Mr. Dev's Dozy Day

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The clouds were as white as the pureness of the soul and the sun was shining brightly on the area as Aaron looked outside the bus window. It was an exciting day for him since he was going to a camp, a place where he can truly enjoy. His work at the palace, his training sessions for his weapons training bore him so he wanted a new environment. He took this as a way for him to relax and unwind from the stressful bearings.  Even at the back of the bus, he didn't flinch as it was a challenge and make himself more . He looked at the floor and sighed as he saw the blow up doll of Trump, a squeaky Simon Cowell dog toy, a skipping rope which was tied to the handles of the bus seats with a loud bell on each end, a box of jingling Christmas decorations.  It was going to be a hard way to get through but Aaron was determined to get through these obstacles and find out what is inside the camp. His curiosity was at the highest level as he carried his bag full of his favorite weapons, boy was it heavy. Each and every first step he took, his heart was racing and his eyes for looking back at Mr Dev.  Aaron was thinking in his mind how to not move his weapons in the bag as he crossed slowly and carefully, avoiding mostly the bus seats with a lot of loud bells as it would somehow wake him and make himself stick out like a sore thumb. It was the worst case scenario if it woke up Mr Dev. As he was walking, he decided to walk  sideways and placed his bag on his foot as he walked thus his forehead was perspiring as he did his uncomfortable walk.  He passed the blow up doll of Trump while his foot almost touched the Simon Cowell dog toy but good thing he stopped himself and regained his balance thus passing it carefully and slowly.  The only obstacle in his path left was the box of jingling Christmas decorations and the skipping rope which he still had to pass. Aaron's head was beginning to get hurt but he refused to give up. He withstood the weight of his weapons and crossed the line and eventually he got to the front without waking up Mr. Dev. 

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