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"You lose! Have fun with the shopping!" Hoseok handed Jimin a long grocery list and then ran upstairs, leaving him dumbfounded there.

Both of them were supposed to go together, but Jimin suggested to play rock-paper-scissors and the winner would stay at home.

Unfortunately, he turned out to be the loser.

"I'm so unlucky." He ruffled his hair as he headed towards the door.

But then, Yoonji suddenly showed up, blocking his way out.

"Jimin-ah," she gestured him to lean closer to whisper something in his ear.

"Can you buy me that thing women need every month? I want the nighttime one. Thanks."

She then vanished from his sight while he stood still there, speechless at the unexpected favor. He spent like one minute standing in front of the door questioning why he even suggested to play the game.

After accepting the fate that he had to go and shop alone, he finally stepped out from the house. He was sighing for the whole time on his way to the grocery store until a car honked behind him.

Jimin immediately turned his head to the car.

*Such a familiar car.* he thought.

"Yah, where are you going?" The window slowly came down, revealing Daniel's face.

Once he saw his face, he instantly searched for you. Just like what he expected, you were sitting right next to him.

"I'm heading to the grocery store to buy some things. What about you two?"

"Supermarket. Hop in, let's shop together." You said and unlocked the door for him.

Without hesitant, he hopped in and joined the two of you to the supermarket. Now he finally believed that everything did happen for a reason.


"Let's just use one cart. We can pay separately later." You suggested and Jimin became even more motivated to do the shopping.

Daniel was walking ahead of you and Jimin for the whole time and he felt like, he was accompanying newlyweds shopping.

The three of you began stuffing the cart and Jimin almost had his list done. They were easy to find. However, he had one more thing to get and it was a difficult one.

"Seren," he motioned you to lean in so you did.

"Actually, Yoonji had asked me to buy that thing." He whispered, emphasizing the word thing.

"What thing?"

"She said it's the one that women need every month. She wanted a nighttime one."

You got the hint right away and chuckled, "I'll pick it for her."


*What the heck were they whispering about?* Daniel secretly rolled his eyes looking at the two of you. It was as if he was invisible there.

He then suddenly remembered something and left to find it by himself. At that time, your cart almost bump to someone else's.


You then looked up to see the owner of that familiar voice. Couldn't believe you would actually bump to him in that kind of place.

"Jihoon! Shopping alone?" You asked before scanning his cart. He got a lot more stuffs than you.

He nodded, then stole a glance at Jimin who was standing beside you.

"Are you two on a date?"

*Seriously just leave us alone, dude.*

"Daniel is here too." You responded then finally noticed that Daniel wasn't around.

"Seren-ah, can you help me pick some good meats? I'm very bad at it." Jihoon pleaded, making it hard for you to decline. There was no reason to decline tho.

"Sure. Jimin, wait here. I'll be back." You tapped on the cart, signing him to take care of it before walking away with Jihoon.

Taking care of the cart was what he hated the most. But since it was your order this time, he was okay with it. To make him less bored and less lonely, he took his phone out and pretended to be busy.

A few minutes later, you finally returned.

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah, tired of waiting for you."

*--to realize that I love you so damn much and want you to stop spending your time with the other guys.*

"Sorry." You apologized and took over the cart. He walked next to it and put his hand on the edge so that he could control the movement of the cart with you.

"It's okay. I can always wait for you no matter how long it takes." He smiled, then suddenly tilted his head as he looked at you in the eyes.

"Do you know why?" He questioned and you shook your head as a response.

The atmosphere suddenly changed as his gaze held yours.

"Because you are worth waiting for."

Jimin was waiting for a response but he didn't see much reaction. Because of him, you were totally lost for words and you ended up staring at him with a gormless look on your face.

Not too long after that, Daniel showed up with a big pillow in his hands. That was the reason he went missing.

After paying, the three of you went straight to the car. It was so quiet on the journey back to home, but there were so many things going on in your mind. Jimin's words just kept repeating.

Because you are worth waiting for. Because you are worth waiting for. Because you are worth waiting for.

His words were stuck in your head and you kept on wondering if there was something special behind those words. Your mind was in a total mess until you didn't realize that you had arrived home.

After getting off the car, you went to take for the grocery bags but then Jimin moved faster than you. He took every bag that you tried to reach.

"My muscles are useless if I can't help you." He grinned and brought them into your house.

Again, you went speechless because of him.

He trailed Daniel from behind until they arrived in the kitchen. However, Jimin didn't expect for your father to be there as well.

He had a fierce look on without a reason which made his legs weakened. After putting the grocery bags on the table, he quickly bowed a full 90 degrees to him. The old man responded by simply nodding his head.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kang." He nervously greeted him.

"Good afternoon. Ah, what's your name again?"

"Park Jimin." He quickly answered.

Jimin was wondering what kind of talk were they going to have when your dad's phone rang out of the blue. He then excused himself to answer the phone call, leaving Jimin hanging.

Daniel quietly approached him and tapped his shoulder, "Scared of your future father-in-law?"


"Heh, nothing. Thank you for helping." He laughed then left to the upstairs.

"No problem. Thanks for the ride by the way."

Jimin was making his way out but then, he bumped to you.

"T-t-thank you, Jimin." You stuttered.

He shook his head and softly smiled to you, "Not a big deal."

You were thinking about him just now and when he suddenly appeared right in front of you, it made you hella nervous and your heart was beating like crazy.

"Bye." You awkwardly smiled to him then walked past him.

"Seren." Jimin suddenly called for your name, making your heart pounded even harder for a brief second.

"Yes?" You blinked your eyes as you turned to him.

"I have three weeks left here. So..." he paused, not sure whether to let the next sentence out or not.

In his frozen state he let out a shaky breath.

*Can I really do this?* he thought but then shook his head rapidly disallowing his second thought. He tried to be brave and decided to just go for it.

"Would you like to go out to dinner sometime?"

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