chapter 35 kiss

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"jimin!? how come you're holding my hand??"

jimin: cause you're scared of height, shh I'm not gonna tell suga hyung... you don't want it either.

you chuckle at how fast he reads you without a word.

"how'd you know I'm scared??"

jimin: cause I'm too!! I know how it feels so I came to help you.

he tilts your chin up with his other hand and shows the sky.

"if you look up instead of down, you'll feel you're on the grounds... this helps me a lot you try too!"

you did as he said, and truly you feel kind of relief as if you are seeing the sky from the balcony a smile fills up your face. jimin watch your side face with happiness he gets to help you at least once.

he notices you still holding his hand, so he whispers to you...

"noona, you can leave my hand now"

he laughs when you notice too, you leave his hand with a comment...

"I didn't notice before but your hands are quite cute, like a small baby!"

jimin: actually I'm a big baby (daddy), one day everyone will say this!! now let's go to others.

he left you stunned with his comeback.

moral of the story: Don't call jimin a baby!!


you and jimin found others, suga runs to you when he spots you.

suga: where were you? I was looking for you everywhere!!

he asked gripping your hand tightly, jimin with a smirk of what maybe happened now gave you guys space and went to others.

suga: you okay? you don't look good!

he asked by comparing your forehead temperature by his.

you removed his hand and hold it tight,

"I'm good!"

suga: so when you're gonna kiss me?

he asked with an inactive voice barely anyone can hear. you laugh 'was he waiting for me to kiss!?'

"can't you kiss me instea--"

he cut you off by kissing you passionately moving his hands over the waist and others on the neck without caring about others watching. you liked his Brave act in front of his friends who are in a distance but they'll soon spot it.

a deep kiss with a person you love on top of the Eiffel tower and a sunset in the background... it's heaven.

(A/n: and you can do that when you'll die "in heaven"  now back to imagination 🙃)

suga stops when he came back to his sense that people are watching. he covers his flustered red face with his hands then everyone approaches you both.

Jin: I wish I could say 'get a room'. times up, let's go down.

he said with a smirk and all three walked by separating you both, jungkook and jimin giggles passing by you.


finally touching the ground after 2 hours, you decided to buy something from here as a souvenir of the Eiffel tower, and after trying tasty foods all reach the hotel.

On the bus, you have only one thought
'it's all over now, tomorrow I'll wake up to reality and this all will feel like a dream' and the world's biggest task for you is still waiting.


suga and you enter your room and he falls on the bed in tiredness. you pick up your half-empty bags and started to fill them with clothes without taking a minute rest "let's finish this first!" you keep motivating yourself.

just then you found the gifts you buy for others and totally forget to give... you rush out to call them, leaving suga behind speechless who was admiring you while laying.

everyone came, you didn't want to make a big deal about it so you just gave one bag to each and left them dumbfounded.

suga watch their surprise faces with a dull look. jungkook open the box excitingly and find shoes...

his face lightens up and he rushes to hugs you.

jungkook: noona thankyou thankyou!! it's my favorite color, I love it!!

he excitingly jiggles you hugging like a baby until suga pulls jungkook back yanking his t-shirt from the back. just then jimin made his way to hug you...

jimin: mine noona, I really love this hoodie... Thank you!! I love you noonnaaa!!!

Jimin intentionally said to make suga jealous and it obviously worked he again separated jimin from your arms, but he can't do with the third person in line.

You keep laughing every time he does that with a baby expression until Jin came forward he didn't rush but to spice it up he kisses your forehead. you didn't blush cause it didn't feel anything.

suga rolled his eyes annoyingly and didn't say a word then he remember the time he saw the same scenario and instantly he walk to you and wipes your forehead. but he is still sad that you didn't give him anything even though he found your necklace!!

Jin: thankyou y/n!! I really like it!!

you notice jungkook stretching his legs with shoes on and thankfully you got a perfect size and jimin wore the hoodie. you are so happy that they liked it.

you didn't notice at the moment that jin went out until he came back with a bag and handed you... you raised your brows suspiciously and took the bag.

Every eye stuck on you waiting for your reaction. you hastily open and found a dress!!?

y/n: OHH MY GOD *surprisingly showing suga* baby see this!! it's so pretty. I'm not crying!! I'm gonna try this now.

you said with an almost crying face and run into changing room leaving them to die with laughs. they all waited while checking their gifts just then you pop your head out and all see you...

y/n: the zip!!

everyone's brain cells work the same, all check their pant zip rapidly whether their flies are open or not!! you shout...

y/n: you perverts THE ZIP IS Unreachable  OF MY DReSS!!!

and everyone goes "ohh I see!!" and all see suga to go and help. he steps back like why?? he'll do?? until he realizes you're his girlfriend.!!

jimin gave him a dirty smirk behind Jin, suga goes in avoiding every eye contact in embarrassment.

his jaw drops seeing you struggling in this beautiful dress looking PRETTY HOTT. he is in a different zone where he doesn't wanna zip that dress in freaking ways.

y/n: I can see you from the mirror!! close your mouth now, zip this for now... i'll let you open later!!

you said with a wink making him gulp greedily. he came and in a second zipped it up hooking the upper hoke.

on the other hand:/

jungkook: suga hyung looks so happy nowadays right!??

jin and jimin agree.

jin: they look good together too!

others agree.

jimin: I wish they had more time together, it's barely 5,6 days dating! I feel sad for noona, will she be able to date hyung longer? she is a happy pill to him!!

all nod in disappointment but a fake cough distracts them. you both came out, all three started to give good compliments, jin even took a look around you to see if it's a perfect size.

after a little chitchat, something hit your hand...


you cursed yourself and request all to go and sleep you need to pack. everybody did of course except suga, he practically left with from past 5 days just goes there to collect his clothes. with suga's help change the dress and back to work.


you did it!! after hours of dedication, you finish the packing and now all you have to do is, to sleep beside your boyfriend and leave him tomorrow!!

you finally clean the whole bed and fall on it, he did help you a bit, but not a lot cause he's sad! and he's showing too with a sad pout.

you both lay facing each other.

suga: you have to go tomorrow?? can't you stay one more day? we came together we'll go together too!!

y/n: we'll still separate!! so what's the point?


(a/n: I feel this story is losing the moral 😶 idk why!? still, I'm going to finish this
thankyou all for reading love you all 💜😚)

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