Tour turned Tornado

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As I was in the car some tears brimmed my eyes because I knew, everyone would leave for Delhi in evening.

And I'll be here now, away from them.

My trail of thoughts stopped when I saw a thumb under my eyes wiping my tears and I looked at him.

"Stop that" I stated a bit rudely wiping my own tears and edged myself a little more away looking out of the window.

"You won't need anyone's permission to go to your home Sunshine. You just would need to inform anyone of us at home that you're at your parents. Delhi isn't that far. By our chopper it's just an hour" He told

"Your chopper" I corrected

"Our chopper" He focused on the words and I didn't say anything just plugged in my air pods .

After an hour or some, I found damn weight on my shoulder just to look at Yuvraaj's head resting on my shoulder.

First, goosebumps rose.

Second, I had a devil idea to remove my shoulder.

Third, looking at his face, the second idea just vanished in a second .

Damn!! Whyyyyy!!

"Are you awake " I whispered but there was no reply.

And I sighed looking at his face.

"You're not bad but you could've just.. Why me! I still don't understand why out of everyone else why me! And I don't get this reply from you." I whispered feeling his breath near me and I was already feeling some monkeys dancing inside me.

"Just because I'm human I'm letting you sleep" I muttered

Yeah sure Janki!!

Just because you're human!!

And after some time I saw the car entering back side of the City Palace Complex.

And as the car came to halt, I saw a movement near me and he opened his eyes when now I removed my shoulder.

"Damn! You're heavy" I muttered and he looked at me.

His hairs a little messy and I instantly looked away because he looked cute.

"You could've woke me up Sunshine. Your shoulder must be paining by my weight" He concerned

"No need for this concern and I did it out of humanity. You didn't sleep last night too that's why I didn't want you to disturb" I stated

Yes that's the only reason. I'm human that's why!!

Yes sure Janki!! We agree!! Why are you repeating it.

Ugh! Shut up!!

"Otherwise I had plan to ruin your sleep" I added and he raised his brow.

" If you think that'll piss me off, try that too sunshine" He said getting out of the car and coming to my side was opening the door when I locked it from inside.

He looked at me from the car's window and raised his brow when I spoke.

"I'll open it by myself. I don't need you to do that for me everytime. I'm capable of doing everything on my own" I stated

He looked at me for some seconds with his hands in the pockets of his trousers and I knew he was adamant and hence I huffed when he smirked a bit opening a door.

And without waiting for him to accompany me, I entered the palace's door and went inside.

As I reached living room, I saw mom and Megha baisa and of course my love.

And as Mickey saw me, he came running towards me while I bent to pick it up.

"Awe, I Missed you too baby" I chuckled as he licked me.

As mom chuckled , I smiled going near her but Mickey being traitor just changed team seeing Yuvraaj , where as I bent down touching mom's feet.

"You don't need to do that everytime. Just give me a big hug" She said and I smiled hugging her but I don't know why tears left my eyes as I hugged her.

"Janki, what happened" She asked concerned

"Sunshine.. " His voice came but I didn't look at him.

"Missing parents" Mom asked as if reading me and I nodded.

"Aren't we your parents too" Dad asked as he came near and wiped my tears.

"Of course you're" I replied

"Then, stop crying come on" He said and I chuckled nodding.

May be the best gift this wedding gave me is this beautiful family.

"But they've to come again after a week right " Yash bhai asked

"Am yeah they will come back for a day" I told

"Megha baisa, ready for sessions" I asked when she sighed but nodded

"Go and change first Janki. It'll be tough for you to take sessions in Suits" Mom told and I smiled nodding.

"Mom, I'm leaving for office" Yuvraaj told and looking at me for a second and nodding at me he went.

Why did he nod at me!

I didn't even say bye then why!

Is he mad? May be yes!

May be he needs a Psychiatrist!!

After I went and changed into something comfortable, I came out and went to Megha's room.

"Hey Sanjana" I wished and she looked at me

"Yuvraani sa" She spoke

"You not going to call me that. I'm okay with even Dr. Sin.. I was saying when I realized again that I was a Rathore now.

" How's her sessions going" I asked

"They're good. She's more intrested in them Now" She answered and I nodded

And as I took her to the gardens, I started with her exercises and then therepy at the pool side.

After two hours, as I was done, we went inside and had our lunch.

"Nivedita bhabhi" I spoke as we were sitting in the living room.

"Hmm" She hummed

"I want to see City Palace" I told and she looked at me.

"I actually was waiting for you to say that" She chuckled and stood up

"Come" She said

"What now? " I asked

"Yes now! We'll take security with us since it's just 3 pm and tourists must be there" She told

"No! Well, people know that Yuvraaj is married but doesn't know with whom right! Can't take that risk of going with security" I spoke

"Point. Sadly we've to skip it" She said when I smirked

"Who said this" I asked

"What's in your brain" She asked giggling and I pulled her with me to my room.

"No ways Janki. If someone comes to know, we'll be in trouble. Especially Raghav bhai sa. " She panicked

"Nothing will happen. Come on. Please" I whined and she was saying something before which I again spoke.

"Pretty pleaseee" I pleaded and she sighed

"Fine! I'll change" She said and I grinned handing her one of the dresses

"Mom should know atleast okay" She added to which I nodded.

Soon, we just changed into dresses, put hats, shades and covered our mouth with masks.

"Good to go chief" I grinned and she chuckled

"Let's test it okay" I told and we went to living room where mom was sitting.

"Hello" I said with a little modulated voice and mom looked up from the magazine she was reading.

"Who are you? Who let yo... Janki" She spoke and I frowned as I removed my mask.

"What are you both doing" Mom asked confused and we told her the plan.

"No! I can't allow this. It's out of security protocols" She denied

"Mom please. We thought you won't deny that's why we came to you" I made a puppy face to which she sighed

"We'll be in trouble if Raghav gets to know" She said

"Who's even telling him. Not me" I smirked

"You must be here, both of you before the men comes back. " She said and I grinned hugging her.

"But are we that obvious in looking" I asked

"No! I guessed you by the wedding bangles" She told and I sighed

"Then fine. Bhabhi let's go. Thousands of newly married comes there" I said and stepped out.

We sneaked out trough the main doors and we entered the city palace.

"Wow! I'm coming to my favorite place after years" I told

"Well, welcome to your own palace now" She said and I chuckled

"Bhabhi, people know you. But no one's looking at us so I think, no one's recognized us" I said

"Yess. Come. I'll show you the palace being your guide. And well, tell you some places that's accessible to only our family. Though we can't go there since we're tourists right now. But for further information" She told and I nodded.

She showed me the whole palace telling me the history of the ancestors, the palace building up, the secret places and even the places which only were accessible to the family.

"See Janki, this we're right now at King's palace. And this is.. " She was saying when I spoke

"Old time Jacuzzi" I said looking at the small marble bath tub like thing and she chuckled

"This is Lakhu Kund. Look there in front" She said pointing the ceiling on top above the porch opposite to where we were standing.

"This is Rai Aangan. The coronation place" She told and I nodded

"The king sits there on his throne for coronation and this kund is filled with one lakh silver coins. In earlier times As the coronation happened, the King distributed the coins to needed ones and charity works. Now, these will go to our NGOs, foundations and temples" She told and I nodded.

We moved ahead to fourth floor finally.

"You know this roof top garden, it's badi mahal. The last fourth floor of city palace" She told

"How did they grow trees here. I mean growing trees on fourth floor " I asked curious

"When this place was being built, this whole place was rocks. And it was built in such a way that no one cut the tress. The construction was this way that they built fourth floor here and three floors below" She told

"Wow. Interesting. Why the pool is empty" I asked

"Safety purpose. Though on Holi the pool is filled with water and colors. Royal Family celebrate it here" She told and I nodded

"What time it is Janki" Bhabhi asked and I looked at my phone.

"5:10" I told

"Excuse me madam" A security came near us

"Palace timings are to be over in 20 minutes. Please proceed downstairs" He told and I nodded.

We both went out of the palace and I took bhabhi to the back side.

As we reached our palace, the security stopped us.

"This is a restricted area" He spoke and I was saying before which a voice came from behind the gates.

"Open the gates" A commanding voice came and I looked at Bhabhi who looked shocked at me.

"In, both of you" He spoke and bhabhi looked at me.

"In" She whispered and I nodded holding her hand.

I don't know why, I was afraid.

As we reached living room, I and bhabhi had already removed our hats , shades and masks.

And it was even dad and Yash bhaiya too.

I looked at mom who sighed.

"Next time, I don't want you anywhere without security. Am I clear" Yuvraaj stated and I was about to say something when bhabhi stopped me.

"Nivedita, you knew why we're so strict about security. She's new but you? " Bhaiya spoke

"Don't say her anything please. It was me, who forced her to accompany me" I said

"Janki, child you can do anything you want, but not this" Dad sighed

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and without a word, I left to the Mahal.

"You could've just ordered. I would've arranged a private tour for you at night. This was not done" He calmly spoke as he came.

"I did it. Now what? And it's not like someone knows me. For God's sake no one even knew that even bhabhi was with me. Why do you need to hype this so much" I snapped

"Because it is a necessity. What you did today, I might consider it for first and last time sunshine. Not after today" He stated and it made me more angry.

"I will Yuvraaj. I'm on my own. I amke my own rules. And you don't need to tell me what to do and what to not. And it's not like someone is kidnapping me from anywhere when they even don't know who the hell I am" I snapped again and this time his eyes were dark and dangerous.

He took two steps near me while I gulped stepping back yet glared him.

"Before laying a hand on you, one has to see my wrath sunshine." He stated

"Yeah, as if someone out there is waiting for this only that Oh! When will Janki leave the premises and we'll just shoot her" I said

"Stop it Janki" He yelled this time and I flinched at his voice.

I looked at him shocked to find him gritting him teeth and he turned away muttering something under his breath.

And I was...really shocked to see this.

"Bhaiya and bhabhi went without security. And that was the worst day of our lives. I don't wanna take slightest chance of loosing anyone of family now. I hope I'm clear regarding this. And I hope you're sensible enough to get this" He said calming himself down and wiped my tear.

What the hell!

Did I cry because he raised his voice on me!

Damn me! Why am I getting affected.

"Am I clear Sunshine" He added and I nodded my head turning to go to walk in when he grabbed my hand.

"Words Sunshine" He demanded

"Yes Yuvraaj. Now will you please excuse me" I stated and pulling my hand from his grip, I left.

I might have been wrong, but I got to know what makes him angry!

Wasn't that the plan to piss him off?

But the thing was, I don't know why but my heart was not ready to allow me to repeat something like this again.


Hey there.

Well, I'm obsessed with Udaipur and City palace🙈

But, finally Raghav was angry🥺

Let's see what happens next.

Guys, vote! It's the key for me to give my 200%

Until next...

Big Hugs ❤

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