Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Eli! Eli, come here! NOW!" I almost screamed out the words as I stared in shock. I could hear him come running from the kitchen as soon as the words left my mouth, ignoring the sounds of a plate shattering on the floor.

"What happened? Are you alright, Love? Please tell me you are alright!" His panicked voice was heard as he ran into the entertainment room where I had been getting ready to watch Stardust with him just moments ago. I looked up at him, my eyes wide.

"I think I felt the baby move."


"There! Did you feel it that time?" I asked, Eli's hand resting on my slowly growing belly.

All week I had been trying to get him to feel the baby's movements and I was determined today it would happen. Not hearing any answer from him I looked up, wondering why he wasn't saying anything.

The tears rolling down his smiling face said everything.


"So, we agree on Matthew if it's a boy. But what about if we have a girl?" He tilted his head at me cutely as he asked the question.

"Don't worry, Eli. We have plenty of time to think about that still. I just feel glad we finally managed to decide on a boy's name that we could agree on!" I laughed happily, curled up against his side as we looked through yet another baby name book.

I felt his fingers gently trace over my belly as we turned the page, slowly reading down the long list of girls names and their meanings. Tracing my finger over the page, I turned my head towards Eli.

"What about Emily?"


"Do you think I look fat?" I stared up into Eli's face, searching his eyes for the answer.

"You do not look fat. You look beautiful, like my own special angel sent to earth for me to cherish. And cherish you I do. Every moment of my life I am in awe of you. Every beat of my heart is the sound of my love for you, every breath I take is released with words of thanks that you want to be with me, every thought that runs through my head is filled with questions of what I can do next to make you even just a bit happier or feel a little more loved." I felt my heart skip a beat at his words.

"Eli-" I was stopped from talking by his fingers pressed gently against my lips.

"If there is anything you ever want, anything you ever need, just tell me and I will make it yours. I love you, Shina. I will always love you. So tell me what will make you happy, what will show you how much you mean to me. Tell me your desires. Command me, my Love."

"Then stay with me, forever. Never leave me. Love me, Eli. That is my desire, my command. And it always will be."

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