Is There A Threat?

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Janki Rathore.

No doubt is my life.

And why wouldn't she be!! The moment I saw her for the first time, I knew, she's the one.

The one who could pause the raging beast in me!

The one who was the beauty to this beast.

And today, knowing that she loves me, is the best moment of my life.

Not because I didn't know she loves me, but because, I succeeded in keeping my promise to make her fall for me.

It was almost 2 in the morning when we reached back palace.

Everyone was quiet asleep and we of course had no plans to ruin anyone's sleep and hence we directly went to our chamber.

The whole night as she was sleeping, I kept looking at her.

I don't know why sleep couldn't come. May be because I was replaying the whole day in front of my eyes, or may be because I was too busy admiring my wife who was sleeping peacefully in my arms like a small baby.

As everyday, a ray of sunlight peeped into the room from balcony and fell on my Sunshine's face .

And as everyday, she frowned shutting her eyes more tight and moving her face more into my chest.

And, as everyday, I hid her head into mine wrapping my arms around her.

I looked at my phone which buzzed and I saw Aarav on the call.

"Shoot" I muttered

"Though, I hate that because of you my morning ruins" He spoke as usual dramatically .

"Fuck off" I snarled whispering

"Yes I will. But there's something you should know" He said

"Shoot" I again spoke

"Shekhawat is into something" He said and I looked at the sleeping figure in front of me and very carefully, I removed her hand from my torso and keeping a pillow and doing the curtains, I came to balcony.

"What?" I asked

"I don't know! He's in Udaipur. Have been spotted" He told and I clenched my fists.

"I'll fucking kill that Randhir Shekhawat" I angrily spoke

"That's not what is the thing to worry. That's our normal thing Rana sa. And I'm still thinking how he's still alive. Specially after everything" He asked

"A step near my family, I'll kill him this time" I stated

"What I'm thinking is, the person is not alone" He said

"Elaborate" I spoke when I felt a presence behind me.

"In office" I added and cut the call turning around .

Her eyes were still demanding sleep but she was looking at me with a frown.

I looked at her and then sighed picking her up.

"You shouldn't leave me alone like that" She mumbled wrapping her arms around me.

"I won't ever" I said kissing her forehead making her lay back on bed.

"Sleep sunshine. Thodi der aur. (A little More) " I told

"If you're putting that pillow on your place and think I can hug it and sleep, you're delusional Rana sa" She said and a small smile came on my lips.

The only reason I still have my sanity from last nine months.

"So jao aap bhi . Pura din hai kaam karne ke liye (sleep. You've whole day for working) " She ordered and I sighed keeping my head on the top of her head.

Who was I to deny her afterall!!

But who was I still kidding!!

My mind was already working on the ways I would kill that Randhir Shekhawat who dared to be back in my State.

It was again at somewhat 9 in the morning, I felt some moments near me and I opened my eyes.

"Good Morning Sunshine" I wished and she opened her eyes for a second then again closed them.

"Morning Rana sa" She mumbled and I kissed her forehead.

As I removed my hands, she stood up and went to walk in but then she looked at the me from the door.

"I want to eat Pancakes" She said and I raised a brow.

"Aren't we bossing around much Raani sa" I asked

"What should I do? My husband has spoilt me badly" She smirked and shut the door where as a small smile came on my lips.

Mine to spoil !

And with that, I used another washroom and went downstairs.

"Raghav Good morning . So late" Mom asked

"Mhm. Morning" I replied and made my way towards Kitchen.

"You want something? " she asked when I denied

"You want some pancakes? I'm making" I asked and she looked at me a bit shocked.

"You're.. Cooking" She asked and I sighed

"Janki have caused all of you to be over dramatic" I mumbled

"Okay Sush. What's with you and cooking? " She asked again

"She wants some pancakes. And I'm making them" I shrugged and she looked at me and then smiled.

"Is there something I'm missing" She questioned

"Wait a second. Is there something I too am missing" A loud irritating voice came and I looked at the door and getting annoyed I turned my way and gestured the kitchen staff to move out.

Of course, I hate people on my head while I cook.

Obviously, except one now !!

"Why are you here" I asked when he grinned.

"To eat pancakes" He sang

"I'm for sure not making them for you" I snarled

"Why! You're making them for bhabhi sa but not me. See aunty" He whined complaining mom

"She's my wife. You're not" I stated

"She snatched my best friend from me" He over dramatically spoke and I looked at him annoyed.

"Get out" I muttered

"Look at him aunty, he didn't even bath. Where is our Raghav ? He's someone else" He added and I ignored him obviously doing my work.

"You were demanded at office. Not my palace" I said

"As I said, I'm here to eat pancakes" He grinned

"Which you didn't even know are being made. Come directly to the point of you being here" I snapped

"I came here to meet you. Come on" He whined coming to hug me when I glared him.

"Yeah okay. No one hugs you other then your wife" He mocked and I glared him again.

"Fine! No one mocks you other then your wife" he muttered

"What's going on" The song to this ears came and I looked to find my wife.

"Bhabhi sa, he says he isn't going to make pancakes for me" Aarav this time extra dramtically said going to her and she looked at me.

"Why" She asked and I scowled.

"He can cook for himself. He's uninvited" I stated

"Is he pissed off by you from the call" She asked and I looked at Aarav and he blinked his eyes.

"No bhabhi sa. I called him to tell him that I'm coming home but he said, come to office. Now tell me, can't I come here" He asked faking innocence.

Bloody Jerk!!

Mr. Jerk!!

Wait what the fuck!!

"Of course you can. He won't say anything. Come sit. It's Sunday after all" She said and then looked at me.

"Wait a second. It's Sunday. Raghav, how can he come to office when it's Sunday" Janki asked and we both looked at her.

"Important meeting" We both said at the same time and she looked at both of us then chuckled.

"Okay best friends" She replied and went away.

"I swear Aarav, if that Shekhawat comes in front of me, I'm going to kill him right there" I angered and he looked at me.

"I'm handling it. Now don't ruin moods. Plural" He said

"Fuck off" I gritted

"You know right, you love me but you don't show it" He grinned

"How is Radhika tolerating you? You're such an annoying person" I snapped

"The same way you're tolerating me since last 31 years" He mocked and I glared him back.

"Okay okay. No one mocks you other then your wife" He repeated hiding his smile.

"Get on the fucking dining table and stop pissing me." I announced and he smirked but without a word left from there.

Megha too woke up till now and everyone had breakfast quite surprised that I made pancakes.

Surprising things do take place. But these people here over react!!

Taking a bath and getting ready I came back down stairs.

"I'll leave. Will be back till evening" I told and Janki looked at me with a frown.

"I'll go with mom to shopping" She huffed

"And I'm angry on you" She added

"I'll mend it" I replied kissing her cheek.

"Raghav... we're in living room" She huffed

"I kissed you. And I can do that anywhere I like. And, I Love You" I said but this time before she could say that bastard spoke.

"Oh My God. Did this happen! And you didn't tell me" That dog acted like a hurt bitch.

"And why should I tell you" I asked

"Because I'm your fucking best friend" He frowned

"You aren't" I replied and he looked hurt at me while Janki looked at both of us.

"Why you always try to prove he isn't your best friend when he is" She asked and I growled.

"I've work. Can I get my reply back so that I can go peacefully and not bang a head or two, his head added in the list" I asked with a tight smile looking at my best friend and she giggled.

"I Love You" She replied kissing my cheek and I felt myself releasing a breath.

"Take Walter with you. Don't go anywhere without security" I told and she nodded and I looked at Aarav who nodded.

"Will be done." He said

"What do you best friends talk in such small sentences. Is something wrong? " She asked

"Nothing for you to worry about Sunshine. I'll see you soon" I stated and moved outwards with Aarav.

"Where's he" I asked

"Not traced since morning anywhere. Must be in his hotel room" He replied

"Keep an eye on him. I don't trust that bastard a bit" I said

"Radhika is coming" He spoke as he drove and I looked at him.

"Janki doesnt know" I stated

"Yeah. She's to surprise bhabhi sa. " He told

"When? " I asked

"Today evening. Her flight will land at 5" He replied and I nodded

"Go, go. Be a chauffer then" I mocked

"Says who" He mocked back just to receive a smack from me.

"Okay Aarav. Everything aside. Tighten the security of palace and people" I said and he nodded.

" Oh by the way! How was birthday" He grinned asking as I dropped him to his office.

"Remind me of the part where you're allowed to question me" I spoke

"Such a bastard" He muttered and I smirked as I drove to office.

As I went towards my office, I looked at Mr. Diwaan who looked hesitant.

"Shoot" I spoke as I sat on my chair in cabin.

"Rana sa, Mr. Ranawat has delayed the meeting. He'll be here two days later" He said and I looked at him.

"That man is testing my fucking patience" I snapped

"Yuvraani sa coul.." He was saying when I glared him.

"Sorry Rana sa" He apologized

"I don't want family and business to be involved. Am I clear" I warned again and he nodded

"Hand me the files of silver mines venture." I told and he nodded.

And there I engrossed in work but constantly something ran inside my mind.

I looked at the time and dialled Walter.

"Where are they" I asked

"In market Raana sa. They're inside a shop" He told

"Okay. Keep an eye." I replied and cut the call.

It was after a while I left for palace but I knew I was being followed.

"What is it Robin" I asked as I clenched my fist and opened the glove box taking out my gun.

"Should I stop Rana sa" He asked

"Be alert. Don't stop. If threat, attack" I commanded and he nodded.

But till we reached nothing happened yet I knew something was going on.

"Robin, get the damn details in an hour" I ordered and he nodded

"And ask Walter where are Raani sa & Raajmata" I added to which he nodded and left.

I meanwhile went to Megha and sat with her for sometime where as she was busy in sketching.

I was just about to speak when I heard voices.

"Okay but stop doing that. Stop being irritating" Obviously sunshine

"Mom's angry" Megha spoke and I denied and then pointed Ms. Wagh to close the door.

As I went out I looked at Janki and mom.

"What happened" I asked when Walter looked at Janki and then at me.

"A car had been following Rana sa" He told and I looked at him as my eyebrows furrowed.

"Since when" I questioned

"Half an hour" He replied

"And what were you doing? Sitting and doing nothing" I snapped.

"Okay wait. It's not like it's just our home in the city. People can have same route Raghav" Janki spoke and I looked at her but then at mom.

"Till where" I asked

"City Palace gates and then drove away" Mom told and I looked at Janki.

"Who lives at City Palace complex ?" I asked Janki and she sighed

"Raghav, we're safe" She spoke

"Are we? Because a car was following me too? Now tell me, are we safe ? " I asked

"And I want the reason of your first words as you stepped inside now. " I demanded and she looked at me but didn't say a word .

"Words Janki" I boomed and she gasped.

"Raghav" Mom spoke when I showed my hand to her.

"Walter said to call you and inform. I just told him to inform you at home. We were surrounded by security like you always want. Then why he needed to pester on it" She asked

"I won't blame you right now for anything because you don't know. But from now onwards keep one thing in mind. Robin and Walter are head securities at palace. They're commanded by either me Or Aarav who is Chief of security. So when Walter says, inform me, that means Inform Me. Am I clear" I asked and she looked at me but before she could say another voice boomed.


Hey Guys. Well, not everything is roses. And of course not when it's about Kings and their kingdoms.

What's happening?

Let's see!

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Until next...

Hugs ❤

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