Chapter Nine

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"Shina!!" Leon's voice rang through the darkened hallways of our school. Why did I have to go searching for him at the dance? He'd told me to wait for him, that he would come back. Why couldn't I just ignore the whispers of those stupid boys and girls that had wandered past me.

Why was I so careless? Why did I have to follow behind them when they left the gym and snuck into the school building? What made me think it would be a good idea to follow them here, to listen to them tell each other that there was nothing to be afraid of?

There was something in this building that was terrifying! Or rather someone! Why Leon, why did you kill them all?!

"Shina!! I will find you! Come out and save yourself the effort of trying to hide from me!" Oh god, Leon, what happened to you?

I could feel my heart racing even faster in my chest, my arms and legs trembling in fear. Why did I have to open that door and look inside? Why couldn't I just ignore the sounds coming from inside? Why did I have to stand there and watch him plunging the knife into that poor boy, over and over? Why did he have to chase me? Was he going to kill me now that I had seen what he did to those students? Why do to me, what was done to them? It's not fair! I was innocent!

"SHINA!!!" Leon's voice was getting louder, closer.

Oh god, please help me... I don't want to die like that, not like that! Not like they did! And not by the hand of the boy I loved!

I could hear footsteps down the hallway, angry sounding and getting louder, closer. Please help me...

"Oh Shina~... Come out, come out, where ever you are~..." I could swear I heard the love in his voice, but I couldn't be sure if it was love for me or love for the blood he would spill if he found me.

My hands trembled against my mouth as I tried to smother the whimpers that escaped me, tears rolling down my face like raindrops. Please don't find me, please....

I could feel my heart skipping beats as the footsteps came to a sudden stop on the other side of the door. My body shuddered in fear as the doorknob slowly turned. Oh god, no... Please stop, please go away!

"Poor sweet Shina~... Don't worry~... I've found you now, but I won't kill you~..." I closed my eyes tightly as Leon's singsong voice swirled around my head, almost seeming to echo in my ears.

"I just don't plan on ever letting you go, My SwEeT ShInA~!!!"

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