🍫chapter 3🍫

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Rancid's POV:
"Anything new there, swizzle?" I asked.
"Nah just talking and him winking a lot, what a creep" He replied angrily.

As you can see Swizzman and I are spying on the two racers one's the devil while one's the angel. I grabbed the binoculars and looked through it, I saw Nilla just laughing while The pig head's probably just said a lame joke I hope Nilla isn't that much annoyed by him I pity her.

"Hey! Give back the goggles!" Swizzle argued.

Then a dogo maid went up to us with a 'mad' look as she crossed her arms angrily.

"Are you two gonna order anything than just water?!?" She whined angrily.
"Um uh...can we get an ice....uh....iced water?" I asked smiling nervously.
"Okay that's it, security!" The dogo maid yelled.
"No wait I'm gonna order the Jelly sweet cream!" Swizzle exclaims. "I- I was wanting to try it since I got here!" He adds.
"Oh okay how about you?" She asked still annoyed at me.
"Ugh a banana split cream with extra pokie stick please" I ordered annoyed.
"Good, I'm glad we're finally in the same page" She huffs writting down my order and dashing off to which I assume was the kitchen.

I sighed in annoyance and once again looked up from my binoculars and saw that the two were getting served.

Nilla's POV:
"I'll be back for the drinks sweet cheeks!" The maid neko said as she dashes off again.

I sighed and smiled at the pumpkin racer.

"It's funny how other people see us as a couple even if we're really friends" I said twirling the ends of my hair.
"But didn't I already told you that I love you?" Gloyd asked tilting his head.

I blushed and looked down trying to conceal my blush and wide smile from showing.

"Y-yeah but I still I haven't thought it through yet..." I told him still twirling my hair.
"When will you think it through?" He asked.

Everything stopped my eyes widen as I stopped playing my hair. When will I think it through? The thought of it kept coming back as I look down on my lap. When will I decide? This is too sudden...first I had found out that Vanellope is back on her throne then King Candy came back...we solved it but....I haven't solved mine....

"Ni- hey- you- Nilla... NILLA!"

I gasp as I came back to my sences.

"Are you okay?" Gloyd asked concern filled his voice.
I sighed putting on a forced smile. "Yeah... just got caught on the thought you said" I told him.
"Oh I'm sorry, let's just talk about something else..." He said looking away faint orange colored his cheeks.
"Yeah maybe we should" I agreed.

The neko maid then came back with her sickly sweet smile and our sweet drinks.

"Here you go sweet faces! Have a nice sweet day!" She tells as she dashes off to serve someone else.
"Let's dig in!" I beamed.

🍰time skip!🍰

After we were done eating we just headed back to our game walking through the game plug hallway. But I had this weird feeling that something no someone was following me from a distance...
Which kind of made me keep looking back to see who it was but when I do I just saw a poster of the famous meme knuckles asking if we know da wae.

"Um Gloyd do you think that poster over there is following us?" I asked a bit annoyed and yet kinda frighten.
"Yeah....let's just ignore it it's just probably some other stranded characters that can't do anything right...." He whispered back to me.

I nodded and we kept walking calmly like nothing was watching us.

Swizzle's POV:
I glared at the 'couple' as Rancid was trying to keep his laughter to himself, which I tried to help him hide it and also imposible cause when he laugh anyone could notice from his retarded seal laugh.

"I can't believe they haven't noticed us!" Rancid snickers.
"Well they will if you can't keep holding wait no stop laughing for a god damn minute butter brain!" I whiper yell angrily to him.

He nods and looks at them but this time with jelousy he looked down and glared daggers on the floor.

"Man if I were Gloyd right now I should have been the one who's she's holding hands with..." He sighed sadly.

I glance at him then back on the floor. He's not the only one wanting that to happen... I thought then let out a sigh. I looked back at the couple who we were spying at earlier but they were gone!

"Sweet Honey Ice Tea!" I exclaimed "we lost them" I gritted my teeth angrily.

Rancid's eyes widen and looked up seeing that they were really gone. He then started to panic.

"Oh no! What?! Where?! How?!? Ughhhhhh why in the Fudge Umbrella Cake Kiss did they go?!?" Rancid yells out angrily.
I looked at back him and pat his back "dude chill! We can just ask a few people around here" I told him.
"And those people will report it back to them??? A hell no!" Rancid declines.

I sighed frustrated rubbing my temples.

"Is there anything that can track them??" I asked myself.
"Well she did stepped on melted chocolate earlier"
"Huh?" I looked up seeing a neko maid girl all pink.
"I said she stepped on melted chocolate that left tracks there" she repeated pointing on the chocolate tracks.
"Wait who are you?" I asked.
"Oh well I'm just one of the maids from the game you two went in earlier, actually I kinda ship them but still I want some drama and see who's the real leading man is!" She whispered to me.
"Oh uh okay so I'm swizzle and the guy right there who is panicking is Rancid" I told her.
"I'm Heart sorry but I seriously gotta go there's plenty of costumers in the shop that needs to be taken care of so yeah Sweet bits!" She said before leaving.

I waved goodbye and walked up to tge panicked butter racer.

"Hey butter scotch I found some tracks we can follow" I told him kicking his sides a bit.

He instantly got up and smiled happily.

"You did?!? Wait this isn't a joke right?" He asked looking sad again.
"No! Now stop crying crybaby before the tracks gets clean" I told him.
He nodded "alright let's go!"

Hope she isn't lying to us.

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