My Universe!

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"Janki" I panicked as I scooped her in my arms and rushed to the near by room.

"Raghav.. What happened to her so suddenly" Mom too panicked

"Dad.. What happened to mom" Megha asked

"Stop it everyone. Someone give me damn water" I snapped and Nivedita handed me same.

"Janki... Wake up" I said tapping her cheeks and she blinked her eyes and slowly opened her eyes but as she did, she held my hand tightly.

"Everyone, out of the room" I commanded

"But Ra... " Mom was saying when I spoke

"Out of the room" I declared and in a second I was left alone with her.

Janki looked at me as her nails dug deep inside my palm unknowingly to herself.

"Sush. I'm here" I whispered as I made her sit and her breathing still uneven.

"Ra.. He..How.. " She tried to say when I rubbed her back handing her a glass of water.

"I'm here" I whispered again when tears left her eyes frantically.

"He's.. " She tried to say when I took her face in my palms.

"I know love. I know. Sush. " I tried to calm her down.

"No no no. Yo.. You aren't und.. Understanding Raghav. He'll... He'll.. " She sobbed and today I was realizing what trauma she actually has with that incident.

"Listen to me Sunshine. He won't be able to do anything. He won't. I'll kill him right this instant. He'll be a lifeless body not able to do anything" I determined and she looked at me as I wiped her tears.

"Hw.. How is he here" She asked and I looked at her.

And as if realization dawned on her.

"No" She whispered

"No no no. He.. He ca.. Can't be" She cried

"It doesn't matter. He'll be killed" I replied when she denied her head frantically.

"Okay calm down love. Please calm down. Look at me" I asked as she was too scared to even speak.

"Janki.. Look at me" I commanded in a bit loud voice and she looked at me.

"I'm here. I'll not let anything happen to you. I Promise" I assured and she moved closer to me and hid herself to my chest like a small kid afraid of anything hides them.

And it pained me to see her like this and was building such an anger inside me which had no end.

As I was about to speak there was a knock on the door and I was about to stand up when I felt Janki tugging to the hem of the kurta.

"I'm here. I'm just opening the door" I said and she nodded as I went and opened the door of the room to see Aarav & Radhika.

And followed by Yash.

"What happened" Aarav asked where as Radhika ran to Janki hugging her and then looked at both of us.

"Where's everyone" I asked Yash

"They're waiting for you both to come" He replied and I looked at Janki.

"I'm taking Janki to our chamber. Tell someone to send our dinner there" I told Yash and he nodded.

"And Yash, after dinner, in my chamber" I commanded and he nodded leaving.

"You both, follow" I told Aarav and Radhika who nodded and I looked at Janki who held Radhika's hand.

"Stop clenching your jaws Raghav" Aarav spoke but one look from me and he shut his mouth.

I went near Janki and scooping her into my arms left for King's Abode followed by both of them.

As I made Janki sit on the bed, I looked at both of them.

"Stay with her Radhika. You're not leaving her alone for a second. We're just outside" I said and she nodded

As I closed the door of the room, sure enough that whatever happens now, it's voice won't go inside the room, I looked at the wall beside me.

"Arreerghhhhhhhh" I screamed as I punched my fist there and Aarav looked shocked at me.

"Huk... " The security came running and I glared them and they without a word left.

"Arreeghhhhhhhhh" I screamed again punching my fist again breaking the glass nearby.

"Raghavvv... Stop it. " Aarav yelled pulling both my hands behind.


"Leave Me Aarav Raichand. I fucking want that fucker killed " I yelled pushing him.

"Fine! Fine! But would you tell what has happened. Stop behaving like a maniac first. The room is sound proof doesn't mean the shaking of these things won't be felt inside. Bhabhi sa is already shit scared" He said and I looked at him while he looked at me.

"Armaan Ranawat is the one who fucking tried to touch my wife" I raged and he looked at me.

"Ranawat. He's... Nivedita's brother" He said


"Hu... Hukum" A security spoke and I glared him

"Yuv...di..dinner" He stammered and I looked at Aarav.

"On dining table. And get this mess cleaned up right now" He added

"Now what will you answer bhabhi sa about this" He asked pointing the hand which was covered with blood and I gritted my teeth throwing the near by vase too.

"Raghav for Fuck's sake calm down. I know even I won't be able to stop you right now but for bhabhi sa's sake calm down" Aarav said and I looked at him.

And he took me to pool side and taking out a first aid, he washed my hand and did first aid.

"Fucking tell now everyone what you did" He muttered

"Fuck Off Aarav" I snapped and he sighed

"Raghav... " a voice came and I looked behind to find Janki with Radhika.

"What did you do. Please tell me you didn't hi.. " She was saying when I spoke

"I didn't" I replied and she looked at me coming near and held my hand.

"What did you do" She asked a bit angrily tears yet coming out of her eyes.

"I'm fine Janki" I said and she looked at me.

"Janki...Yes, You're very much fine Raghav" She mumbled and took the dressing from Aarav and sitting near did that.

"What did you break" She asked but before I could stop her , I saw a security.

"Yuvraaj is here" He informed

"Send him inside" I ordered and he nodded leaving.

After a while I looked at Yash who came and looked at my hand first and then at the food.

"We'll have dinner first Sunshine" I said and she was saying something when Aarav spoke.

"He's right. Please have dinner bhabhi sa" He told and she sighed yet nodded.

I went towards the dining area and filling a plate with some food, I went near her and made her eat some.

"You too" She mumbled and filling a spoonful of rice and daal made me eat.

The dinner was silent affair but then we went to our room and I looked at each one of them.

"Nivedita shouldn't get a word of it. Am I clear" I warned Yash and he hesitated yet nodded.

"I'm going to kill Armaan Ranawat" I stated and three people in the room looked shocked at me.

"Raghav.. " Janki was speaking when I stopped her.

"Bhai sa.. He's her brother. " Yash spoke

"And someone who molested my wife years back. " I said clenching and unclenching my fists.

He looked at me for a second and then at Janki.

"What's next" He asked and I looked at him.

"As I said, I will kill him" I said

"Raghav. Stop this" Janki screamed and I looked at her.

"What kill? What huh! Do you even know who he is? He's Nivedita bhabhi's brother. " She yelled

"He's a fucking bastard who tried to touch you. Because of whom you slipped into depression" I screamed and she looked at me.

"Even if God comes and say me to not kill him Janki, I Will" I determined and she looked at me.

"No. Please Raghav. Please. He.. He's a guest right. He'll go. Please don't" She said and for the first time, I was not ready to listen to her pleads.

"How can you think about this Janki? That man out there, the one my hands were itching to find is in front of me. Business can go and fuck itself. Relations can go and fu... " I was saying when Janki yelled.

"Raghav" She warned as she glared me.

"Nivedita bhabhi is family. You won't do anything that in any way will pain her" She warned

"Bhabhi sa, When Nivedita knows this truth, she'll herself kill that asshole" Yash said

"No one is going to tell her. That man is here for just two days. No messing around with families" She warned and I laughed.

I laughed like a maniac.

"Raghav.. " Aarav was speaking when I showed my hand to him.

"I'm talking to my Wife." I warned him and sat in front of Janki taking a chair.

"Sunshine, you've no idea right? " I asked

"Wh.. What" She spoke

"Nine months I kept my sanity at bay because of you. Some months back, I showed the most mercy I could to some people because you wanted that. But that didn't mean I was a saint or I am a saint. And you know, I'm no saint. And I don't give a fuck about anything else right now sunshine rather then chopping every limb, every finger of that Armaan Fucking Ranawat which will remind him of the pain he caused you. And no one can stop me. NO ONE" I warned and was standing up when she spoke.

"Mat kariye Rana sa please. Agar hamare karan Nivedita ke aankho mai aansu aaye to Ham mar jaayn.. ( don't do it Rana sa. If There are tears in Nivedita's eyes due to me, I'll die) " She cried when I looked at her and anger that I was holding got a step back and I pulled her near me hugging her.

Only she can stop me when I'm angry!

"Sush. Don't utter these words ever " I whispered and she cried.

"Please don't. For Nivedita. For her happiness " She pleaded and I looked at her.

"Bhabhi sa.. " It was Yash who spoke and I saw his eyes red too.

"Agar khushiyan izzat ki keemat par mil rahi ho to samajh lena chahiye ki khushiyan bahut mehengi hai (If hapiness is earned on the basis of respect, know that the happiness is very costly) " Yash spoke and I looked at him as he came near by and sat on his knees.

"Please Yash bhaiya. I trust you all. You all won't let anything happen to me. " She said holding his hands and he nodded as a tear left his eye.

"Stop crying Yash Singh Rathore. " I snapped and Janki looked at me sighing.

"Can you please inform everyone that I had low blood pressure hence I'm resting. I'll see them all in morning" Janki told Radhika to which she nodded.

"And either send Megha to me Or else make her sleep" She added

"I want that man out of my palace as soon as possible" I stated Yash to which he nodded and left.

"Aarav, assign Walter to keep a watch on Radhika's room. I don't trust that bastard at all" I commanded and he nodded taking Radhika with her.

After they left Janki looked at me.

Her eyes were wet and she looked at me.

"Itna gussa (So much anger) " She asked and I sighed when she opened her arms and I went there hugging her.

"Ham uski parchai bhi aapko chune nahi denge Janki (I won't even let his shadow touch you) " I determined and she nodded as I kissed her forehead.

"Janki.. " I spoke and she hummed still her face into my chest.

"You know how to use a gun?" I asked and she looked at me now a bit shocked.

"Sush. Anything about it? " I asked again when she denied.

I stood up and going to my walk in, I opened the drawer and pulled out my gun comig back with it.

"We're learning the basics" I said and she looked at me and then back at gun.

"This is a dangerous weapon Raghav." She mumbled

"Then be dangerous Sunshine. It's high time we give power to someone else to walk through us. Trust me something is going to happen. Shekhawat's and Ranawat's both at the same time at same place is too good to be a coincidence" I said and she looked at me.

"I.. Know self defence" She mumbled

"I hope, there won't be a need of that. But if I.... " I was saying when she put her finger on my lips.

"Sush. It isn't possible. I know you. I know you would protect me at any cost." She said and I sighed.

"You stopped me from killing that fucker. I don't want that to be a reason of anything else happening" I told and she looked down.

"Did I offend you Raghav" She asked when I held her chin by my finger.

"Never. I repeat, never look down. Even if you commit something which isn't in your control and anyone says you that you were wrong, Do Not Lower Your Head. Ye sar kabhi bhi kisi ke saamne nahi jhukna chahiye. Hamare bhi nahi( this hesd should never lower in front of anyone. Even not in front of me) " I stated and she looked at me.

"But I.. Offen.. " She was saying when I denied.

"You did what was right according to you. So if you think you were right in stopping me , it's your call. You're wife of Rana Raghav Singh Rathore, Maharaani of Mewar. Never lower your head in front of anyone and take a stand for yourself even if it's any fucking person in this world. I repeat, Take A Stand For Yourself Janki because if you don't. I surely will. And trust me it won't be nice" I stated kissing her forehead to which she looked at me and then nodded.

"Gun" She whispered and a small smirk came on my lips as I pulled her on my lap.

"Raghav.. " She gasped when I kissed her shoulder and she held her breath.

"Exhale" I whispered and she did that but then looked at me shocked.

"Shit" She mumbled and I raised a brow.

"You're commanding me. And I'm doing that" She snapped and a chuckle left my mouth.

"You think it's commanding? " I asked

"Or else what. You said exhale and I exhaled" She frowned

"My idiot wife.. " I was saying when she hit my shoulder sitting back again beside me.

"Aap idiot" She snapped

"Okay fine. Sunshine, this isn't anywhere near me commanding. And I've no intentions of commanding you ever. This is what we call making you realize that you're holding your breath so release it. " I said and she looked at me.

"Commanding" She again said and I moved my head knowing, it's now commanding.

"Gun" She demanded

And this is what we call commanding!!

And I fucking don't have any shame in listening and obliging to her commands.

Because after all, this person sitting beside me is my whole Fucking Universe !!


Hey guys.

Raghav was all set to kill the man!

But stopped!

The raging beast was stopped and only one had the power to do so.

But, till when he could be stopped?

How was this version of Raghav? 🙈

And just imagine if this is what he was stopped at? What might be the version of Raghav when he won't be stopped?

And Yash keeping his sister in law above everything is ❤

Let's see what happens!

Vote, like, share and comment!

Until next...

Hugs ❤

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