My Home

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And I knew... I was ready to open up to him. Because one thing was so so sure is, this shoulder which I was leaning on, was becoming a part of my home.

Home, which was none other then..


As I said this he looked at me his all attention fixed on me.

"Are you okay and sure to share that" He asked and I nodded

"Words Janki" He demanded

"Yes" I said but what happened next made a small scream leave my mouth

"What are you doing" I asked as he scooped me in his arms.

I didn't get the reply of my answer, though he took me inside and made me sit on the bed.

And then he came to the other side and sat.

"You know, how are you not lazy to go other way round till that side of bed and take your place. I would've probably jumped from here till there" I replied

"That is why you're a hopping bunny Sunshine. Not me" He cleverly replied and then looked at me.

"Your birthday gift is pending" He said and standing up,went to his bag and pulled out a box.

"This trip itself was a gift Raana sa" I told when he sat coming near by.

"I didn't know what to gift you. It was a real tough task. Knowing that you aren't much fond of jewellery but you love earrings" He spoke as he opened the box and I.. Well found the earrings I love the most.

'"Chand baliyan" I smiled but as I looked at them, I found they weren't the normal earrings you were.

The three layers of the earrings had beautiful carving done on itself. It had.. Planets.

Sun, moon, stars, venus.. Every single planet with so much intricate designs and pearls.

"Wow" I whispered as I looked at them.

"How.. When did you do this" I asked very surprised

"Since 6 months." He replied and I looked at his a bit shocked.

"Since we married? " I asked again and he hummed

"Why does it have.. Galaxies" I questioned

"Because you're a universe within yourself sunshine" He replied and my stomach twisted in several knots.

"These are beautiful Rana sa. But.. They must've costed yoh fortune" I mumbled

"As I said Raani sa. What my wealth is of use, if I can't go out of box for my wife" He replied and I smiled kissing his cheek.

"This thankyou is something I can live on foot paths too" He said and I giggled shaking my head.

"I'll wear them on some good occasion" I replied and he smiled nodding.

And then I looked at him taking a deep breath.

I need to tell him. I need him to know.

"What happened" He asked and I took a deep breath.

"Joke something in middle of everything I say okay. I don't want a very serious conversation" I said

"We can postpone it to some other day Janki. I would not want you to shed a tear on your birthday at least" He spoke and I made him look at the time.

"12:08 . Birthday done right " I mumbled when he looked at me and took my hand in his holding it.

"Say I'm right here. To listen to every single word " He assured and may be that was enough for me to start speaking.

"I was in Jaipur for my Bachelor's degree. It was my intern year. The university was little outside the city and so was a factory. I don't even know what factory was it. I never noticed anything around me. You see I was so careless and carefree actually in those times that I didn't notice people around me. For whole 5 months, I was unaware that I was being stalked from that factory" I spoke as my voice was already getting shivery.

But I needed to let it out. Let it all out in front of him. He deserved to know!

He noticed my voice which was shivering and he held me in his arms wrapping his one hand around my shoulder.

"One day, September it was. After college, I came to my vehicle when I saw someone sitting on my scooty. I asked the man to get aside as I needed to go. He looked at me standing up and apologized.

" Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought it's of my brother who studies here" He spoke

"No sir. It's mine. And no worries" I replied

"You're in which year. Intern right" He said and I looked at him

"Oh no no. Just asking because my brother is in first" He added

"Am yes I'm in last year" I replied

"This.. Doctor n all must be so tough right. But I toh can't think of it" He said

"Sure it is. But depends on everyone's choice. Like your brother" I replied with a small smile

"God, your smile is beautiful" He said

"Excuse me" I snapped

"Oh no no. Don't take it in any wrong way. I'm just complimenting you" He said

"Thank you but avoid it" I replied and taking my scooty I went away from there.

Two days passed and again after two days, I found the same man on scooty.

"Oh, scooty girl" He said getting up from my scooty and I didn't say anything and just went away.

This happened for two weeks but then one day I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Why do you always sit on my scooty. And why do you always need to pick your brother. He's big enough to come by himself" I said and the man removed his shades and smirked

"Glad you noticed it. Where do you live Janki" He asked

"What the hell. How do you know my name" I asked

"Well. Delhi isn't far away though" He smirked

"Who are you" I asked glaring

"Someone, you've enchanted. Or else why do you think I would waste my time on girl waiting outside the college everyday" He said and I looked at him shocked

"Are you mad" I yelled

"You made me. The day I saw you first time. As I said, your smile is damn.. And your bare le.." He was about to say when I slapped him hard.

Till now, there were few people who stopped there.

"What happened ma'am. Is he troubling you" A man asked

"Be in your limits or else I'll file a complaint in police and you'll be in jail" I warned but it was as if he didn't even had any impact.

"As sharp as I expected. But this, you'll regret sweetheart. And you'll be mine. Because I've laid my eyes on you" he said

"Fuck Off Bastard" I spat and went away from there.

I looked at Raghav to find him staring don't know what with anger while I continued.

"Nothing happened for two days and I thought it just passed. But I was wrong. After two days, I used to get th..threat and di..dirty messages from unknown numbers. And after a week as I left for college, in the middle of no where, my scooty broke. Some people ca.. Came and ab.. Abducted me. I.. They took me som.. Somewhere. The same ma.. Man was there. I.. I was so frightened bu.. But as soon as I saw him my anger started boiling again too. He..was obsessed with me. He told how he.. He everyday watched me over from fac.. Factory. He..knew where I lived. He bought for me and when I denied..he..he stuffed it in my mo..mouth.He.. Wanted me to for.. Forcefully be.. Be his. He... Slapped me f..for slapping him th.. That day. He.. He tr.. Tried.. To to..touch me inappropriately, Mol.. Molesting me. I...." I tried to speak but my breath was getting heavier.

"Janki... "Raghav whispered and handed me water.

And I gulped it down in a go but held him more tighter to me.

"He.. Tried to for.. Force himself on me. He put me in to a room fu...full of darkness then. For th..three days. H..he st..starved me He..he wanted me g..get so weak that, th..that when he would've fo..forced himself on me, I wo..won't be able to fi..fight even a bi..bit. But I don't know how I got that courage and I attacked him with a rod near me. I.. Used to carry pepper spray with me that time, so I used.. That on the two people who kidnapped me. And.. I.. Ran away from there. I..didn't know where I was going. I didn't know much in Jaipur. That night I ran f..for my life. And I didn't have my phone too.It.. It was a home where I went and I saw a woman. I asked her for help and called bhai. In three hours bhai landed Jai.. Jaipur. He.. He wanted to file a case but.. But I was so.. Frightened. I.. If that day, I won't have hit him with that rod, I.. He would've.. " I tried to say as more tears left my eye and in no delay, I was hugged tightly.

And tears flowed through my eyes.

"Every day, even after days of the incident I got nightmares. Of me pleading him to leave me. Of hi.. Him saying me things I.. I can't even say. Hi.. Him trying to fo.. Force himself on me. I..was diagnosed with insomnia and dep.. Depression after this. I had to go to therepy sessions. I..darkness still haunts me. I... I can't be alone because it still haunts me. Big places where I have to be alone, I feel he'll come after me. I.. The nightmares are still sometimes there. " I sobbed as he rubbed my back.

"The few close people of family who knew. The.. They blamed me. The.. They blamed my mom and dad that they gave me more freedom then needed. They said that I shouldn't have worn clothes which might have att.. Attracted anyone. I.. I was made guilty in my own eyes. I...hated everything. I hated myself " I cried and he hugged me again.

"I had exams on my head. I had my career in front of me. I still feel so weak when I remember that. I'm still afraid of him. Afraid of that night. I would've... What if he would've..." I sobbed in his arms and he rubbed my back.

"Women judge the women most Raghav. She..she shouldn't have worn such clothes. She shouldn't have sit in that position. Sh..she shouldn't have done this kind of make up. She shouldn't have stayed o..out so long. She shouldn't have made ma..male friends. It's always she shouldn't!! WHY? What did a girl of months wear when she was raped or what did a woman in forties wear when she was raped! Mentality of a men, never blamed! What trauma does a girl undergoes when someone just touches her inappropriately, someone touches her without her consent, when someone forces them on her." I cried with anger

"Radhika was the only one who was able to hold me at the times I used to get panic attacks. I...had sessions after that. I had to go to therapist for coming out of trauma this gave me. But look at me, I still haven't come out of it fully. Look at me so fucking weak, crying and getting nightmares still" I snivelled as I sobbed loudly.

"Even after everything you survived. Survived this beautifully rather then giving up. If that doesn't mean being strong, then what does sunshine" He spoke for the first time all these while and I looked at him.

He wiped my tears and spoke again.

"I despise how people can get so low. I... Can't even imagine what you went through, but I promise sunshine, I would do anything, anything that can make you come out of it totally. I would shred that bastard into pieces" He raged when I denied

"First of all, I don't even know his name. Second, I don't want you do have any blood on your hands" I whispered

"If that blood was the reason you faces so much, that blood will be drained from that body. You've no idea sweetheart, that fighting that, coming out this so much stronger, and right now being here, you've indebted me forever just by your mere presence in my life" He said and I looked at him.

"You're too much Rana sa " I mumbled

"Only for you " He replied and I again hugged him as he wiped my tears.

"After this I got to know psychological sessions were so important for many people especially woman, teenage kids and girls. I wanted people to heal. And I did this course too. " I told and he looked at me.

"I'm here Janki. Always! You're never alone. I promise" He mumbled kissing my forehead

"I know" I replied and closed my eyes.

Don't even know when sleep came and overpowered me. But a lot inside me felt light.

The next morning as I woke up, I saw the other side of bed empty.

And I stood up looking for the same person whom I then found on a call near pool.

And honestly I was shocked a bit to look at him but he finally wore casuals.

The off white shirt which he let loose and out with Denims.

And I was so damn sure, he must be looking handsome.

"As soon as I come back, I need that on my table first. Every sing.. " He was speaking but stopped all of a sudden and looked behind.

And I was right! He looked damn handsome.

"Get it done with" He added and cut the call.

"Good morning " He wished and I raised a brow.

"Some work. Now hurry up. We're already a bit late and if you don't wanna miss seeing wild cats, get ready asap" He said

"Morning to you too Rana sa" I mocked and went inside and after bathing got ready in a short white dress, I went out

"I'm hungry" I announced but then saw the breakfast already on the dining table.

And well, him looking at me.

"You look beautiful Sunshine" He complimented

"You don't either look bad" I said and sat for breakfast.

"Raghav... " I called and he looked at me.

"I want to learn self protection" I told

"Reason?" He asked

"I want to. What if someday, I have to handle everything on my own" I asked back.

"That day won't come ever Sunshine. But yes, you need to learn some tactics of defence and attack" He said and I sighed

"So from when" I asked

"As soon as we get back" He replied

"I guess I need to learn to protect myself. Right " I asked

"I'm asking you to learn just self defence Sunshine. Me protecting you includes, getting killed or killing " He said and I looked at him shocked

"Okay. No killing and all. Please" I told and he sighed

" So, who'll teach me" I added

"Is that a question sunshine" He raised a brow.

"Oh yes right. Walter" I said

"What! No. Me" He stated

"You?" I asked chuckling when he pulled my hand suddenly and twisted it behind but as I hissed he left.

"You're like a petal Sunshine. I'm afraid to hurt you while teaching" He mumbled

"Make me tough then. And yes don't worry. You won't hurt me ever. " I assured and he sighed yet kissed my cheek.

"Let's see leopards" He said and I chuckled nodding.

And very soon we were in gypsy and on the way for leopard sightseeing.

"What if any leopard attacks" I asked the gaurd

"This hasn't happened till date Raani sa" He assured

"Doesn't mean can't happen anytime" I said as we proceeded

"Oh Rana sa, look I found your mirror image" I mocked as I saw a monkey again

"Right! And you hug monkeys. Not bad Raani sa" He fired back

"What can I do. Since childhood I've liked animals" I retorted when he smirked

"Glad to know that you like me Sunshine" He whispered in my ear then smirked where as I was sure hell red now.

"I.. It was just a joke" I stated

"Whatever makes you sleep peacefully" He smirked more

"Okay, if now you smirk, I'll punch you" I warned when he smirked more

"Raagghavv" I whined

"Last warning Sunshine. Don't call my name like that" He said and this time I noticed him glaring me.

"I will. I'm not afraid of you" I spoke

"No one is telling you to be afraid of me. But if you repeat it again, consequences will be followed" He declared

Before I could retort back to this too, I saw a leopard.

"Le.." I was about to scream when Raghav put his hand on my mouth while his one hand was on the back of my neck.

And I looked at him shocked.

"Sush. We would not want the animal to get alert and run away or else attack" He said and I nodded gulping down with the proximity of him holding me so close to himself.

For a second he looked at me and then left me with a smirk.

"And then say, I don't affect you" He smirked which I ignored because of course.. He was right!!

We looked at the leopard but very soon it just went away.

In the middle of the safari we found other animals and birds too. And it was amazing.

We even saw a Female leopard and her three cubs and honestly it was the best part of the day.

The lunch was done on the way like yesterday and after a long tiresome day, it was almost sunset when we reached the river Jawai.

The river after which the village got its name.

"Okay, so we'll climb that small hill. Can we get something to eat Walter? " I asked when he pulled out some brownies.

"You're the best" I grinned taking the box from him when I heard someone scowling.

And I looked to find His highness muttering somthing while picking out something from the small ice box we were carrying.

"What! You didn't give me brownies. Walter did. So he's the best " I complained as we climbed the hill and sat there.

"Yeah yeah sure. Yesterday Walter gave you the cake" He muttered

"You look like a chubby cheek kid when you're jealous" I grinned

"Excuse me. You can use other good adjectives" He offended sitting near me on the edge.

"The sky looks beautiful" I whispered and then looked at him.

"Is this the time I have to say yes it does" He asked and I laughed remembering the last time.

"No. You don't need to" I said

"The sky in reality is looking scenic. " He told and I smiled at his honesty.

The sunset from that hill looked etheral and it was so magnificent to see sky turning yellow and orange.

"Sunshine... " Rana sa mumbled when I looked at him and found a rose in his hand again.

And it was a dark pink colored this time.

"Gratitude and affection...because you found me worthy enough to share your past with me" He professed and I looked at him.

"I.. Might name you as my best friend then" I whispered

"I would like that very much" he replied and I looked at him taking the rose.

How did I get so lucky!

"Have you always been this soft Rana sa" I asked

"As I say.. Only for you sunshine" He replied and my heart took two folds within itself.

And I knew, This man Right here Is My Home!


Hey guys!

Well, to all the women out there. You're strong. Don't let anyone feel you any less ❤

And yes! Fight for wrong!

Coming to the chapter, Hope you liked the small Jawai Leopard Reserve Tour.

And this relationship of Raghav and Janki climbing steps. 🧿💜

Let's see what's next.

Vote, like, share, comment 👀

Until next..

Hugs ❤

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