charter 2 - our mistake😥

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Kaite and Zoe are dancing in Katie room "kids dinner!"Linda said calling out her kids "coming"katie said and Katie looking of her phone but lucky she find her phone and leave the room then Katie got 2 empty bottles and bumping on aaron head like a

drum and aaron chuckling "stop"aaron said Katie stops drumming on aaron head "well someone's in a good mood"Linda said cooking food "hey to celebrate your last night Katie and Zoe face cupcake!"Linda said showing her cupcake and is mess up Katie and zoe yells chuckles "wow"katie and zoe said "anytime I miss you I'm gonna bake you and eat you"linda said Zoe and

Katie laughs and go back to they site "here catch a cupcake monch catch a cupcake oh"aaron said then throw a cupcake in a air and the cupcake lead on monchi side face monchi grunts and yelps trying to get the cupcake "you'll get it buddy"aaron said "ah man I'm gonna miss that little dude when I leave"Katie said pull her phone out "speaking of which pal check me in to my flight

tomorrow"Katie said to her phone "check in at 9:00 a.m."pal said "Katie Zoe you know how velociraptors usually hurt in pairs"aaron said then Katie and Zoe looks at aaron "well what happens when one leaves the pack and... and, um..."aaron trying to say more then Katie and zoe pulls a sad face "aw dude don't worry"Katie said to aaron "you'll make new friends"Zoe said to

aaron "and maybe you can meet another smart charming dinosaur-loving nerd"katie said to aaron and Zoe pick up a blue dinosaur "or lady nerd"Zoe said to aaron "what? No. Who... who would want?"aaron said chuckles nervously "that's crazy" aaron said then aaron gasps "I can't breathe"aaron said then Zoe and Katie laughs "do you really think I'll be okay without you

two?"aaron said with confused "we know you will "Katie said "raptor bash" they both snarl and chuckles "and hey I made something for you guys"katie said turning her chair around and turn on her laptop "oh hon that looks so cute"Linda said kaite mouse click on her laptop and it pull a add "ugh skip skip"katie said trying to click the skip button "ah come on you got

schmutz all over the screen"Linda said "I know but you just smearting it"katie said "im Mark bowman founder of CEO of pal labs"mark said from the add "oh new pal announcement you better update the editing software man"Katie said "we here at pal like to do the impossible"mark said in the add "from pal personal assistant to smart appliances to even teaching dogs how to

talk"mark said in the add and its shows of a dog wearing a pal labs hat "hello I am dog"dog said in pained voice in the add and monchi till his head to the side "and we here at pal about to drop our biggest invention yet"mark said in the add and it shows
of a new pal labs invention "your cell phone is about to take its first steps"mark said in the add then add end "whoa"katie said

"is this real or..."Linda said checking her phone "yeah hold on"aaron said then someone open the door and is rick "hey gang"rick said putting his jacket on the coat hanging "hey hun"Linda said "hi dad"katie aaron and zoe said "after a long day at
work nice to see your faces"rick said and Zoe aaron Linda and Katie are on they phones "bathed in ghoulish blue light"rick said

"wonderful okay you know? Brilliant idea. This is our last night together before Katie and Zoe leaves so let's savor. this how about we put our phones down, and we can make ten seconds. of unobstructed family eye contact"rick said "starting right--"Rick get cut off by Katie "this seems--"katie also gets cut off by rick "put your phone down now"rick said then everyone

puts they phone/ipads/laptops down and do eye contact "see this is good right here this is natural"rick said and aaron is straining "no you allowed to blind it's just eye contact"rick said to aaron "look at monch"rick said "that's the spirit right there, huh?"Rick said and see Zoe and Katie "Katie Zoe it seems like you're not taking this seriously"rick said to Katie and Zoe "what

makes you say that?"Katie and Zoe said in a exaggerated straining voice Linda chuckles and rick is spluttering "guys... everyone focus"rick said "now that we're all ready comfortable i can't wait for you to see my new movie"Katie said open her laptop "mm-hmm"rick said "I think it might be a masterpiece"katie "what? What's the face?"Katie said with confuses

"Uh, well I just wonder do you really think you can make a living with this stuff?"Rick said with confused "dad can you finish watching it at least?"kaite said "I will but I just worry that you gonna be all the way in california and you know we're not gonna be able to help you you know if things don't..."Rick thinking to say but Linda thumping rick chair "..pan out."Rick said

"Lin why are you kicking me? I don't understand"rick said to Linda "are you... *sighs* do you just think im gonna fail?"Katie said to Rick "un I never--"Uh uh... Lin, help"whoops looks like the cookies are ready who wants delicious cookies instead of talking about this?"oh it's just-- failure hurts kid"i want you to have a backup plan why do you always have to do this? Ugh"

"oka you know what?"-I... I'm just gonna--"no look I'll watch it"dad it's too late"i wanna watch it you're not letting me--"let me just--"why are you making a big deal of this?"dad let go!"

Then Katie and Rick let yo of Katie laptop and the half of laptop is broken "uh uh... I mean if you thick about it the people who made the computers are the ones to blame"rick said "psst uh-uh, uh-uh"Linda said to rick "that's how they make money you know you gotta keep buying more and they--katie come on"Rick said to Katie "Dad this is exactly why I'm excitedly to leave tomorrow"katie said

holding her laptop and goes to her room "Dad what the hell is wrong with you!?"Zoe said to Rick "Zoe don't start--"rick get cut off by Zoe "No Dad first you didn't like Katie videos then you trying to say her videos are shut and now she sad and you broke the only thing that Katie likes is to make videos"Zos said to Rick "Zoe please--"Linda get cut off by Zoe "mom i love you but don't start *sighs* I'm going to Katie and talk to her and dad i hate you"Zoe said to Rick

Zoe leave the kitchen and go to Katie room "Hey Katie"Zoe said to Katie "hi Zoe..."Katie said to Zoe "im sorry of what happened back there"Zoe said to Katie sitting next to her in her bed "my life is ruined my dad didn't like my video and he broke my laptop"Katie said to Zoe then Katie looks at the picture of Katie and Zoe on the ride when they are little "do you want me to sing and play my guitar of you?"Zoe said to Katie

Katie nodded Zoe gets her guitar and ready to play

(Ok wow Zoe going sing world smallest Violin by AJR)

(Zoe singing)
🎶my grandpa fought in world war II🎶

🎶he was such a noble dude🎶

🎶I can't even finish school🎶

🎶missed my mom and left too soon🎶

🎶his dad was a fireman🎶

🎶Who fought fire so violent🎶

🎶I think I bored my therapist🎶

🎶while playing him my violin🎶

🎶(oh my god) that's so insane🎶

🎶(oh my god) that's such a shame🎶

🎶next to them my shit don't feel so grand🎶

🎶but I can't help myself from feeling bad🎶

🎶I kinda feel like two things can be said🎶

(Zoe start to play with her guitar)

🎶the world smallest violin🎶

🎶really needs an audience🎶

🎶so if I do not find somebody soon(that's right that's right🎶)

🎶I'll blow up into smithereens🎶

🎶and spew my tiny symphony🎶

🎶just let me play my violin🎶

🎶for you you you you🎶

Zoe was done singing and playing her guitar and zoe see Katie is sleeping so zoe smuggles with Katie "good night Katie"Zoe said to Katie quietly and zoe sleeps with Katie
1521 words now it took me so long and Rae_Racc00n if you see this then just keep making story's don't let haters get you down just do story and I will always make you happy

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