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Megha isn't my biological daughter

His words rang into my ears like the biggest shock.

"Stop kidding me Yuvraaj" I muttered

"Do I look like I would be kidding around with this" He asked

"I.. Don't understand anything" I said

"Ever heard the name of Yuvraaj Abhimanyu Singh Rathore and Yuvraani Aaradhna " He asked and I denied

"Did you ever just search Rathore Family Udaipur? " He again questioned and I denied.

Well, I was! But I still remember my phone's battery died that day.

"He was my elder brother and his wife. Megha is their daughter" He revealed

"What? So where are they" I asked

And don't know what I was thinking! Wife! Ex wife !!

"They.. Are no more" He replied and I looked at him shocked

"Wh.. I'm sorry" I mumbled

"It's okay. It happened six years ago" He replied

"How did... What happened" I asked

"It happened in December mid. Bhai was busy in some state works and Bhabhi needed to go to her parents for a function. She was 8 and half months pregnant with Megha. Bhai asked me to drop her to Samod, But I denied that day. I.. Had a polo match and I told bhai that I would even look at the state work too but I won't go Samod. And I was adamant. So bhai agreed and went to drop her. But, as he was on the highway, a truck just hit the car from back. When we saw the car it was clear that the hit was such hard that car must've turned upside down atleast three times." He said and I couldn't even imagine what must've happened to the car.

"Bhai..died on spot" He spoke with a heavy voice and I looked at him as I gasped with my palms on mouth as tears left my eyes even listening.

"Bhabhi was almost unconscious when she was taken to hospital by some local people. Doctors performed surgery and Megha was born but bhabhi..she was no more. And Megha, the accident trauma just paralyzed her. In your language diplegia ." He told and I looked at him.

"It had to be me that day. Not bhaiya. If I would have been there, the accident won't have taken place. It.. Was planned Janki. Because it was bhai's coronation just three days after that incident. The accident was planned to kill him" He added

"What.. " I whispered

"We couldn't find out the murderers because there was no one to witness it. And bhai , he never payed heed to security. For him, he could manage it, he actually always did manage but not that day. Only if, I would've not been adamant to not go, it won't have happened. It happened due to me. Megha lost her parents due to me" He blamed himself

"Therefore I decided that Megha won't grow up without parent. Aradhana bhabhi was too injured to say anything but she spoke just one thing before she was taken inside the OT. 'Your Child Now'" He said and I let that tears flow.

"Does Megha know" I asked

"Megha is small right now but little more mature then kids of her age. Of course She knows who her real parents. I never wanted her to grow without her knowing about how wonderful her parents were. But she knows, I'm her father too. And, even if she's not my biological daughter, she's still my daughter. She'll always be. " He added

I found his voice getting a little hoarse but he composed it another second itself.

"No one other then the family knows this truth. Because Aradhana bhabhi's pregnancy was kept secret for all the months because dad knew how low enemies can stoop if they find out that Rathore's were ready for a heir,their grand child. Till date for the world too, Megha is my daughter. No one dares to question because they know it's worst to mess up with me. And I've no intention of clearing it to world. Because as I said, she's my daughter" He further told

"So this is it Sunshine. The biggest secret of our lives. The secret this palace hold" He finished and I looked at him.

"Are... You okay" I asked and he nodded

"Don't cry sunshine" He said as he wiped my tears and I realized I was crying

"The day I see Megha on her feet walking and running, my guilt will subside" He replied to my question

"Though, I'll piss the hell out of you, but I would want to let you know that none of it was your mistake. Don't blame yourself for whatever happened. And I'm sure bhaiya and bhabhi must be very happy where ever they're knowing that you're keeping bhabhi's last words" I said

"Even if she won't have said, I won't have backed" He replied

"Yuvraaj, We can't change fate. And Megha is your daughter. No ifs and buts" I said when he looked at me.

"Our daughter" He mumbled

"There is no "our" Yuvraaj. I'll reframe it as, Megha is your daughter. And Megha is My Daughter. " I stated and a small smile played on his lips.

"Whatever let you sleep peacefully sunshine" He said

"Couch Yuvraaj. Or else since no one enters this King's Palace, how about I ask you to go to living room on second floor" I narrowed my eyes

"I'll have that couch" He sighed looking at the couch and I smirked

"Well, I'll keep the devil inside me away for a second and would want to let you know that... Knowing the truth won't change a bit of me for Megha. For me she was always very close and she'll always be very close. She's my daughter" I assured

"I know Sunshine. I know" He replied as if knowing this very well and then looked at me.

"One thing you need to take care of is Media. You'll be facing it very frequent now. And this question will be thrown on you a lot." He spoke

"I'll manage" I replied and then looked at the wedding bangles in my hands with a small smile that lasted for milli second.

"Good night Sunshine" He wished

"Hope mosquitoes don't let you sleep and they buzz in your ear for whole night" I mocked and covering myself with comforters closed my eyes.

The next morning I woke up as my alarm of eight rang.

"Shit! Am I late!! On the first day" I mumbled to myself and I don't know why my eyes went to the couch first which was empty.

I hurriedly took my bath robe and went inside bathroom.

As I came to walk in, I opened it and I was taken a little back to look at it.

Okay, if he thinks that filling my walk in will help, it won't!

But, I won't waste the clothes too!

I smirked to myself and as told by mom, strictly red or pink color, I opted for red.

And wearing a red sharara, I dried my hairs and went out when I saw Yuvraaj.

He looked at me for a second and frowned.

"What" I asked when he came closer and my heart beat rose again.

Okay, you cardiac system, needs to stop doing that whenever he comes near.

Because you want to stay unaffected, so just pump the blood and get on with double circulation. That is the only work you have!!

But as I looked at him again, that happened again and I growled.

And how can he look just.. Handsome in everything he wear. Like right now even that boring cream coloured half jacket with kurta even looked good.

And before I would know I felt a hand near my hairs and he filled my hair partition.

"Mom says, New bride is incomplete without it" He said and I don't know why but I got butterflies.

Oh damn!!!!!

I looked at him for a second and then without saying a word I went out of the room and taking the lift, I went down stairs.

As I went downstairs, I saw each staff with their heads down and it was a bit uncommon for me.

And after crossing seven seas, I reached living room.

"Good morning aun.. Mom" I said as she narrowed her eyes at me and then chuckled

"Good morning dad" I added and touched their feet.

Everything aside, I'm not going to forget my basic manners when it comes to them.

Though I'll have a long term memory loss when it comes to him and my basic manners !!

"Good morning bhabhi sa" Yash bhaiya wished

"Who bhabhi sa? " I asked when he looked at me raising a brow.

"Oh me? How! I'm younger then you. I mean one year younger but yes" I told

"Bhai is three years older then me. That makes you my bhabhi sa" He said

"Can we just skip this and let me be Janki as before. Please" I told but mom spoke.

"Nope! I'll let Nivi call you Janki, but not this boy" Mom said and I sighed yet nodded

"Where's bhaiya by the way" Nivedita bhabhi asked

"I'm here " His voice came and I went near mom.

"Am I late? " I asked her

"Nope. Right on time. Let's do Aarti. " She told and took us to temple.

"Janki, light up the diyas and then you both do Aarti together" Mom guided and I nodded doing the same.

"Ram or Sita, Raghav or Janki. Ek hi to baat hai, haina Pratap (Ram and Sita, Raghav and Janki, it's same. Right Pratap)" Mom spoke and for a second I was shocked.

Ram -Sita!

The idol was of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita.

Shrugging of any thoughts, I lit the Diyas.

And man, I'm sure that Diya weighed so much that it was tough for me to hold it.

But, a hand held my hand and I looked at him.

"You can concentrate on me later Sunshine." He whispered in my ear to which I glared him and then looked ahead.

As the aarti was done, we came out and I looked at every one.

"Pehli rasoi (first kitchen day) " Nivedita Bhabhi said

"Am, what do I need to make" I asked mom

"Just anything sweet. It's a ritual" She told and I nodded

"Have you seen the kitchen ever" Bhabhi asked to which I denied embarrassed.

"It's okay. I'll help you come on" She smiled and I nodded as I went with her but I could feel that gaze following me till I was into vision.

As I reached the kitchen I looked around.

"This is.. Magnificent" I mumbled to which Nivedita bhabhi chuckled

"Khamma ghani Yuvraani sa" The staff of the kitchen wished me

"Ghani khamma. Please call me Janki" I said but they didn't utter a word

"They can't" Bhabhi said and I again sighed yet nodded

"Okay. You all please help her with everything needed for making the sweet. Meanwhile the breakfast should be prepared" Nivedita bhabhi guided and they nodded.

"Shall I leave? " She asked and I nodded

As she left, I thought what to make and then I thought to make Mawa kachori because honestly it wss the only sweet I knew to make.

Hence I started preparing that.

After an hour when I was looking at them I was impressed with myself.

"Janki, are you done" Mom's voice came and I looked at her.

"Yes mom" I replied as she came.

"Oh my God. Mawa kachori. Raghav was so right" She exclaimed

"What" I asked confused

"Raghav was sitting with me and we actually smelled so good aroma of frying something in ghee. And since Raghav can smell his favorite dish from far away, he told that you're definitely making Mawa kachori" She told

Great!! I could've really made anything other then this but no!!

Mawa kachori it is ladies & gentlemen !!


"Oh, okay" I mumbled

"Let's go" She said and I nodded following her.

As I went to the dining area I saw Megha.

"Megha" I smiled honestly to my fullest now and went near her when she smiled hugging me.

"Mom" She whispered and I looked at her smiling and everything what Yuvraaj told last night came in front of me.

"That's me" I grinned kissing her forehead

"They would be happy right" She asked as her eyes brimmed with tears and I looked at her.

"Are you happy? " I asked

"Never been this happy before" She replied

"Then they would be super duper happy" I said and she looked at me hugging me.

"Well, before we get more senty, what about exercises? Have you been doing them" I asked

"Without you they were not fun though I did them" She replied

"That's like my girl" I grinned hi- fying her.

And till now the breakfast was served too.

I looked at the person on the chair next to me who loved Mawa Kachori.

As the breakfast was served, everyone took a bite of the sweet and I was waiting for everyone's reaction.

"You know, I'm waiting for more of your talents to come out" Dad said and I looked at him confused

"This is so amazing. So tasty" He added and a smile cracked on my face.

"But that's the only thing I know to make." I told

"No problem. We'll cook together" Dad said and I smiled

"Really bhabhi sa. I guess you've to make this every Sunday now" Yash bhaiya complimented

Even Megha, mom and bhabhi spoke but what I didn't get was a word from the person whose favorite sweet was made.

But why do you care?

Oh, of course I don't care at all!!

Good then! Why are you murdering the cherry tomatoes.

As we all had our breakfast, mom and dad gave me a jewellery set.

As I opened it, I looked at the magnificent chokar set.

Honestly, I've never seen something that giant & beautiful.

"It's..family heritage. Aradhana always used to say, even if I'll be the Queen, I'll give this to Raghav bhaiya's wife" Mom whispered with a smile as well as tears in her eyes.

"I.. It's her Mom. I don't... " I was saying when dad spoke.

"It's Yours. You're the elder daughter in law of this home now. So it's yours now. And now before ifs and buts hold it"dad told and I nodded taking it and as touched it with my head.

"Wow! You knew this." Nivedita bhabhi asked a bit surprised

"Mumma always says, that the blessing should be always touched to head first" I replied and they all smiled.

Nivedita bhabhi and bhaiya gifted me a...

Well, a luxury car.

And I was too shocked to see all this.

"And that's from me mom" Megha said and I bend down opening her gift.

"Theobroma brownies" I exclaimed happily

"Oh My God. " I grinned as she chuckled

"I'm so sorry everyone. But Megha's gift beats you all" I told and everyone chuckled where as I tasted some brownies and fed everyone too.

Except him of course!

What did I say, I've along term memory loss when it comes to my basic etiquettes towards him!!

"How did you know I love brownies" I asked her

"Dad told me to gift you them. They're your favorite right " She told and I looked at him.

"This is really amazing. Thankyou Megha baisa" I thanked

After some minutes, bhabhi gave me a tour of the palace.

And oh boy, I loved every corner!

And my favorite was the library. It was such an enormous and beautiful library that I was mesmerized.

And after a while, I again walked back to the room after crossing seven oceans.

As I was packing a little for pag phera I felt someone's gaze.

He didn't say anything but just came near me.

I don't know why but I was angry on him.

Wasn't the plan to piss him off! But he was doing opposite.

"I don't like this silence of yours" He said and I huffed looking away and turned walking just to stop mid tracks as my dupatta got streched and I looked behind to find him holding the hem of it.

"I guess, my nek is still left" he added

"Not interested" I spoke with tight smile when he came near me and kept a basket on the couch and then looked at me.

"What a husband I would be, if I won't give you a nek for feeding me world's best Mawa Kachori" He said and removed the cloth from the basket and I looked at it shocked.

And as I looked at it, he barked in a low voice.

"Oh My God" I whispered as a smile broke on my lips and I picked the cutest dog I've ever seen.

"Oh my God. This is so so cute. Where did you get that" I asked forgetting that we're enemies.

"Just saw it in morning and thought, you would like it" He said

"I.. Loved it" I replied happily cooing the cute pet but then found him looking at me.

"Okay this isn't fair. You're not playing fair. I need to piss you off and you're here distracting me from that" I complained

"It's the game that only you're playing Sunshine. I'm merely enjoying your whining and distraction" He replied

"I loved this. But doesn't mean I hate you less. I still hate you" I stated when he looked at me coming near me and ruffling his hands on the pet he looked at me.

"Whatever makes your day pass with ease" He replied and I huffed

"Mickey, just tell him, no one's interested" I said

"Named already" He asked

"Yes! Yuvraaj meet my sweetest intruder, Mickey" I told and he looked at me.

"Stop looking at me like that" I mumbled and kept Mickey in its basket.

"I'm afraid that is not going to happen Sunshine" He replied

"Now why" I asked

"Because this is my favorite view in the universe" He replied and that fucking cardiac system again had butterflies.


Hey readers!!

Well, well, The secret of palace is out!

And there's a cute pet😍

And Raghav... Oh man, I just need a Raghav😭😂❤❤

Do vote, like, share and reviews welcomed. ❤

And who knows, it might be a double update if I get some good votes🤭

Update soon!

Till then..

Hugs ❤

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