Part 08

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After 2 years.

2years passed. but she is still in coma. Dr.already said to them do mercy killing it's good for her. But they denied.In present situation all are sitting in living Room in SM

Da: 2years passed,but no change in Gauri's condition.

Te:Haa Mom,we try our best to save her but no use

Pi(sob)I don't think my child will come back to her life.Why god so crual to us shakthiji??

Sha:Pinky please calm down

Pi:How Shakthiji.I can't see our Princess like this.

Anj:Pinky,I can understand your feelings.Afterall I'm also a mother.

Sha(lost) In these 2 years we never slept peacefully.we lost our sleep.

Mee: Because of this situation we forget onething too.

All looked her Confusingly..

Mee:Rudy&Bhavya's marriege.

All nodded Except Juniors.

Ha: She is right. Already timeup. Let us think about that.

Ru:But bhabhi lied like this how can we?

Bh:Ha uncle we didn't bothered our wedding grand or not.According to me I want my 2 didi's in my side.

Ru:Me too and I don't want get married before my brother ..

Om:Rudy don't wait for my marriege. I don't know when will happend that..

Bh:We are ready for untill your marriege.

Om:But how long you can wait.

Ru: Until your marriege happends.

Anj:Om we have full faith. Soon ur marriege take place.

Om: Without my bride? 👰 Without Gauri?

All are Silent...After a while Shakthi speaks.

Sha:Beta we don't know she awake or not..So don't spoil your life.

Om:What you mean Pappa.

Pi:Om, Shakthiji is right please don't spoil your life because of our daughter.

All are look them Confusingly.Shakthi came to him and sat.

Sha:Guys I want to tell a important think to a you. (to tejvi) Tej he is not only your son but mine too.that's why we decided  this without informing your guys.

Te: Shakthi we know you didn't took any wrong decision for our kids. S you come to the point.

Jh:Haa Shakthi we are very tensed

Sha: (placed his hand on Om's shoulder) Om are you ready for your marriege?

Om(Confusingly) But Pappa,how gauri is in this condition,how is it possible?

Pi:We are not talking about your marriege with Gauri..


Sha: Your marriege with another girl.

Om(stood from there) Whattttttt???????

All are looked Shanky Shockingly.

Te: Shakthi what are you talking.

Ha:Ha, Shakthi what nosence is this?

Sha:It not nosence guyz., We are seriousl

Om:Pappa are out of your mind.

Pi:No Om,we take this decision for your sake.

Om:What for my sake? Do you think it's good for me.

Sha:Yea.Om. It's very good for your life.

Pi:Moreover we don't want to see you without because of our daughter.

Shi:But no need for that.

Ru:Haa Aunty I can't imagine another woman in my O's life except Gauri Bhabhi.

Jh:Ha, Shakthi.please don't do this.

Te:Ha we don't want this.We want anything except Gauri as my bahu.

Sha:But Tej what about Om's life.

Om(angrily) I don't want a life without her. Moreover she is my life .

All looked him proudly.

Pi:But,Do you have any faith that she will came back to..

Om(cutting her) Yes I have.She came back for me..

Sha:But Om when? Rudy says he don't want to marry before you. Because of you your brothers life too in risk now.

He sat there silently for a few seconds and took a long breath and went to somewhere in home. Came back with something in his hand and went to Gauri's room. Rest of them followed.

In Gauri's room

Om and others entered there.Om went to her and others stood there. He open his hands and saw a vermilion box in his hand which is he took in Pooja room of SM.

He took a pinch from that and put her partition.All looked each other shockingly.

Om(turn to them) Hogaya humari shaadhi. She is my wife now...

All looked him with teary eyes of happiness. TejVi felt proud for their son.

Te:We are very happy for call you as our son.

Shanky moved to him and fold there hands together in front of him.

Sha(teary) Thank you beta.

Om:Pappa what is this.?

Shanky Tejvi hug them happily.Others stood there with happy tears...But ....

But..... No one noticed a light movement in Gauri's hand...

******End of part 08******

Hope you guyz enjoyed......Do vote and comment.....

Love you All
Good Night 😴😴😴😴😴
Syamasree 💜

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