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"Good morninggg" Bhai screamed in my ears and I whined

"Mom, I'll kill your son with my bare hands if he disturbs me and my sleep" I screamed throwing pillow on him which he dodged

"God. I hate you Lakshya bhaiya. And you'll be dealt with that manner if you keep doing this" I groaned sitting on my bed and he chuckled

"What has Udaipur done to you ? You speak like you're ruling a kingdom" Bhai mocked and I sighed

"I just tied you rakhi some days ago. Don't make me kick you" I warned

"Excuse me miss. You just took money from me for that. Deal closed there" He said

"You aren't my kids. How do you even speak about sacred relations." Mom scolded coming into my room and glared me.

"What have you done to your room? Some clothes hanging there, your Mac book is on. Your towel on couch. God. What will I do of you ? " Mom sighed

"The one who marries her will parcel her back to you" Bhai mocked

"Really! Then mom should send me with a statutory warning. The goods once sold won't be exchanged or returned. No warrenty, no guarantee " I mocked myself and everyone chuckled

"Get up now. Radhika has come" Mom told and I stood up on bed.

"That late comer is already here" I asked

"That's because you both are on day outing. Otherwise she's your sister in sleeping" Bhai mocked and I giggled nodding.

"Tell her to wait. I'm coming" I sang and went inside bathroom.

Getting into a dark pink short floral dress, I let my wet hairs loose and taking a bag, I took a scrunchie in my hand and went downstairs.

"This is what you're wearing" Mom asked and I raised my brow.

"What if you get married into a family which wears only Indian" Bhai again mocked

"I'll run away from there" I mocked back

"She's dangerous to family mom" Bhai teased and I threw a pillow from couch to him.

"Not my house you two" Mom scolded where as Radhika laughed.

"Get this girl out Radhika. I'll send her back to Udaipur" Mom said and I smirked

"You were the one who cried out of sadness when I was going and you cried out of happiness when I gave you surprise of coming. So my dear mumma, you're not sending me anywhere" I mocked and before mom could actually throw and hit me with her footwear, I ran out of the home and laughed.

"Idiot" Radhika chuckled and I smiled

"So, how you've been" She asked

"As fresh as a flower" I dramatically spoke as we sat in her car and she drove.

"Where are we going first? " I asked

"For breakfast Amour Bistro. Then we're going to Ambience mall for bowling. Then lunch at.. " She was saying when I spoke

"Parathe wali gali" I grinned and she chuckled nodding

"We can then either go to paint shoot or Smaash. Then at DLF we'll see movie and then dinner and well.. Home" She sang and I smirked

"I love you Radhika Shah and I missed you so much" I grinned hugging her when she laughed

And after we had a pancakes and waffles for breakfast, we headed for bowling.

"So, how's Udaipur" She asked

"It's good. Though I didn't see any of it a bit till now. I'm thinking to go on tour once I get back to work after two days" I told

"Yeah because right now you're getting Royal treatment" She teased

"Well the best thing I like about the palace is everyone see we're royal comes secondary we're family comes first" I said

"Really" She spoke

"Mhm. Except that one person. Mr. Jerk" I muttered as I just remembered the last encounter with him in that pool.

That man doesn't realize what he does.

"Talking about Prince Charming" She teased

"Prince Alarming" I mocked and she laughed as we bowled.

"How's Meg.. Megha right" She asked and I hummed

"How is she?" Radhika asked

"I came here because I completed first stage. She has shown progress. And now I'm sure, I'll heal her completely." I determined and she nodded

"We're proud of you" She praised

"She's a beautiful girl Radhika. You know, I feel attached to her" I said and she handed me another ball.

"Even when she locked you and you fainted" She asked raising brow

"It's the action of her mind which didn't allow her to push herself for even a bit of motivation" I said

"God, you and your psychological language" She huffed and I chuckled throwing the ball which hit the bull's eye.

After bowling, we drove to Chandani Chowk for having finger licking paraathe in paraathe wali Gali.

And after a heavy meal, we both knew we can't move a limb hence we skipped the smaash and went directly to DLF to watch a movie.

It was of course SRK movie and well, SRK is love!!

Love is SRK!! Both are same!!

As the movie got over I looked at the time at it was already 6:30 pm.

"Now I actually have energy to do something but since we're at DLF, let's just go shopping. I need to buy something for everyone. You know Aunty.. I mean Raani sa sent gifts for everyone" I told

"Okay. Tell me. What you wanna buy" She asked

"Let's just see " I said and walked out of the cinemas.

I then bought some or the other things for everyone and especially Crocs for Megha baisa.

"She would love it you know. She's so fond of wearing crocs" I told

"And what for Yuvraaj? " She asked

"Is there something which we call a little sense, I would love to gift him that" I mocked as we entered a book shop.

"But still I've taken gifts for everyone so him too" I said as the sales person came to me.

"Which genre ma'am" He asked

"Science fiction, adventure or literature. Latest. I mean which has released this week or two weeks and is in top charts" I told

"Such details" She asked

"Because, Megha once told me that palace has a big library and almost every book is there. Her father, Yuvraaj likes to read. And I don't wanna take a book which he might have read already" I stated

I found some good books and getting them packed, I took the paper bag from them paying for it and came out.

"By the way Janki, what about you know Yuvraaj's wife. I.. Mean Megha's mother" She asked and I looked at her as my steps hauled.

"I.. Don't know" I said

"What you don't know" she asked again

"This is something which no one's allowed to talk about in Royal Family. I don't know who was her mother, Yuvraaj's wife. Where is she? What happened to her! Why Megha doesn't even know who's her mother. I.. Don't know what it is. And if I start thinking about it then my mind mess up with me. I feel like it'll storm out amidst every thing" I huffed and she chuckled.

"Calm down babe. If you'll over think this much then I guess you'll need a psychiatrist for your brain" She said and we giggled

As I looked at the time it was already 9 pm.

"You should come Udaipur Radhika. We'll have fun after my sessions. We'll roam on the streets of Udaipur" I told

"For right now, I'm hungry. Come on" She said pulling me to Andrea's bistro and we had our dinner.

As we were in the car without even asking, Radhika drove to Theobroma as she knows, none outing is complete without Brownies.

Hence having brownies and taking some brownies for everyone at home, we left from there.

"You know, this one month was really so important to me that everyday when I was in sessions, I always prayed first to God for a little help" I said

"The case was different " She spoke.

"It was rare. Honestly I never told anyone this but old Diplegic cases are severe. The day I went there and saw that little girl, I was on the verge to loose hopes because chances were almost nil" I sighed

"But you still did it. Taking the slightest chance" She smiled

"0.01%. Honestly I myself was out of hopes. The only hope I had was God. You can call it miracle Radhika. You can call it Megha's will power. You can call it the prayers her family was doing for her. " I told

"You've got attached to her, emotionally" She said looking at me.

"I have. I can't deny. Even if as her sessions get complete, I would leave her, I won't ever forget that she was not just a patient for me. She was this sweet little girl, who is a fighter. Who just needed a little push to fight and I'm really glad that I gave her that push. You know.. May be if she won't have ordered to get me locked in the room, I won't have yelled at her, scolded her... And she won't have just shared what she was feeling. In a way, that day she expressed her fear and I'm again glad that I could help her overcome that. " I whispered

"Hey. It's okay. You're crying" Radhika spoke holding my hand while driving with another.

"You should meet her you know. You'll also love her. She's such a sweetheart" I said

"Well, I would definitely love to meet her someday. How about I plan to visit Udaipur after you complete all these sessions." she asked

"I'll revisit the places with you. No problem" I smirked

"Such a bitch" She whined and I laughed

I looked at my phone and the time.

"Shit! It's 12 already. We're gone today Radhika" I exclaimed

"What why" She asked and I made her see the missed calls.

"Three from dad, three from bhai.. Mom.. Wh.. Wait... " I mumbled and saw an unknown number too.

But that wasn't my concern.

The concern was.. I'm Gone!

"Shit shit! I'll drive fast" She too panicked

"Okay calm down. We don't need accidents. " I said and she sighed

"I'm driving decent. Now let me focus. Otherwise uncle will sue me with you" She said and a chuckle left my mouth.

And in twenty minutes we reached home.

"God! Mom will scold me for coming home this late. " I said

"And I'm leaving. My dad's also calling" She spoke

"What! You need to come inside" I said when she applied breaks.

"What the hell" I snapped

"What the hell look there" She told and I looked at the direction she was pointing.

"What's this.. " I asked undoing the seat belt and came out.

There were three cars in a row standing right in front of my house.

"Do these people don't know it's another parking. " I asked looking at Radhika who's phone again rang.

"You go Radhika. It's too late. Shall I call bhai to drop you" I questioned

"No no. I'll be fine. You just go inside first" She said and I nodded when I saw the cars parked.

"I.. Think I've seen this symbol somewhere." I mumbled

"What.. " She asked confused

"No nothing. You go. I'll just get inside" I said and she nodded leaving.

As she left, I went near main gate of the mansion when I saw 8 bodyguards who stopped me from going in.

"What's this all. Who are you" I asked but they didn't speak a word

"Arey. Let her go. She lives here" Our watchman spoke

"We are strictly told not to let anyone enter inside miss" One of them spoke

"What the hell. Who are you to stop me to go inside my own house" I screamed dialling bhai but before the ring went, I saw the door of home opening and dad coming out.

"Dad look at th... " I was saying before which the words died in my mouth.


Hey guys!

So... Best friends outing!

But.. What's with the end?

Let's see!

Do vote, like and comments and reviews welcomed !'s a double update❤!!

Until some hours..

Big Hugs ❤

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