Chapter Thirty-Nine

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She was so beautiful... So perfect.... How had I ever gone so long without her? I promise I will never let you out of my sight again, my beloved Shina, My Sweet Shina.

Nobody would ever take you away from me again. I slowly reached out towards her sleeping form, my fingers carefully resting on the swell of her belly. My eyes widened as I felt movement beneath my hand.

Especially now that we were going to be a family.


"ShInA~... My sweet Shina... You need to eat. Our baby is relying on you for food. Please eat, if not for me, then for the baby." I sat the tray of soup on the table nearby, grabbing the soup and slowly lifting the spoon to her lips.

It was a shame that I'd had to tie her wrists down, but I really couldn't chance her hurting herself. She'd been so broken when I'd rescued her. That Eli garbage had been corrupting my poor innocent Shina. It would take time to undo the damage he'd caused.

Luckily we had all the time in the world now, just the two... No... Just the three of us.


"I hate you." I would have flinched at her words if I had thought she really meant them. That garbage had damaged her far more than I'd realized at first, but I would heal her. I would shower her with so much love she would have to remember how much she loved me back.

I would remind her of everything we'd had together if it took the rest of our lives to do so. Leaning forward, I slowly brought my lips to her neck, biting softly down on the flesh before bathing it with my tongue.

Just how she'd always liked me to.


"My Shina, it's time for your bath." Carefully lifting her from the bed, I slowly carried her to the bathroom. It was so much easier now that she'd stopped fighting me so much, although it broke my heart when she cried. There was still so much more healing that needed to happen.

After undressing her and setting her gently into the bathtub, I began to wash her delicate skin, paying extra attention to her growing belly. Our precious baby was growing so fast.

Leaning forward I placed another of our special kisses on her neck, leaving behind a lovely red bruise to add to the growing number that marked her body.

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