y/n : Cause I see this type of forests only in television.

Zac : Didn't Shu take you anywhere like this ?

Y/n : No cause whenever I feel like watching or going anywhere he take me to the movie theatre.

Zac : Oh!

Everyone walked while enjoying the view of the beautiful forest.

Wakiya : I think it's time to go back to the farmhouse guys as it's almost evening.

Everyone walked back that's when your gaze caught something and you smile widely.

Y/n : Red roses!!! Shu love red roses...I should take them for him.

Sasha : But don't you think they are a bit down ? What If you fall down ?

Y/n : Nothing will happen to me Sasha...I just want to take them for my Shu.

You ran there and trying to get the roses but they are a bit down.

Christina : Be careful Y/n!!!

You held the tree's branch with your hand and trying to get the roses by your other hand.

Y/n : Come on roses...come to me.

You bent down more and after trying so much you finally got the roses.

Y/n : YEAH!!! I GOT THEM!!!

Suddenly your foot slipped there making you fall down with a loud sound.

Everyone : Y/n!!!

They ran towards you and bent down.

Valt : Y/n...are you okay ?

Ken : You should be careful Y/n.

They all stood up and help you to stand up but you again fall down when you felt a pain in your foot.

Everyone : What happened ?

You held your leg tightly.

Y/n : I-It's f-foot is hurting.

Rantaro : I think you got hurt in your foot Y/n.

Daigo : Then how will you able to walk ?

Y/n : I-I don't know...

Zac : I will carry you Y/n.

Everyone looked at him shockingly.

Ken : Are you sure you can Zac ?

Zac : Yes...

He picked you up in a bridal style and started walking towards the farmhouse.


Grandma : Shu dear...they will come back soon.

He was roaming here and there at the entrance of the door worriedly.

Shu : But grandma I told Y/n to come back before evening but still she didn't come yet.

Suddenly he heard the doorbell rings and he immediately opened the door but his blood boiled in anger when he saw Zac was carrying you in his arms.

Grandma : Omg! What happened Y/n dear ? Are you okay ?

Zac slowly make you stand.

Y/n : I-I am okay...

Shu : Oh really ? What happened to your leg ?

He noticed that you can't able to stand properly and Zac was holding you.

Y/n : I-I accidentally f-fell and hurt my f-foot.

He didn't said anything and carried you in his arms and walked upstairs.

Y/n : S-Shu...

Shu : Shhh! Let's talk in our room.

He took you in the room and gently put you on the bed.

Shu : Now tell me how you fell ?

Y/n : T-This is for you...

You show him the roses.

Shu : I am asking you something and you are giving me roses!!!

He yelled angrily.

Y/n : B-But Shu these are y-your favourite roses.

Shu : So ?

Y/n : I b-brought them for you cause you l-like them.

Shu : Oh! Now I understand because of these roses you fell down...right ?

You nodded slowly.


You pout sadly.

Shu : Yes...I like them and I also like tigers can you bring a tiger for me ?

Y/n : I-I am s-sorry...


He took the roses in anger and harshly throw them on the floor making your eyes filled with tears.


Zac : How can you behave like this towards her ? You know how difficulty she brought these roses for you but you throw them away...why are you so mean ?

Suddenly his phone started ringing and he walked out of the room to pick up his call and Shu realised what he did.

Shu : Y/n...

He cupped your face and looked into your teary eyes.

Shu : I am sorry baby...I was just angry on you because Zac got a chance to touch you which I don't like.

He bent down and collect the roses and put them on the table.

Y/n : B-But he d-didn't touch me intentionally.

Shu : Don't take his side.

He said angrily and you smile teasingly.

Shu : Why are you smiling like this ?

Y/n : Are you jealous of him ?

Shu : W-What ? Jealous and me ? No...I can never get jealous of him.

Y/n : Really ?

Shu : Yes and you better stay away from him.

Y/n : Why ?

Shu : Because I don't like him.

Y/n : Okay...

Shu : Now tell me are you hungry ?

Y/n : So much...

Shu : Wait...let me bring something to eat for you.

He walked out of the room.

~Next Day~

You are watching TV in your room that's when he come to you.

Shu : Baby...I am going out for my work and will be back before evening.

Y/n : Oh! Okay...

Shu : Bye baby...take care.

He kissed your forehead.

Y/n : You too Shu...

He smiled and left.

Y/n : Now what should I do ?

You walked out of your room and come to Christina's room and found everyone in her room except Zac with whiskey bottles.

Y/n : Guys...what you all are doing in her room together ?

Sasha : Actually we are drinking as it's been a month since we drink together.

Y/n : Oh! You didn't tell me.

Valt : We thought you will go with Shu as he is out for work.

Y/n : No...I didn't go with him cause I will be bored there.

Rantaro : Then you can join us.

Y/n : Okay!!!

You went towards them and started have drinks but you forget that Shu told you not to drink a single drop but here you drink a whole bottle.


Thanks for reading ☺️
Next part will be out soon 😉
Love you sugars ❤️
Have a nice day 👍

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